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Prof. Dr. med. Vedat Schwenger

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1 Prof. Dr. med. Vedat Schwenger
CAPD in heart failure Prof. Dr. med. Vedat Schwenger Nephrologist – University of Heidelberg Nierenzentrum, Heidelberg, Germany

2 PD in CHF patients – is there a need for nephrological care?
V. Schwenger, Heidelberg 2012

3 Congestive Heart Failure
one of the most cost intensive chronic illnesses 30-60% of CHF patients suffer from renal failure renal failure patients = high risk patients renal failure is a strong predictor of mortality

4 Smith: JACC 2006

5 cardio-renal syndrome
risk factors: albuminuria hypertension dyslipidemia chron. Inflammation anemia calcium-phosphate malnutrition uremia etiology: genetics low-output syndrome maintained output, venous congestion renal hypoperfusion renal fibrosis renal embolism atherosclerosis SNS RAAS reno-cardial syndrome mod. Breidthardt T, Mebazza A, Mueller CE, 2009

6 Classifikation of the CRS
Parfrey: Nature Rev. Nephrol 2009


8 Renal failure in CHF patients additional „nephrological“ care
diagnosis and specific treatment refractory hypervolemia electrolyte disorders drug dosing sHPT – Vit. D metabolic acidosis

9 Refractory hypervolemia in CHF patients therapeutic options
Aquaresis Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis

10 UF: NYHA III: n=52 NYHA IV: n=45
Design: multizentric prospective randomised trial (diuretics vs. UF), n=200, 63±15 J., 138 ♂ Prim. EP: weigth loss, dyspnea Cohort: UF: NYHA III: n=52 NYHA IV: n=45 EF≤40%: 71% BNP1256±1203 pg/ml Diuretic: NYHA III: n=48 NYHA IV: n=45 EF≤40%: 70% BNP1309±1494 pg/ml Costanzo: JACC 2007


12 Unload Trial Costanzo: JACC 2007

13 Aquadex® easy to perform without evidence costs central venous line

14 cardiorenal syndrome - hemodialysis
3x/week volume control ! high incidence of pulmonary hypertension (~40% in patients with AV-fistula) after creation of AV-fistula: BNP ↑, cardiac output und Endothelin ↑ (?) NO ↓ PA-P and cardiac output decreased after RTX by mmHg and >1,5 L/min, resp. hemodynamics Ori: NDT 1996, Iwashima: AJKD 2002 Yigla: Chest 2003 Nakhoul: NDT 2005

15 dialysis modality – association to heart failure
incident patients USRDS 2007

16 dialysis related morbidity
USRDS 2009

17 PD in CHF – potential advantages
continuous modality no additional hemodynamic burden removal of ascites quality of life flexibility – self determination of life lower potassium values (-/+) better preservation of residual renal function (?)

18 500 – 1000 cc 5% glucose solution/hour
Continuous peritoneal irrigation in the treatment of intractable edema of cardiac origin Female patient, age 47 a, severe right and left congestive heart failure, No. 24 Mushroom catheter + sump drain, 500 – 1000 cc 5% glucose solution/hour Schneierson SJ: Am J Med Sci 218: 76-79, 1949

19 “incremental peritoneal dialysis”
n=12, 81 ± 6 J. HF prior PD (0-19) follow-up 26.5 Mo Nakayama: J Cardiol 2010

20 UF in patients with CRS n= 17; after 15 months n=12
hospitalisation 62 ± 16 d prior PD vs. 11 ± 5 d with PD QoL and survival improved (82% after 12 Mo) Size of bubbles: cost-utility total health care cost €/ quality adjusted life-year Sanchez: NDT 2010

21 PD in refratory CHF patients
75.1 J., 72% ♂, NYHA III-IV (LV 40 ± 14 %) hospitalization after 6 mo: 0 d (12 mo prior PD 16 d) Nunez: Eur J Heart Failure 2012

22 reduced hospitalization for CV causes
(not for all causes) NYHA class improved QoL tended to improve no difference between IHD (n=11) and PD (n=12) Cnossen: NDT 2012

23 incident ESRD patients (REIN registry 2002-2008) n=4401 (3468 HD)
1/3 CHF (1173 HD, 490 PD) RR mortality90: 1.48 Sens: KI 2011

24 registry „“
* * P<0.0001

25 registry „“
* * * P=0.0002 * P<0.0001

26 summary renal failure is one of the most important RF
frequently underdiagnosed integrated care indications have to be clearly defined evidence?

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