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6th GRADE UNIT 1 BLOCK A SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in commercial transactions SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Comprehend and produce expressions about the purchasing.

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Presentation on theme: "6th GRADE UNIT 1 BLOCK A SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in commercial transactions SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Comprehend and produce expressions about the purchasing."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th GRADE UNIT 1 BLOCK A SOCIAL PRACTICE: Participate in commercial transactions SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Comprehend and produce expressions about the purchasing of basic need items.

2 To buy Expensive To cost Cheap To go window shopping Wortless / Priceless To afford Affordable To be worth Free To save Fair To withdraw money Second - hand To bargain Customer To spend money Sales person VOCABULARY

3 sell buy




7 SPINNER The Question Game Directions:
Use a paper clip and your pencil point to make a spinner. The first player spins and asks a question about the dialogue. Your question must begin with the word the spinner points to. Be sure you know the answer to your question. 3. Color in a happy face for each correct answer. SPINNER Who? What? Which features? Where? Why? How much?

8 SPEAKING WRITING GAME Role Play Directions:
Use a dice to choose a role play. (You can elicit different ideas from Ss) The first player throws the dice and according to the number s/he starts the dialogue using the clues on the table. The second player repeats the previous procedure. You can ask Ss to write their dialogues on their notebooks. Number Customer Product Price 1 A tourist in Mexico A souvenir 80 pesos 2 A young superhero A car euros 3 A rock band A drumset 450 dollars 4 A soccer player 30 balls 150 pesos each 5 An actress 6 dresses 450 pesos a pair 6 A student One computer 3500 pesos SPEAKING WRITING GAME


10 SPEAKING GAME Questions: 1 ) What is an ATM?
Snakes and Ladders Directions: Form teams of four. Give a sample template to each team,. Tell Ss to use a dice to move through the spaces. Hand out questions for Ss. You can also play it using the dice on the e-board and with the whole group. Questions: 1 ) What is an ATM? 2) Who uses wallets? / Who uses purses? 3) Which phrases do you use when buying something? 4) How much does (an item) cost? 5) Which is the American / Chinese / Mexican /European currency? 6) How many banks are there in your neighborhood? 7) What features do you take into account when buying an item? 8) What do you usually buy? 9) What would you do if the salesperson returns more change than what he was supposed to ? 10) Where can we buy (an item)? SPEAKING GAME

11 SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read stories and legends aloud.
6th GRADE UNIT 1 BLOCK B SOCIAL PRACTICE: Read stories and legends aloud. SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Interpret fantasy stories and exercise imagination.


13 STORY Malcom’s Sturday Morning by P. C. Goodwill
Malcom usually sleeps late on weekends, but today he got up early. “Good morning”, said Mother. “I am going shopping now. Father is in the study working on the computer. After breakfast, please wash your dishes and take out the garbage. I will return in time to go to that movie we talked about. Malcom said good-bye to Mother. then he went back into the kitchen. Surprise! His breakfast was on the table – an egg sandwich. What a nice surprise, but what a mess! “Hello”, someone said. Malcom had never seen him before. “Who are you?” Malcom asked. “My name is Red”, he said. “I made you a sandwich. Enjoy it!” “Thank you”, said Malcom. Then Red said, “Your mother is home! Run and hug her. Then come back”. When Malcom and Mother got back to the kitchen, Red was not there. But the kitchen was clean, clean. Motehr said, “This looks so good!. You worked hard.” “Oh no”, said Malcom. “It was fun!”












25 Malcom’s Saturday Morning

26 1

27 2

28 3

29 4

30 5

31 6

32 7

33 8

34 clean, clean, clean.


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