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Review of 2018–2023 Strategic Budget Plan Development Process and

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1 Review of 2018–2023 Strategic Budget Plan Development Process and
2018 Budget Assumptions Financial Administration and Audit Committee April 11, 2017

2 Agenda Purpose of Strategic Budget Plan (SBP) Overview
Development Process Operating Elements Capital Elements Assumptions Issues and Challenges Next Steps

3 Purpose of the SBP Six year capital and operating plan Identifies anticipated revenues and expenditures Must be financially constrained (balanced budget) Provides overall guidance for RTD Base System service delivery, debt, and capital expenditures DRCOG six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) RTD Annual Budget Long-term Financial Plan Provides input for other planning efforts Fiscal Sustainability Workforce/Human Capital State of Good Repair Aligns with Board top strategic goals for 2018 Incorporates approved performance measures Sets target for development of fund balances

4 Goal is to combine SBP and APE in one long-range plan going forward
Overview of the SBP SBP includes only service and projects funded from the Base System 0.6% sales and use tax FasTracks expenses and projects are included in the FasTracks Annual Program Evaluation (APE) financial plan Cost allocation to FasTracks operations for existing corridors and services for annual budget Goal is to combine SBP and APE in one long-range plan going forward

5 2018 – 2023 SBP Development Process
SBP capital program used as baseline for current SBP Start with projects approved in 2017–2022 SBP Existing projects with costs in future years are rolled into the current cycle SBP Requests for new projects are brought into current cycle SBP Projects are prioritized and evaluated using mission statement criteria and 2018 strategic goals Revenue forecasts updated to incorporate most recent available information Ongoing operating cost forecasts updated to 2017 Budget, using current information and current cost trends

6 2018 – 2023 SBP Operating Elements
Bus Service Fixed route bus service levels Service hours in 2018 being developed, expected to be stable to 2017 Budget of approximately 3.0 million hours (RTD + private carrier) Future bus service improvements dependent on service efficiencies and financial capability ADA service to meet demand – per federal regulations 2017 Budget of approximately 121,000 hours Rail Service Service hours in 2018 being developed − Expected to be higher than 2017 Budget of 362,000 Light Rail to be higher due to full year of I-225 Rail Line Commuter Rail to be higher due to full year of Eagle lines Future train service capacity improvements dependent on ridership and financial capability Operating and Passenger Facilities Projects to maintain facilities in State of Good Repair

7 2018 – 2023 SBP Capital Elements Capital projects have a cost greater than $5,000 and useful life greater than one year Fleet Plan Bus replacements to meet service needs Replacements with clean diesel or other clean fuel buses when cost-effective Base system fleet plan to include replacement and expansion of 40-ft. transit buses, and replacement of ADA cut-away buses Rail fleet expansion to meet service needs I-225 Rail Line requirements, Minimum maintenance requirements and spare ratio Operating and Passenger Facilities and Equipment Projects to replace and improve assets and facilities Maintain SOGR

8 2018 – 2023 SBP Revenue Assumptions
Sales and use tax growth rate 2017: CU-Leeds School of Business currently forecasts 4.0% increase over 2016 : based on semi-annual forecasts from CU-Leeds School January 2017 actual sales/use tax is 3.0% over January 2016 Annual sales and use tax growth Baseline scenario assumptions Federal Reserve will steadily increase short-term rates through 2020, U.S. dollar will remain strong, deficit spending will increase, and oil prices will slowly rise Low (below baseline) growth is more pessimistic Wage increases are slower than in the baseline, resulting in lower consumption and heightened uncertainty among households and businesses due to new federal administration, exports are limited, unemployment around 5% for next few years, GDP growth slows to 2.1% in 2017 and 1.9% in 2018 Difference of $188 million between Baseline and Low forecast over

9 2018 – 2023 SBP Revenue Assumptions (cont’d)
Federal grants Based on actual 2017 appropriations Recognized as awarded Assumed to increase at rate of inflation or as identified Fare revenue Assume flat ridership and fare revenue in 2017 over 2016 actual for the Base System Fare revenue for 2018 will be established with formulation of 2018 Budget Per policy, Board will consider a fare rate increase every 3 years, next scheduled increase is for 2019 and then 2022

10 2018 – 2023 SBP Sales/Use Tax Forecast (Base System) Source: CU-Leeds School – Baseline Forecast

11 2018 – 2023 SBP Sales/Use Tax Forecast (Base System) Source: CU-Leeds School – Baseline vs. Low Forecast

12 2018 – 2023 SBP Cost Assumptions Operating and maintenance costs
Based on 2017 proposed Amended Budget Costs escalated at rate of inflation Diesel fuel costs Locked at $1.69 per gallon in 2017 Current futures estimate is $1.80 for 2018 extremely volatile commodity Conservative cost assumptions and escalated at national inflation rate Provide monthly updates Debt service Interest payments on existing debt and any assumed financing Inflation rates Based on Moody’s forecasts Denver-Boulder inflation rate: 2.8% in 2018 National inflation rate: 2.5% in 2018

13 Annual Program Evaluation (FT)
Comprehensive annual evaluation process for the FasTracks program Same time period as SBP Provides overall guidance for FasTracks build-out, service delivery, debt, and capital expenditures Provides input for other planning efforts RTD Annual Budget, Financial Plan Only service and projects funded from FasTracks sources 0.4% sales/use tax + fare revenue + grants Annual update of: Project capital and operating cost estimates to current baseline Revenue estimates to current forecasts Overall plan to current conditions Separate Board presentation on APE

14 2018 – 2023 SBP Issues and Challenges
Board Priorities for 2018 Fiscal Sustainability Workforce/Human Capital State of Good Repair Continue refunding of reserve balances Board-appropriated fund, capital replacement fund, operating reserve Maintain adequate unrestricted fund balance Targeted balance on combined basis Fuel prices/fuel volatility Increased O&M costs Competing projects/prioritization Funding constraints Cost allocation for FasTracks Operations CBA negotiations

15 2018 – 2023 SBP Next Steps Further review fuel options
Review and prioritize SBP departmental requests for capital and expense projects Mission statement criteria and 2018 strategic goals Develop funding strategies Calibrate ridership/fare revenue estimates Key dates (tentative): April 11 – SBP overview at FAAC meeting April 25 – Update SBP variables at Budget Study Session May 16 – First draft SBP at FAAC meeting June 20 – SBP update July 18 – Second draft SBP at FAAC meeting August 8 – Final SBP to FAAC for recommendation to Board August 22 - Presentation of 2018 Requested Budget October 17 – Update to 2018 Requested Budget November 28 – Adoption of 2018 Budget

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