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ISeeYouCare, Inc’s Smart Health Card Data Mgmt

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1 ISeeYouCare, Inc’s Smart Health Card Data Mgmt
ISeeYouCare, Inc’s Smart Health Card Data Mgmt. System Chosen as One of the Top Twenty Innovations in the G2Xchange 2016 Federal Health IT Innovation Challenge                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment.

2 Introducing the Universal Smart Health Card Data Management System
                                                                                                                                The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
Architecture: ● Cloud based Virtual Lifetime Personal Health Records enterprise class system designed to be as inclusive as a certified EHR and with the capacity and functionality to serve as a National Health Information Exchange ● Component Architecture Consisting of the following: ● Patient-facing Web Based Personal Health Records System ♦ Native DICOM Viewer APP ♦ P2P HD Video Chat (Supporting eTelehealth) ♦ Native MyHealth Mobile APP ♦ Home eHealth APP (Chronic Disease Mgmt. System) ● Relational-database HL7 Interface Engine ● Client-Server Application ● 128k Smart Card                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

                                                                                                                                The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Due to the uniqueness of the following “innovation”, ISeeYouCare was able to claim and demonstrate its universal applicability to five (5) of the identified Categories to include: Domain Specific Policy; Back-end System Modernization; Digital Health (Patient-facing); Data Focus and App/system Privacy and Security. Domain Specific Policy – Fraud, Waste and Abuse prevention and/or identification; Claims Processing; Increase productivity of healthcare providers (Usage of My eMHR Virtual Lifetime Personal Health Records HIE as stand-alone and Smart Health Card Data Management System) Back-end Systems Modernization – Health Information exchange i.e. Interoperability (My eMHR Virtual Lifetime Personal Health Records HIE, Smart Health Card and My Health Mobile featuring Fetch My Records) Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

                                                                                                                                The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Digital Health (Patient-Facing Solutions) (My eMHR VLPHE HIE and My Health Mobile) Data Focus – Access to All Inclusive Patient Data Repository by Care Providers whereby Improved Clinical Decisions and Improved Patient Outcomes can be realized. (My eMHR Virtual Lifetime Personal Health Records HIE, Smart Health Card, My Health Mobile and Clinical Data Analytics/Reporting Engine) App/System Privacy and Security – All access to patient data is accompanied with a dynamically generated Medical Information Release in the form of a BAA, digitally signed and authorized by the patient. No patient data is ever transmitted; the user is brought to the data verses sending the data to the user. No data ever recedes on a device other than the Smart Health Card which is encrypted and includes the same security and authentication as the DoD CAC. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

7 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
What is the My eMHR Virtual Lifetime Personal Health Records Data Management System?                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Simply put, the platform is an EHR class personal records silo of data of the patient’s medical history. The platform has the ability of serving as an independent HIE (Health Information Exchange). This is made possible by its unique ability to transmit and more importantly retrieve and decompile a patient’s medical data from a distant and disparate EHR operating system for assembly of said data in an SQL database whereby the data is now made useful. (Capable of being queried, retrieved, analyzed etc.) The Platform is owned by the patient and collectively maintained by both the patient and any/all care providers or institutions providing medical services. The solution contains all seventeen (17) sections of a Continuity of Care NIST Document. The system includes a native DICOM viewer for use with unstructured data such as imaging files.  Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
Overview of the HIE Class My eMHR Personal Health Records Web Portal (1 of 4) HIE Capable (C-CDA, CCD, CDA, CCR, XML) PHR Includes the Following: Demographic Information Emergency Information Profile Photo (Biometrics Capable) History of Procedures and Date - CPT4 Reporting Capable History of Previous Illness and Conditions (60+ identified) – ICD9/10 Reporting Capable Surgical History – ICD-9/10, CPT4 Reporting Capable Activities/Social History – SNOMED Reportable Pregnancy Status Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

9 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
Overview of the HIE Class My eMHR Personal Health Records Web Portal (2of 4) Family History Allergies: Drug, Air Borne & Other – Rx & ICD10 Reporting Capable Patient Directives Medications Listing (Active & Inactive) Rx Norm Reportable Immunizations and Date - CPT4 Reporting Capable Master Problem List – ICD9/10 & SNOMED Reporting Capable Lab and Diagnostics Results - CPT & LOINC Reporting Capable History of Physician Notes History of Encounters – EM and CPT Reporting Home Health Management w/ Remote Monitoring & Intervention Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
Overview of the HIE Class My eMHR Personal Health Records Web Portal (3of 4) Longitudinal Care Plan (Actions & Instructions) Supporting Medical Files to include Imaging, Report Findings, Lab Results etc. (Solution include a Native Generic DICOM Viewer) Functional Capabilities: (Partial Listing) ■ Legacy Systems Interoperability (Bi-Directional using HL7 C-CDA) ■ HIPAA and 2014 Stage II MU Compliant ■ eTelehealth Capable (Patient to Physician and Physician to Patient) ■ My Video Chat HD Video Conferencing (P2P WebRtc) ■ Symptoms Checker Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Solution ■ Medical Resource Library to include Patient Education Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

