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AIM: How do Glaciers change the landscape? Do Now:

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1 AIM: How do Glaciers change the landscape? Do Now:
The material seen below was left behind by a retreating glacier. Describe the sediments seen in the picture. Tasman Glacial Moraine, New Zealand

2 Glaciers I. Types of Glaciers
Formed from the accumulation of ice and snow over thousands of years. Valley Glacier: Flow between mountains (in valleys) Very thick

3 Ice Sheets (continental ice):
- thin flat sheet of ice - expand in all directions covering the land

4 flow II. Glacial Movement
- Glacial movement is called Glaciers advance when they accumulate (gain) more ice or slide very slowly down hill (gravity) Glaciers retreat when pieces of ice fall off or melt.

5 III. Glacier Erosional Features
U-shaped valleys are carved in the landscape as glaciers move through the land The Finger Lakes in Western NY fill U-shaped valleys carved out by glaciers 2 MYA

6 Glaciers pick up rocks in process known as plucking.
Striations – plucked rocks trapped in glacial ice abrade against rocks on the surface to form these scratches.

7 IV. Glacier Depositional Features
Leave behind unsorted piles of sediment called till moraines are long ridges of till formed by the glacier. Terminal moraines are found at the end of the glacier.

8 Outwash plains are created by melt water coming from the glacier.
- melt water sorts the different sizes of sediments. (this is why the North shore of Long Island is rocky and the South shore is sandy).

9 kettle lakes are formed from melting ice that was buried.
Lake Ronkonkoma Glacial Erratics are large boulders left behind from melting glaciers. Central Park, NY

10 Glacier moved this way in the past
Drumlins are tear-drop shaped hills of till. - The narrow side of the hill points in the direction glacier was moving (advancing). Narrow side of hill Glacier moved this way in the past

11 V. Glaciers and Long Island
Glaciers advanced from the North (from Canada) to the South (30,000 and 20,000 years ago) As they moved they plucked and eroded rocks and soil creating piles of till and moraines. When they retreated, this material deposited to form Long Island.

12 Drumlins

13 Closure From the bottom do now bin, obtain a worksheet on Glaciers. With the person sitting next to you use the notes to answer the questions on the handout.

14 How do Glaciers Change the Landscape? - Worksheet
1. Ice Sheets Glacial Valley Thinner, flat expanse of ice Covers continents and can extend out into oceans Also called continental ice Creates “U-Shaped” trough Moves between two mountains (steep rock) Very thick

15 2. Both cause erosion to occur
2. Both cause erosion to occur. Plucking loosens and picks up rock from the surface of the Earth. Abrasion is caused when rocks trapped in the glacier grind against rocks on the surface of Earth. 3. It was created by a glacier because of the “U-shaped” valley that was created

16 4. Over the last 25,000 years glaciers have shaped the land in New York. Glaciers advance when they freeze more water than melts away. At two different times glacial advances plucked sediment out of the ground and moved it South. During glacial retreats, when more water melts than freezes, the sediment was left behind to form two moraines. These moraines later became the North and South shores of Long Island.

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