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Presentation on theme: "ON-GOING BILATERAL TRAINING & TUTORING ACTIVITIES"— Presentation transcript:

Selma Kuş (RISKAUDIT) EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

2 Features of bilateral projects
Usually one beneficiary country / project partner. Terms of Reference discussed & agreed upon between the EC and the beneficiary country. Customised work programme. 2-3 years of duration. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

3 Methodology of bilateral projects
Cooperation Training Assistance Support Workshops OJT Guidance Review Meetings Seminars Advice Study visits EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

4 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Terminology Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one’s capability, capacity, productivity and performance. On-the-job training (OJT) is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation – observational learning. A tutor is an instructor who gives private lessons. A workshop is a brief intensive course, a seminar or a series of meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a (usually small) number of participants. A seminar is a form of academic instruction…. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate. Wikipedia EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

5 Some bilateral projects with training features
VN/RA/02 BE/RA/07 BE/RA/08 UK/TS/43 UK/TS/50 PH/RA/01 EG/RA/02 BR/RA/02 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

6 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Vietnam VN3.01/13 Enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety and its Technical Support Organisations T&T approach in Tasks 1-3: Identification of T&T opportunities in the current and future INSC T&T programmes. If not possible, providing specific T&T to VARANS staff. Facilitating the participation of VARANS staff in suitable external training activities. Task 4: Summary report on the evaluation of T&T activities of all technical tasks. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

7 Belarus - BY3.01/09 (BE/RA/07), Comp. A
Development of technical cooperation in nuclear safety in the field of assistance to Regulatory Authorities Task 2.4 “Capacity building to Belarusian experts” was to identify areas where Belarusian experts (GAN and its TSOs) need short-term capacity building necessary for SAR assessment. The task focused on: identification of gaps between the most essential competences needed for SAR review and existing capabilities available within GAN and its TSO. search and selection of existing trainings that could help to cover the gaps. organizing participation of the GAN/TSO staff to the selected trainings. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

8 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Belarus BE/RA/07 After evaluation of gaps and considering language challenges of GAN staff, it was decided to design tailored training courses on the following issues: Topics and scope should be adapted to the Belarusian context i.e. safety principals and VVER design basis, system analysis, safety assessment and accident analysis, as well as EP&R; Courses should involve a large participation from GAN/TSO staff; Courses should be provided in Russian. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

9 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Belarus BE/RA/07 Task 2.4 outputs (cont): RISKAUDIT contributions to the IAEA workshop on Regulatory Control for the Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, 1-12 December 2014, Minsk: Emergency preparedness and response principles (A. Kaliatka, LEI); Global Nuclear Safety Network (V. Ivenin, GRS); Management of regulatory safety review (A. Rodionov, IRSN). The training focused on the new staff of GAN (15 participants) and prioritized safety principals, regulatory framework, inspections, safety assessment and emergency response topics. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

10 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Belarus BE/RA/07 Task 2.4 outputs (cont): ENSTTI training on VVER accident analysis and emergency response, Module 2, 9-13 November 2015; Minsk region, Belarus, 14 participants. The training provided main elements of VVER accident analysis and safety justification: Regulatory requirements and design justification of safety and safety related Systems Structures and Components (SSCs) of Generation III reactors; Main steps of safety systems regulatory review applying deterministic approach; Definition and categorization of initiating events for accident analysis on design stage; Main tools, assumptions, limitations and results of accident analysis calculations. Links to the safety SSCs characteristics and classification; Justification, development and implementation of symptom-based Emergency Operating Instructions and Severe Accidents Management guides. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

11 Belarus - BY3.01/09 (BE/RA/07), Comp. B
Provision of training in the use of accident analysis codes and code transfer Objective: Creation of a group of trained experts able to apply and validate accident analysis, incl. the development of an input deck for the own NPP. Codes: ATHLET (thermal-hydraulic system code) COCOSYS (containment code system) ASTEC (accident source term evaluation code) DYN3D (3-D reactor core model for VVER) Participants: 2 TSO experts and 1 GAN expert in each code training. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

12 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Belarus – BY3.01/13 (BE/RA/08) Support and assistance to strengthen the capabilities of the Belarusian Nuclear Regulatory Authority MES/Gosatomnadzor in the field of licensing and supervision of construction of the Belarusian NPP Within the activities of On-Site Mission (OSM), a PSA Working Group was created (15 representatives from GAN, TSOs, NPP and universities). Main objective of the WG is to develop PSA competences and capabilities in Belarus. 2-years PSA training programme, including theoretical lectures and practical exercises was prepared by the OSM. In addition, OSM provided 5 licenses on PSA calculation code (4 training licenses and 1 commercial) that are used for training purposes. 16 monthly seminars on PSA methodology and practical applications were completed up to the end of May 2016. EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

13 Philippines PH3.01.09 (PH/RA/01)
Technical assistance for improving the legal framework for nuclear safety and strengthening the capabilities of the Regulatory Authority of the Philippines and its TSO (PNRI) Task 1: Technical assistance for the enhancement of the regulatory framework in the Philippines Sub-Task 1.1 Training on regulatory framework and regulatory guidance Training course / workshop on contents of regulatory framework held in Manila in August 2014, ~18 participants Training course for PNRI staff on EU system of standards on design safety of nuclear installations held in Manila, December 2014, ~14 participants Study visit (to three EU regulatory bodies) held in Finland, Belgium & Germany, December 2014, 4 participants EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

