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Receipt & Return Alternate ELPA Test Materials
Critical Shipping Information Receipt & Return Alternate ELPA Test Materials The information in this slide deck may be augmented with special consideration appropriate for your district and school. Spring 2017 The information within this PowerPoint may be augmented with information specific to your school district policy and procedures. Assessment Operations May 4, 2017
Acronyms Assessment Support Systems Manuals and Guides User Role
OSPI: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction MI: Measurement Inc. AIR: American Institutes for Research TIDE: Test Information Distribution Engine TDS: Test Delivery System ORS: Online Reporting System DEI: Data Entry Interface WCAP Portal: Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal DEI: Data Entry Interface (Module and User Guide) TAM: Test Administration Manual ELPA21 DFA: Directions for Administration (Writing Supplement) GTSA: Guidelines on Tools, Supports, and Accommodations DC: District Test Coordinator DA: District Administrator SC: School Test Coordinator TA: Test Administrator This is a list of acronyms and the definitions that will be found during your review of information within this PowerPoint. Office Of Superintendent Of Public Instruction
Spring 2017 Alternate ELPA21 Assessment
ELPA21for ELs with significant cognitive challenges Spring 2017 Grade Content Requirement / Availability Testing Window K-12 Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Required for federal and state accountability for EL students who qualify for the State Transitional Bilingual Program. Online: April 12 – May 26 The state testing window for the ELPA21 administration for ELs with significant cognitive challenges, begins April 12 and ends May 26. Please keep in mind that testing students toward the end of the state mandated testing window, may limit a students ability to test, should a situation occur that delays testing. Important dates are updated frequently and are available within the Key Dates Excel Calendar on the WCAP Portal.
Alternate ELPA21 Assessment
Description Key Dates Test Booklet (paper-pencil) arrived in district April 10 ELPA21 Window 2 April 12–May 26 Additional paper test materials orders closes April 15 Scores reported in ORS (Window 1) * May 15 Scores reported in WAMS EOD (Window 1) * May 19 Hard copy reports (ISRs) delivered to districts (Window 1) * May 30-31 Scores reported in ORS (Window 2) * August 17 Scores reported in WAMS EOD (Window 2) * August 23 (Tentative) Hard copy reports (ISRs) delivered to districts (Window 2) * September 1-5 * Scores will be reported separately for students who test in Window 1 and Window 2
Test Material Receipt and Tracking
The alternate ELPA21 test materials arrived in district by April 10. Contents included in white District Box 1: Box List District Packing List District Security Checklist School Packing List Summary (clear plastic bag) Return Kit The District Packing List and the School Packing List(s) should be used to assist in tracking materials to and from schools. Follow your Test Security and Building Plan procedures for tracking and storage of secure test materials. Do not open shrink-wrapped packages that are not intended for immediate use. The white district box 1 includes a box list, district packing list, security checklist, school packing list summaries, and a return materials kit. This box may contain other administrative materials, including secure test materials, so it is important to refer to the packing list so that secure materials can be processed accordingly. The district packing list contains the test booklet serial numbers in ranges. This will help track booklets within schools. Follow your Test Security and Building Plan and monitor the chain of custody throughout testing. To help identify the test booklet to the testing student, MI created a Security Checklist Roster in an Excel format that is available for download through TIDE “Orders” tab, under the “Track Shipments” tab. Shrink wrapped packages of test booklets should not be opened unless needed for immediate use. Retain the shipping boxes that your materials arrived in for return shipment of materials.
Test Material Overview
Alternate ELPA21 Assessment Materials Secure Materials: Online Assessments: Grades K, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12 Paper Test Booklets—Standard Print Grades K, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12 Paper Writing Supplement: Grades K & 1 Audio Listening CDs Directions for Administration (DFA) for K- 1 writing supplement & large print Non-Secure Materials: Test Administration Manual (TAM)* Data Entry Interface User Guide* Technology Skills Checklist* Test Administration Time Chart* Scratch Paper Log* User Guides: TIDE, ORS* Guidelines on Tools, Supports, and Accommodations* Tool Button Sheet* * Materials with an asterisk are available on the WCAP portal ELPA21 User Card All materials identified under the “Secure Materials” label are available for order through the MI call center. To order additional materials, DCs will need to call the Measurement Incorporated (MI) Help Desk directly at Additional orders can be placed through May 15. It takes approximately 5-6 working days for delivery of materials from the time of order placement. Paper test booklets are available for students in grades K-12. Students in grades K and 1 must be administered the paper Writing Supplement. It is highly recommended to administer this directly after the online writing test. Test booklets, accommodated forms, Writing Supplements, Listening CDs, and DFAs are secure and must be processed accordingly.
