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Falalyeyeva T. 1, Virchenko O. , Mykhalchyshyn G. 2, Kobyliak N

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Presentation on theme: "Falalyeyeva T. 1, Virchenko O. , Mykhalchyshyn G. 2, Kobyliak N"— Presentation transcript:

Falalyeyeva T.1, Virchenko O., Mykhalchyshyn G.2, Kobyliak N.2, Bodnar P.2, Beregova T.1 1 - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. 2 - National Bohomolets Medical University. BACKGROUND RESULTS MATERIALS & METHODS World Health Organization has declared obesity a global epidemic Obesity causes the dysbiosis in digestive tract, which in turn complicates the disease state of organism Metabolic impairment in youth may cause more pronounced changes in adult. Therefore, the prevention of obesity in childhood is an urgent challenge of modern science. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of periodic administration in youth of alive multistrain probiotic Symbiter on obesity in rats induced by neonatal injection monosodium glutamate (MSG) Visceral obesity is the most severe factor of metabolic disorder – correction with Symbiter Animal grouping. The study was carried out on 60 white rats that were divided into 3 groups: intact, MSG- and MSG+Symbiter groups (10 male and 10 female rats in each group). Obesity induction. Newborn rats of MSG- and MSG+ Symbiter groups were administered with MSG (4 mg/g, 8 µl/g, subcutaneously) at 2nd-10th days of life. Obesity treatment. Since the age of 1 month, rats of MSG-group were treated with water (0.25 ml/100 g), rats of MSG+ Symbiter groups – with Symbiter (1.4×1010 CFU/kg) dissolved in water (0.25 ml/100 g). Introduction had been performed intermittently (two-week courses alternated with two-week breaks) for 3 months. Symbiter composition. Multiprobiotic contains concentrated biomass of 14 probiotic bacteria of genera Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Propionibacterium. Measured parameters. In 4-month rats anthropometrical parameters and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) mass were estimated, and adiponectin in serum and leptin in VAT were measured by ELISA. 1.5 billion of people are overweight 20% of Europeans 3. 40% of Ukrainians are overweight and at least 15% are obese and 30% of Americans suffer from obesity Fig.1. Body weight changes in rats from birth to 4-month age (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A – females, B – males. * - p<0.05 compared to intact rats, # - p<0.05 compared to MSG-group. Neonataly injected MSG induces obesity Treatment with multiprobiotic “Symbiter” reduces MSG-obesity Fig.2. Index Lee in4-month rats (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A –females, B – males. * - p<0.05 compared to intact rats, # - p<0.05 compared to MSG-group. Visceral adipose tissue mass in condition of MSG-obesity and probiotic treatment Fig.3. Visceral adipose tissue weight in 4-month rats (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A –females, B – males. * - p<0.05 compared to intact rats, # - p<0.05 compared to MSG-group. Food consumption in condition of MSG-obesity and probiotic treatment STUDY DESIGN Group I: control group Group II: MSG-group Group III: MSG+Symbiter group Obesity Fig.4. Dynamics of food intake changes in rats from 1-month to 4-month age (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A –females, B – males. Adypocytokines content in condition of MSG-obesity and probiotic treatment SUMMARY Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus Firmicutes Proteobacteria In summary, we studied effectiveness of short-term periodic consumption of multiprobiotic from childhood on metabolic profile in adult rats with MSG-induced model of obesity. Subcutaneous neonatal injection of MSG is able to induce obesity without hyperphagia, which diagnosed by high Lee index and characterized by small corporal weight and naso-anal length. Obesity in rats caused by alterations in hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and impairs leptin and insulin signaling in this region resulting in hyperleptinemia and hyperinsulinemia. Our study has indicated that daily oral administration of 2.5 ml/kg of alive multiprobiotic "Symbiter" containing concentrated biomass of 14 probiotic bacteria of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Propionibacterium genera to neonatal MSG-treated rats by 2-weeks courses led to significant reduce of total body and VAT weight, together with improvement in insulin sensitivity. Mazmanian, 2014 Fig.5. Adiponectin level in serum of 4-month rats (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A –females, B – males. * - p<0.05 compared to intact rats, # - p<0.05 compared to MSG-group. AKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors express their sincere thanks to Dr. Yankovsky Dmitro Stanislavovych for the help, advice and financial support in this work. Fig.6. Leptin level in adipose tissue of 4-month rats (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A –females, B – males. * - p<0.05 compared to intact rats, # - p<0.05 compared to MSG-group. OBJECTIVES Contact Information ESC “Institute of Biology”, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv acad. Glushkova Av., 2, 03022, Kyiv, Ukraine Fig.7. Leptin level in serum of 4-month rats (M±SD, n=10 in each group): A –females, B – males. *, ** - p<0.05, p<0.01 compared to intact rats.

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