14 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Philippines PH/RA/01 Task 2: Enhancement of the regulatory processes for assessing nuclear safety and licensing of nuclear power plants in the Philippines Sub-Task 2.1 Development of QMS for internal processes, regulatory guides and procedures Training course for safety review and assessment held in 3 parts in Manila: Jan. 2015, ~ 18 participants ; Oct ~ 17 participants ; Part 3: to come One Study Visit to EU – to be held in France in July 2016 ; 4 participants Sub-Task 2.2 Development of inspection capabilities Workshop on inspection of nuclear installations – to be held in Manila in 2016 On the job training on inspection of nuclear installations – to be held in Czech Republic 30 May to 1 July 2016, 2 participants Sub-Task 2.3 Training and implementation examples on the use of regulatory procedures, methods and guides Training on regulatory review approaches in the EU EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

15 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Philippines PH/RA/01 Task 3: Strengthening the capabilities of the nuclear regulator in deterministic and probabilistic safety assessment Training course on methodologies and practices on regulatory review and assessment of deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) studies France 29 February to 11 March 2016, 5 participants On the job training for PNRI staff to be held in France & Italy in September 2016, 5 participants Task 4: Human resources development plan and training programme for the Regulatory Body’s (and its TSO’s) training personnel Two workshops on enhanced comprehensive human resources development plan and training program for the regulatory body First workshop held in Manila; 6-7 March, 2014, 10 participants EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

16 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Egypt - EG3.01/10 (EG/RA/02) Provision of assistance related to developing and strengthening the capabilities of the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) Task 2: Training and Support in Safety Assessment and Licensing Sub-Task Training activities Sub-Task Methodology of review of safety analysis reports (SAR) Three workshops related to review of selected topics of the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) using EU and international approaches WS1 held in Paris on 9-13 November 2015, 5 participants WS2 held in Cairo on 9-12 May 2016, 20 participants WS3 to be held in Cairo in July 2016 Sub-Task Methodology of evaluation of an environmental impact assessment report (EIAR) Three workshops related to review of selected topics of the environmental impact assessment report (EIAR) using EU and international approaches WS1 held in Cairo on May 2015, 25 participants WS2 to be held in Cairo in 2016 WS3 to be held in Cairo in 2016 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

17 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Egypt EG/RA/02 Sub-Task Training in Licensing Two workshops to improve the project partner’s competence in the licensing procedures and process WS1 held in Cairo on 4-7 May 2015, 14 participants WS2 held in Cairo on 9-10 February 2016, 18 participants Task 4: Training of ENRRA inspectors for NPPs and other nuclear facilities One workshop dealing with inspection of civil works during construction and inspection of equipment fabrication WS held in Helsinki, 30 November 2015 to 3 December 2015, 5 participants One on-the-job training with participation in two inspections of civil works and mechanical engineering OJT held in Helsinki, 9-12 May 2016, 6 participants EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

18 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Egypt EG/RA/02 Task 5: Strengthening ENRRA capability in the area of physical security One on-the-job training concerning design and evaluation of the physical protection systems (PPS) of a NPP The ENRRA expert will be acquainted with PPS under construction in Finland, off-site emergency preparedness in Germany and PPS in operation in Hungary. OJT held in Budapest on November, in Berlin on November, in Helsinki from 1 to 5 December, 2 participants EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

19 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Ukraine UK/TS/43 Support to the Ukrainian Regulatory Authorities: assessing the operating organization materials on severe accidents analysis and management Task 3: Training of Experts One session to provide training to experts regarding the theoretical basis for severe accident analysis and severe accident management as well as regulatory review of documents on severe accident analysis and severe accident management guide held in Kiev, October 2013, 10 participants One practical training course (joint assessment of severe accident phenomena) to for SNRIU/SSTC experts regarding verifying calculations and analysis of phenomena and strategies related to severe accident management held in Marseille (France), March 2015, 3 participants EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

20 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Ukraine – U3.01/12 (UK/TS/50) Support to the Ukrainian Regulatory Authorities: oversight and assessment of nuclear and radiation safety in terms of the licensee management system and human factor Task 7: Analysis of human factor as part of the root cause analysis of nuclear and radiation events Training course on human performance analysis (HPA) and human reliability analysis (HRA) To be held in France/Fontenay-aux-Roses, in April 2017 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

21 Support to the Nuclear Safety Regulator of Brazil
Brazil BR3.01/12 (BR/RA/02) Support to the Nuclear Safety Regulator of Brazil Task 1: Co-operation with CNEN in Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA) Training course on Regulatory PSA requirements and guidance held in Rio de Janeiro, November 2015, 5 participants Training course on PSA and PSA applications held in Helsinki, May 2016, 5 participants Training course on review of PSA to be held in Rio de Janeiro, October 2016 Training course on PSA guidelines (including computer codes) and PSA review to be held in Rio de Janeiro, October 2017 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

22 EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016
Brazil BR/RA/02 Task 2: Co-operation with CNEN in Deterministic Safety Assessment Workshop including training for method to select uncertain parameters held in Garching, 10 days in November 2015, 2 participants Task 5: Co-operation with CNEN in Severe Accident Management (SAM) Workshop including training on the application of MELCOR for EOP assessment based on first analyses done by CNEN held in Rio de Janeiro, 5 days in November 2015, 9 participants EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016

23 Thank you for your attention.
Contact: EC T&T Meeting - Brussels 15 June 2016


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