Braille and Large Print Accommodated Test Kits
Apply: A Student Pre-ID Label Large Print and Braille Accommodated Kits A cover sheet Instructions Regular test booklet Large-print or Braille test booklet Directions for entering student responses for the speaking domain DFA To ensure that materials are coded correctly and able to be scored, please: Affix a pre-ID student label to the front of all test materials included in the accommodated kit. If needed, additional labels may be printed from TIDE. The demographic information on the cover does not need to be bubbled in. If you cannot print labels prior to testing, write the students name, SSID, and school name on the front cover of accommodated forms. Test Administrators (TAs) will enter student data from the paper/pencil and Braille versions of the test into the DEI system. It is required that all student responses will be entered into the DEI for all items on the test, except for writing constructed response items and the required Kindergarten and Grade 1 writing supplement. Test booklets are secure and will be returned to the vendor within 5 days after testing has completed. The student demographic information on the front cover of the ELPA21 test booklets do not need to be bubbled in, just affix a student pre-ID label in the box as shown in the graphic to the left. Test Administrators (TAs) will enter student data from the paper/pencil and Braille versions of the test into the DEI system. It is required that all student responses will be entered into the DEI for all items on the test, except for writing constructed response items. Test booklets are secure and will be returned to the vendor within 5 days after testing has completed. 7
What is Required to be Entered into TDS
OSPI’s goal is to maximize the use of the existing online TDS or the DEI. The online test in TDS is different from the paper-pencil standard test booklet and contains different items. Students testing online must view and respond to the items on the online test for all items except for the required Kindergarten and Grade 1 writing supplement, so that these responses to the online test are sent to scoring. The student will generate responses within the online Test Delivery System (TDS) platform (with or without some level of TA assistance) for all items except the required Kindergarten and Grade 1 writing component (issued as a separate test booklet) that will be returned to MI for scoring. If necessary, the TA will enter the student’s responses into the online TDS platform for students responding to questions using the online test format. Staff assisting with scribing or transcribing activities are required to be trained and familiar with the scribing and transcribing guidelines of the state’s GTSA. The TA User Guide and TDS-TA/Student TDS Interface Webinar are resources for entering responses into the TDS.
What is Required to be Entered into the DEI
The DEI is required for use for students responding to the paper-pencil form. When a student tests using the standard paper-pencil format, it is required that their responses be entered by the TA into the DEI for all items on the test except for writing constructed response items and the required Kindergarten and Grade 1 writing supplement. TAs are required to enter student responses from standard test booklets into the Large Print DEI portion. An example of the DEI title is ‘ELPA21 Grade K Listening Large Print Paper Student Response Entry.’ Students testing using Braille test booklets are required to have all of their responses entered into the Braille DEI. An example of the Braille DEI is ‘ELPA21 Grade 1 Listening Braille Paper Student Response Entry.’ The DEI Webinar and the DEI Overview User Guide are resources for entering responses into the DEI.
Entering Student Responses for the Speaking Domain
For the Speaking portion of the paper test, the TA must sign into the DEI for the Speaking section and the student will then record his/her responses using the microphone. The directions on how to do this is in the DFA for the Alternate assessment that was included in your shipment. The process for transcriptions, conducted by familiar listeners on the Speaking portion of the ELPA21 Speaking domain for students with significant cognitive challenges, will be as follows: Districts contact OSPI with the student’s SSIDs via the non-standard accommodation/designated support request. OSPI will provide the district with a template for transcription and AIR with the SSID for the student approved to have their speaking assessment pulled for scoring with a transcription. The student will assess while a familiar listener scribes the student’s responses. The student will speak into the speaking portion of the assessment and a familiar listener will. Scribe what a student says onto a separate document to accompany the speaking assessment to the scoring floor (so the student’s score is not impacted by their articulation issues). Districts will contact the WA Help Desk once a student has completed the speaking portion of the assessment (within 24 hours) to provide them with the Results ID and SSID of the student. AIR will verify the SSID is on the list of allowed cases, pull/hold the assessment until the transcription is received. Districts will mail the transcription to MI immediately. MI will combine the transcription and the speaking assessment for scoring. Student responses to writing constructed response items in standard paper-pencil booklets and the required Kindergarten and Grade 1 Writing Supplement (booklet) are returned to MI as scorable materials. All paper testing materials, whether they have been used or not, are secure and must be returned to MI. Booklet shipments will come with instructions on packaging and returning materials to the vendor.
