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Intro to International Relations

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1 Intro to International Relations

2 What do we cover? All major current events taking place in the world today Natural Resources Oil Water food War Iraq Afghanistan Egypt? Governments North Korea Iran Nuclear Weapons

3 Grade Composition Binder Classwork Participation Quizzes/ Assessments
Daily current event entries Warm-ups, notes, activities, SS Fair, Quizzes and Tests Classwork activities Participation Discussion/ PowerPoints Quizzes/ Assessments Books The Lone Survivor The World is Flat Documentaries/Movies SS Fair Paper Creative Display

4 Current Events today- Egypt
January 17, 2011 50 year-old man sets himself on fire to copycat suicide of a Tunisian in December. January 24, 2011 Opposition Leader Mohamed ElBaradei says Egypt should follow Tunisia's example January 25, 2011 Anti-government demonstrations begin in streets of Egypt January 27, 2011 White House warns Cairo to avoid violence EU calls on Egypt to respect the right to protest January 28, 2011 Internet goes down President Mubarak imposes dusk-to-dawn curfew January 29,2011 Mubarak promises resignation of government Omar Suleiman sworn in as vice president





9 Today Yemen’s “Day of Rage” Prime Minister apologizes
Protests against President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s offer to step down in 2013 Yemen is key ally to Washington against al Qaeda Yemen on brink of failure Threat of al Qaeda and Shi’ite rebels Instability presents serious political and security risks for Gulf states Prime Minister apologizes Last night army involved in violence against protesters 3 dead from barrage of automatic gunfire Tuesday night Mubarak refused to step down Wants to serve out remaining seven months of term

10 Affect on U.S. Economy Military U.S. role in Middle East
Oil prices Already topped $100 this week Shipping insurance Drives up price of oil and gas and other imports Suez Canal Choke point between Mediterranean and Middle East Military Most likely won’t interfere Coordination with Egyptian army U.S. role in Middle East U.S. relies on Egypt to cooperate on important issues Assisting American military logistical and supply operations in the Middle East Counterterrorism Arab-Israeli peace Policy in Iran? Iraq? Muslim Brotherhood a threat Supported by Iran Political fallout? Obama on the line

11 Video: Oil Apocalypse What will happen when oil runs out? Notes
You get a grade for taking notes on documentaries Remember ANYTHING is fair game for quizzes

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