11 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
Overview of the HIE Class My eMHR Personal Health Records Web Portal (4 of 4) Children Video-based Health/Education Games (Patient/User Engagement) Share Medical Records with Care Providers – 6 Secure Methods ● Smart Card – Patient to Physician Solution (See Note 1) ● HIE Dongle, USB-Based – Patient to Physician Solution (See Note 1) ● eTelehealth – Patient to Physician (See Note 2) ● eDoc-on-Call – Patient to Physician (See Note 3) ● Direct Connect Exchange – Patient to Physician (See Note 4) ● My Health Mobile – Apple and Android (Phones & Tablets) Note 1 - Solution based on the same authentication and encryption as used by the DOD CAC Smart Card Note 2 – Solution never “sends the actual data” The Physician is brought to the data with the ability to view and download Note 3 – Solution communicates to a Subscribing remote Physician EHR Web Portal in structured data format Note 4 – Solution uses Direct Messaging Encrypted Exchange with Authentication Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

12 What is the Smart Health Card System?
 The Smart Health Card System provides absolute authentication of ones “identity” - something they “have”, the card; something they “know”, their username and password and something “they are”, their patient photo. Secondly, the Smart Health Card has the ability of being used to retrieve/store/update a user’s longitudinal medical history using the My eMHR, for use by care providers anywhere/anytime. Additionally, the solution provides the means from which to present a patients longitudinal medical history including imaging (DICOM) to the care provider at the point of care. The solution works with a Client-side .Net Application used by all users of the system whereby authentication and security can be realized. The Smart Health Card solution includes a “back-end” feature using the client-side APP for use by Payers in performing analytics and Reconciling Billing Statements. It is important to note, while the overall system is cloud based, the Smart Health Card is capable of being used without “connectivity to the cloud” as all patient data is encrypted and compressed in structured format on the card.                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

13 What is the MyHealth Mobile APP?
The My Health Mobile is a mobile based (Android & IOS) mirror solution of the web-based My eMHR with access to all of the same structured data. Additionally, the APP includes a feature called Fetch My Records. This feature provides the means from which to fetch the medical records from any certified PHR (i.e. Epic “My Charts”, Cerner “Patient Portal” and others) using the patient/consumers Username and Password setup in their web based My eMHR. This “Fetch” automatically occurs every 30 days or can be initiated upon demand by patient/consumer. Upon retrieval of the patient’s data from any disparate health information system, the interface engine decompiles said data, reconciles all data with any exceptions brought to a user reconciliation screen for review and either Acceptance or Rejection. Lastly, the Mobile APP can also be used for eTelehealth Store/Forward consultations with any member of their healthcare team whereby a one-instance Physicians Web Portal Consultation is created for use in reviewing all patient data, reported symptoms and completing a medical encounter for return to the patient.                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
What’s the Value (Impact) to the Federal/Public Health IT Marketplace? (1 of 5)                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. “That’s really a multi-part answer in that it is represents many obvious value propositions affecting every major stakeholder to include the patient/consumer”. The Patient and the Care Provider – What would the benefit be if the care provider always had 100% of the patients medical history including imaging at the point of care for use in providing medical services? Being as “Information is Power”, the care provider would be placed in the ideal situation from which to make “informed decisions” affecting the care of services provided to the patient. Obviously, the patient would be the ultimate benefactor of better and more informed decisions making. All other stakeholders would also realize benefit in terms of more effective and productive medical services being provided. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

15 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
What’s the Value (Impact) to the Federal/Public Health IT Marketplace? (2 of 5)                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. The Insurer, CMS & others What would the impact be for the payer if every piece of data (Labs, Diagnostics, Imaging etc.) were always with the patient when they presented to another care provider, whether hospital or physician led practice. Elimination or Significant Reduction of Redundant and Unnecessary Testing, Procedures and resulting Cost of Medical Services. “The Congressional Budget Office, estimates that 5 percent of the nation’s gross domestic Product —$700 billion per year –goes to redundant diagnostic tests and procedures that do not actually improve health outcomes… Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) report Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
What’s the Value (Impact) to the Federal/Public Health IT Marketplace? (3 of 5)                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. The Insurer CMS (Continued) What would the impact be for the payer if there existed a solution that could eliminate “identify theft, fraud” associated with “paper-based” Medicare Cards and other like legacy systems being used throughout the healthcare IT system. Reduction or even elimination of the cost associated with same. (See Below) “The National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association (NHCAA) estimates conservatively that 3% of all health care spending - or $68 billion per year - is lost to health care fraud. (2010 Statistics)” Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