Handling Defective/Damaged Booklets
After testing identify any damaged or biohazard materials School/District Test Coordinators will: Document test booklet security barcode on the roster. Provide TA with the new booklet. If transcribed, verify completeness of transcription. The new test booklet with transcription of student work is returned with scorable materials. Damaged booklets are returned with non-scorable materials. Biohazard materials do not get returned to MI. Damaged booklet For processing of damaged and biohazard ELPA21 materials School Test Coordinators will: Document the damaged or biohazard test booklet security bar code number on the roster and provide a new test booklet to the TA. Biohazard test booklets are transcribed, when possible, into a clean test booklet. For damaged or biohazard test booklets, complete a Test Material Variance form and fax information to the OSPI Assessment Operations office at (360) Reported biohazard booklets will not be returned to MI. Follow district policy outlined in the Test Security and Building Plan on secure handling and destruction of biohazard materials. Damaged booklets are returned to MI. Place a rubber band around any damaged booklets or slide them into a large clear plastic bag. Reported biohazard/ soiled booklets must be recorded on the Test Material Variance Form and must securely destroyed according to state and district policies.
Preparing Test Materials for Return
TA role in return process: Prior to excusing students who have completed testing, account for all materials and clear all calculator memories. Promptly return all tests and ancillary materials to the SC. SC role in the return process: Use the chain of custody process (for material receipt, storage, and return of school testing materials to DC) outlined in your building plan, to ensure all materials have been collected and accounted for at the end of testing. Verify placement of student pre-ID labels and process ancillary papers. Prior to excusing students from the testing session, TAs must: Collect and account for all test materials passed out to each student in support of the test session. TAs must promptly return all testing materials to the School Test Coordinator according to the Test Security and Building Plan. When receiving materials from each TA, School Test Coordinators: Must account that all materials checked out to the TA have been returned. It is important to immediately inventory materials as they are collected so that a missing booklet can be immediately noted and retrieved. The roster can be used in support of this collection. When processing materials, make sure that all ancillary papers used during the testing session are removed from the inside front cover of the test booklets. Ancillary papers will not be scored and may damage the scanners. Ancillary materials must be securely destroyed. Verify placement of Do Not Score and pre-ID student labels on the covers of test booklets. This is critical to ensure that MI processes booklets appropriately. To finalize materials processing, District Test Coordinators will: Verify that all secure test materials have been collected and accounted for prior to returning materials to the District Test Coordinator. When secure materials have been identified as missing, District Test Coordinators must immediately contact the State Test Coordinator, Kimberly DeRousie, by phone at All missing materials must be documented by completing the Test Materials Variance form and also notating on the District Security Report. ELPA21 test materials DO NOT have a prescheduled pickup date. District Test Coordinators will contact FedEx directly to schedule pickup within five days of completion of testing. Materials MUST BE returned no later than 5 days after testing has completed. DC role in the return process: Verify all materials have been accounted for, if any materials are missing, investigate then report using the Test Material Variance Form, a Testing Incident Report and note on your District Administration and Security Report. ELPA21 materials do not have a prescheduled pick-up date. District Test Coordinators must contact FedEx to arrange for pickup of test materials. Materials must be returned no later than five business days after testing is complete.
