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Presentation on theme: "Chocolate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chocolate

2 As good as gold? Theobroma cacoa Wisdom Energy Aphrodisiacal powers
Food of the Gods Wisdom Energy Aphrodisiacal powers

3 Long Ago…. Used as a medicine since 1,500 BC Mayan & Olmec societies
Cocoa, chilli & cornmeal GI upset, fever, cough

4 Today $9.8 billion spent in US £3.8 billion/yr in UK 5.5kg/year
Women buy 2/3s Men don’t share £350 million/yr on easter eggs

5 What’s inside? Carbs/fats/proteins…. Potassium Magnesium Calcium
Sodium Vitamins A/B1/B2/D/E

6 And all of this…. Caffeine Theobromine Phenylethylamine Typtophans
Endorphins Phenols Catechins Anandamide

7 Falling in Love? Phenylethylamine (PEA) Stimulant
Similar to amphetamines But its short lived….

8 Getting high? Anandamide Mimics marijuana Acts at same receptors
2 other chemicals prolonging the sense of wellbeing

9 Playing with your mind? Caffeine Tryptophans (serotonin, dopamine)
Endorphins Theobromine (cousin of theophylline)

10 Looking after your heart
Phenols (fancy a cuppa?) Flavonoids Catechins

11 The magic in flavonoids
Polyphenols Antioxidant properties Anti-inflammatory Glucose control Promote vascular health Lowering BP - ?ACE like properties Improving blood flow (NO) Lowering cholesterol Reducing platelet aggregation

12 The Kuna, Panama

13 So what’s the evidence? Nature – Serafini et al JAMA – Taubert et al
Dark gave the highest antioxidant levels & catechin JAMA – Taubert et al 2w of chocolate therapy Average of 2/5mmHg reduction in BP

14 My advice…. Dark wins the day Europeans beat the US Moderation
Go for >70% And most importantly ENJOY….its good for you!

15 Happy Easter!

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