17 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
What’s the Value (Impact) to the Federal/Public Health IT Marketplace? (4 of 5)                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. The Insurer CMS (Continued) From an insurer’s standpoint, having real-time access to a beneficiaries medical services received data for use in reconciling subscribers medical service provider billings would provide the means from which to prevent fraudulent billings and subsequent healthcare cost. Additionally, having access to real time clinical data would be useful in connection with determining future cost associated with healthcare expenses and managing premiums. Imagine a system that could be queried down to any demographic population regarding laboratory data (CBC) and view Blood Glucose and H1C levels as they trend upwards toward a resulting diagnosis of Type II Diabetes? Think of the possibilities of acting on this “actionable intelligence” by way of intervention whereby the undesirable results could be altered? Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
What’s the Value (Impact) to the Federal/Public Health IT Marketplace? (5 of 5)                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. The DoD and Veterans Administration Both agencies could utilize this solution as a means from which to solve the long standing issue of “interoperability” involving the DoD, VA and the private healthcare industry. From the DoD’s standpoint, having a system that communicates with both the Cerner next generation EHR system and all other operating system would be impactful. (Best-of-Breed, COTS) The DOD has been trying to place a serviceman’s medical records on a CAC for some years according to General Gerald Caron USAF. (Retired) From the V.A.’s standpoint, having a system for use by our veterans who receive between 40% to 60% of their care outside of the VA system would be impactful for all stakeholders. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

19 What’s the Scalability for such a Innovation?
                                                                                                                                The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. This innovation and all other like solutions as developed by ISeeYouCare over the last eight years was engineered for scalability in terms of both technology and cost/sustainability. From a technology standpoint, the solution is presently deployed in the Microsoft Azure Cloud and being deployed in the AWS GOV/Cloud. With the use of VM’s and other such technologies, technical scalability is not an issue. From a Cost and Sustainability view point, based on large deployments >100,000 and using a subscription based model, the overall cost for the system as described to include Smart Card, licensing, hosting with unlimited storage, maintenance, deployment training and other is something in the order of $99.50 per user, per year. Note: The Client-side APP is Licensed Free of Charge to all Stakeholders Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

20 What’s the Conservative Projected Valuation?
                                                                                                                                The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. ISeeYouCare presented this innovation to the State of KY’s Health and Family Services Administration. The scope of the project involved the State providing a Smart Health Card to 1.2 million of the States population who were enrolled in the States Medicaid Program. The State conducted an accounting audit of past expenses and reported that the use of the Smart Health Card would save the State $370 per Medicaid beneficiary each year. The savings would be realized by the elimination of redundant diagnostic procedures associated with a beneficiary receiving care from multiple health systems whose systems either do not support sharing of data, or are simply unwilling to share patient data. Using the above number of $370/user which is considered very conservative, this innovation if deployed and managed by a “payer” will generate a >3.7 ROI each and every year. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

21 What’s the Assurance of Usability by the Industry?
The system has been developed with a “back-end” feature for use by Payers (CMS, VA, DHA, State Medicaid & Private Insurers). This “back-end” feature involves the ability to use the very data as generated and available in the cloud from which to conduct queries in support of medical service billings from subscribers (healthcare providers). Upon receipt of a subscriber invoice, the system can be used to verify medical services received against medical services claimed to have been provided. We liken this feature to the ability of having a credit cad receipt at the end of the month from which to reconcile your credit card statement. If the system returns data with the appropriate coding supporting subscribers invoice, the payer approves for payment. If, however, the system determines that no data supporting subscribers invoices can be found, the system generates a Letter of Denial for subsequent mailing to the subscriber. This makes for a simple and practical solution insuring compliance and integrity of the system!                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.
Thank You For Reviewing this PowerPoint Presentation Please be sure to review the accompanying eleven minute video demonstrating the utility of the solution by all stakeholders                                                                                                                                 The following business plan has been developed by the management of ICUcare LLC for the express purpose of providing an identifiable set of goals and objectives for use by the management of the company in implementing and measuring their effectiveness in achieving those objectives. It is expressly understood that the following information as contained herein is not intended to serve as a prospectus for investment. ISeeYouCare, Inc. 3701 Communications Way, Suite. 110 Evansville, IN 47715 Tele. (812) Ext 315 Web Site: Confidential and Proprietary Information of ISeeYouCare, Inc.

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