Sorting Test Materials for Return Shipment
Separate ancillary papers, scorable, and non-scorable materials. Organize scorable test booklets by grade. Pack all secure test materials securely in boxes. Affix a green scorable label to the top of all boxes containing scorable secure materials. Record the number of each scorable box and the total number of scorable boxes on the labels (1 of __, 2 of __, etc.). The following materials MUST BE returned to Measurement Inc.: All scorable and non-scorable ELPA21 test booklets Kindergarten and Grade 1 Writing Supplements DFAs Audio Listening CDs During this final test material processing stage it is important to account for materials to ensure that all materials have been returned. This includes all large print, braille, Writing Supplements, and Audio Listening CDs and DFAs. When sorting materials, verify that: All ancillary papers have been removed from the inside front cover of test booklets. Any ancillary materials with student identifying information, or student work, must be securely destroyed according to the school’s Test Security and Building Plan. Sort scorable and non-scorable test booklets into separate stacks. To process scorable test booklets you should: Sort scorable ELPA21 test booklets by grade. Make sure that each test booklet has a student pre-ID label applied to the front cover. If needed, print a label from TIDE and apply to the test booklet prior to returning to MI. Verify that all paper-pencil tests, including large print, and braille tests have been transcribed into the Data Entry Interface. All materials to be scored, must be returned under the green (scorable) labels. To process non-scorable test booklets you should: Pack all non-scorable materials securely into the return shipping box. There is no special sort required for non-secure materials. All materials identified as unused or that should not be scored, must be returned under the red (non- scorable) labels. This includes the large print and braille booklets, DFAs, and Audio Listening CDs. It is important to verify that a Do Not Score label is applied to ALL test booklets that are not in shrink wrapped packages. Refer to the next slide for appropriate placement of labels. Note: Ancillary materials must be removed from test booklets. Any ancillary materials with student identifying information or student work must be securely destroyed. 13
Return Shipping Kit Within your District Box 1, locate the return kit in the clear plastic bag. The contents in your return kit include: Return Material Instructions FedEx return shipping labels Green Scorable labels Red Non-scorable labels Within the Return Shipping Kit you will find additional instructions in support processing and return of materials. When reviewing these instructions please keep in mind that they are generic instructions to support all states under contract with AIR. If you are unsure of an instruction, please refer to this PowerPoint or reach out to the OSPI Assessment Operations team.
Do Not Score Label Placement
If you have exhausted your supply of DO NOT SCORE labels, promptly order additional labels. Non-scorable test booklets Place DO NOT SCORE labels over the student barcode label area for booklets being sent back in non-scorable red labeled boxes. Do not place DO NOT SCORE labels over the Student Signature and Date box. Correct Incorrect Additional DO NOT SCORE labels can be ordered through the MI Help Desk Measurement Incorporated: Tel or
Packaging Test Materials for Return Shipment
Separate and remove all ancillary papers and securely destroy. Separate scorable from non-scorable materials. Organize scorable test booklets by content and grade. Pack all scorable test/answer booklets securely in boxes they arrived in and affix a green scorable label to the tops of all scorable boxes. Record the number of each scorable box and the total number of scorable boxes on the labels (1 of __, 2 of __, etc.). To ease tracking in case of missing materials document the ranges of serial numbers in each box of return materials. Package all non-scorable testing materials securely in sturdy boxes and affix a red non- scorable label to the tops of all non-scorable boxes. The following materials are secure and must be returned to MI immediately after testing concludes: test/answer booklets accommodated forms DFAs Audio Listening CDs No materials should be retained for future administrations
Preparing Boxes for Return Materials
Be sure to return materials in the boxes that the test materials arrived in, if you need additional boxes be sure that they are of equal or greater strength. Copier paper boxes and boxes used for food transportation should not be used for return of test materials. Use cushioning materials, if needed, to keep materials secure. Use only Spring 2017 Return Shipping Labels. Spring 2017 Return Shipping Labels do not have a tab to tear off like the labels that were used in past administrations. Be sure to write down your tracking number (15-digit number, no parenthesis) from the bottom of the Return Shipping Label so that you can track your shipment in case of missing materials. Scorable test booklets, including test booklets with transcription, return under the green scorable labels. Non-scorable secure materials (unused test booklets, Audio Listening CDs, braille and large-print test booklets) return under red non-scorable labels. Use cushioning materials, if needed, to keep materials from shifting during shipment. Only Spring 2017 Return Shipping labels can be used for returning materials. Labels from past years or other administrations cannot be processed. The MI shipping boxes that your materials arrived in should be used for return shipment of materials, unless your district has boxes of equal or greater strength. Use one FedEx Ground label per box to return test materials to MI. MI Help Desk Tel
Return Shipping Procedures
Spring 2017 ELPA21 testing materials DO NOT have a prescheduled pickup date. FedEx Return Material Instructions: Remove or black out any old shipping labels Affix the FedEx ground return label Print the district name and address Retain the receipt tab, from the top of the return label, for your records. Contact FedEx to arrange for pickup of testing materials. To initiate a return, use one of the following methods: Use select “Ship,” then select “Schedule and Manage Pickups” from the drop down menu, then click “Schedule Ground Return Pickup.” Call FedEx Customer Service: ; explain that you need a “Package Returns Program” pickup. Provide materials to your regular FedEx Ground driver. To ensure that test material boxes are prepared for FedEx pickup, you will need to: Remove or black out any old shipping labels, including the original shipping barcode, when packaging materials for return. Sealed boxes securely with shipping tape. Use only the approved Return Shipping labels provided to you in order to guarantee that your boxes can be accurately tracked when you ship them to MI. Affix the FedEx ground return label directly on top of the original address label. Print the district name and address in the space provided on the return label. Keep a record of shipment/tracking information in case of missing materials. Important Reminders: Materials identified as missing or that have not been returned by the end of the testing window will be identified by MI and provided to the state through a security report. If materials are identified as missing in your district, you will be contacted by the State Test Coordinator. An investigation will need to be conducted and findings reported back to the state. Please share with your team that late return of materials impacts school and district results. In addition, the late return of materials brings into questions the security of test content and authenticity of student score results, which could result in the invalidation of student test scores. DC’s or DA’s may contact the MI Help Desk if there are any problems packaging or returning test materials. For additional shipping labels or information regarding early return of test materials, contact the MI Help Desk, or Materials must be returned five days after testing has completed. Returning materials late brings into question the security of the tests and validity of the student score results.
