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General Assembly CIAT Chile 2012

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1 General Assembly CIAT Chile 2012
eControl General Assembly CIAT Chile 2012

2 Objective Present a case in the use and integration of information technologies (Internet) to improve the compliance controlling process: Electronic Management or “eControl”. eControl: The set of actions or compliance controlling procedures that run primarily through the intervention of eDGII and the information systems.


4 Why use the internet and Create a Virtual Office?
Objectives of Services: Extend Support and Information Services with an office available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without waiting attentively, from anywhere with Internet access inside and outside the country. Increase the "locations" at taxpayer’s disposal without creating new offices and hiring more staff. Allow self-assessment is a minimal control of the data that is to prevent employees of the Internal Revenue review the statements that were submitted prior to placing obstacles to taxpayers

5 Why use the internet and Create a Virtual Office?
Objectives Process Improvement: eControl Facilitate communication turning the Virtual Office in the most appropriate media of communication between DGII and taxpayers. Ensure quality and timeliness of data processing. Strengthen control mechanisms, in particular by facilitating the massive sending / receiving information on expenses and purchases that are deductions or credits of tax returns and income. Also any electronic information required by DGII. Reduce time to taxpayer information on noncompliance, errors, and penalties. Optimize the audit capability with the use and management of taxpayer information, besides allocating DGII resources for these purposes.

6 eDGII characteristics that
Suppot eControl Operations are performed against the database of production and batch processes are minimal, that helps ensure the data quality and its efficient and effective administration. (Online / real time) Sistem Integration.

7 Management of Data That Enter Through eDGII





12 eDGII Universe of Users
Approximately 60% of the taxpayers who present their tax in the DGII. 86% VAT Filling 69% Individual Income Tax Filling. 88% Corporate Income Tax Filling. 251,737 ACCESS PASSWORDS

13 eControl

14 MailBox use in eDGII The control phase through the Virtual Office starts with the creation of a mailbox that has a "message box" for general information purposes and a "notifications box" as a space equivalent to a fiscal virtual address. Fiscal virtual address: telematic space used by DGII and the taxpayer to receive and / or send electronic notifications for which the taxpayer has complied with all authentication mechanisms See Norm

15 Creation of mailbox eDGII

16 Creation of mailbox eDGII

17 eDGII Messages Process

18 eDGII Messages Process

19 Creation of mailbox eDGII





24 Continue to expand the universe using eDGII
Next Steps Continue to expand the universe using eDGII 95% VAT Filling Companies and Individuals Real State Tax Fillers Continue to incorporate procedures and actions to eControl More forms to notify through eDGII More Electronic Information More options from the taxpayer to DGII

25 Thanks for your attention

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