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TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Communication in process of data collection and data.

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Presentation on theme: "TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Communication in process of data collection and data."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Communication in process of data collection and data verification Kristijan JELAKOVIC Belgrade, Serbia September 15, 2016

2 Training of data collectors
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 FADN web aplication Farm recruitment Training of data collectors Data collection Monitoring & evaluation Data verification FADN data base AGR62009

3 Training of data collectors
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION FADN web aplication Farm recruitment Training of data collectors Data collection Monitoring & evaluation Data verification FADN data base AGR62009

4 Training of data collectors
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA VERIFICATION FADN web aplication Farm recruitment Training of data collectors Data collection Monitoring & evaluation Data verification FADN data base AGR62009

TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 EUROPEAN COMMISSION EXTERNAL IT EXPERTS FADN web aplication Farm recruitment Training of data collectors Data collection Monitoring & evaluation Data verification FADN data base MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE DATA COLLECTORS LIAISON AGENCY FARMERS STATISTICAL OFFICE ACCOUNT OFFICE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AGR62009

6 Total budget for data collection
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION - definition Data Set (Farm Return) Data Source (Accountancy, Administration, Holding) Data Coverage (Population, Sample size) Data Collectors (Accountants, Advisors, Students) Data Tools (Paper form, Excel sheet, Application) Total budget for data collection AGR62009

7 DATA SET - Farm Return Table A General Information Table F Debts
Table K Animal products and services Table B Type of occupation Table G Value added tax (VAT) Table L Other gainful activities Table C Labour Table H Inputs Table M Subsidies Table D Assets Table I Crops Table E Quotas and other rights Table J Livestock production

8 FADN field of observation
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COVERAGE – determination of FADN sample size Farm population FADN field of observation FADN sample farms Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY STATISTICAL OFFICE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE NATIONAL FADN COMMITTEE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AGR62009

9 DATA COLLECTION – source of data
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION – source of data Farm Accounts (bookkeeping) Income tax system Small, medium and large companies Farmer Log-books Family farms not in taxation system Administrative records (farm register) External sources (banks, suppliers) Physical information mostly from farmers or administrative registers, financial information from accounts Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY DATA COLLECTOR FARMER ACCOUNTANCY OFFICE AGR62009

10 DATA COLLECTION – requirements for data collectors
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION – requirements for data collectors well informed about the principals and objective of FADN system familiar with the content of the survey trained how to use tools for data collection and data verification able to plan and organize working hours in time of data collection due to other duties good cooperation with the farmer and/or accountancy office Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY DATA COLLECTOR AGR62009

11 DATA COLLECTION – bottlenecks
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION – bottlenecks Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY DATA COLLECTOR (ADVISORY SERVICE) AGR62009

12 DATA COLLECTION – data collectors obligations
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION – data collectors obligations to know how to use different (IT) tools for data collection and data verification to retain existing and/or recruit new holdings to collect more than physical, structural, economical and financial data from farmers and/or accountancy offices to complete the individual data set to eliminate errors, make corrections or write explanations to verify and confirm data AGR62009

13 DATA COLLECTION - organization
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA COLLECTION - organization training of data collectors before beginning of data collection (selection plan and preparation for data collection) retention/recruitment of holdings (1st farm visit) data collection process (2nd and 3rd farm visit) providing remote assistance and manuals (Liaison Agency) data correction (4th farm visit) data explanation and data verification (back office) training of data collectors after the end of data collection (state of the art and lessons learned) AGR62009

14 DATA VERIFICATION Level of data entry After data collection
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA VERIFICATION Level of data entry different levels of errors and warnings warnings require explanations explanations are checked and approved After data collection odd data should be re-checked and explained RICA-1 surrounding system, critical, severe error, anomaly, warning AGR62009

TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA VERIFICATION – communication flow Level of data entry limits and cross-checks should be incorporated in application errors are corrected by data collector warnings require explanations by data collector/accountancy office explanations are checked and approved by administrator Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY DATA COLLECTOR/ ACCOUNTANCY OFFICE AGR62009

TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA VERIFICATION – communication flow After data collection additional visual and logical controls done by administrators yields and prices are calculated by administrators odd data are re-checked and additionally explained by data collector/accountancy office if necessary, farm visit is required Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY DATA COLLECTOR/ ACCOUNTANCY OFFICE AGR62009

17 DATA VERIFICATION – communication flow
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 DATA VERIFICATION – communication flow RICA-1 surrounding system errors are corrected by administrators severe and critical errors are corrected by data collectors and administrators warnings and anomalies are justified by data collectors farm visit when required Communication flow LIAISON AGENCY DATA COLLECTOR EUROPEAN COMMISSION AGR62009

18 Recommendations based on best practice
TAIEX Workshop: Improving data collection and the Use of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Belgrade, Serbia, September 15-16, 2016 Recommendations based on best practice Existing accounts can only be used where they are available Use of IT tools for data collection and data validation Carry out validation checks at multiple points Use data collection staff able to detect and eliminate elementary errors and incompatibilities Use electronic data entry on farm level Eliminate paper form of questionnaire Remote assistance and administrators are crucial AGR62009





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