Non-Secure Materials The following materials should not be returned to MI: TAM: At completion of testing recycle Unused student Pre-ID Labels should be destroyed according to district policy to ensure the confidentiality of student information. Unused Return Shipping Labels MUST be recycled after all materials have been returned to the contractor. Do not use for future administrations. Tool Button Sheets, and scratch/graph paper should be destroyed according to district policy. Some testing materials are considered non-secure and should not be returned to MI. The ELPA21 TAM is non-secure and should be recycled at the end of the test administration. Unused student Pre-ID Labels should be destroyed according to district policy to ensure the confidentiality of student information. Follow your schools Test Security and Building Plan for destruction of confidential but non-secure materials such as pre-ID student labels. Unused Return Shipping Labels MUST be recycled after all materials have been returned to the contractor. Don not use fro future administrations.
ELPA Test Supports on the Portal
General Information User Guides and Manuals Modules Coordinator Information ELPA21 A/O Schedule Administration Manuals DEI- Data Entry Interface Applications and Systems DEI – Data Entry Interface Webinar ELPA Testing Times TAM – ELPA21 ELPA21 TDS/ORS ELPA Tool Button Sheet Translated Student Directions Coordinator Forms and Reports Non-Standard Accommodation Request Guidelines GTSA – Guidelines on Tools, Supports, and Accommodations Coordinator, Administrator, and Staff ELPA21 Test Administration Training Test Question Ambiguity Irregularity Reports Security Reports ELPA21 Webinar Series Testing Irregularity Log Training Log for State Assessments TA Testing Location Supports Scratch Paper Log Test Material ELPA21 Test Material Processing As training and support materials are created or updated they will post to the WCAP Portal. Communication for each posting is distributed through the WAW newsletter.
Customer Support Issue Before Calling Contact Support
Missing Materials Immediately send OSPI a Test Material Variance Form, and Test Incident Report, notate missing materials on District Administration and Security Report. Missing materials also need to be reported to MI. Fax completed forms to OSPI Operations MI Help Desk Additional Orders (A/O) DC check district overage to see if additional materials need to be ordered, place A/O in TIDE, if needed. Additional questions, contact the OSPI Operations office or Data, Pre-ID, TIDE Data Flow And Report Card Questions For Pre-ID and TIDE issues refer to the TIDE User Guide to troubleshoot locally. Additional questions contact the OSPI Assessment Analysts Accommodations For accommodations questions refer to the Guidelines on Tools, Supports and Accommodations to resolve locally. Additional questions, contact OSPI’s Select Assessment office at General Test Information For questions regarding assessment policy and test administration visit the WCAP portal and review your Washington Assessment Weekly WAW newsletters to resolve locally. Additional questions, contact the OSPI Operations office or District Test Coordinators (DCs) are the point of contact between the district and the state. DC’s will contact OSPI, when necessary. OSPI will refer all school staff questions back to the DC for support. This will ensure that you receive the most up to date information including school district procedures and policies.
Revision Log Updates to this slide deck after May 4, 2017 are noted below. Section Slide Description of Change Revision Date If updates are needed to be made to this slide deck, they will be outlined on this revision log and communicated in the WAW newsletter.
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