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OECD Thematic Review on Migrant Education

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1 OECD Thematic Review on Migrant Education

2 Country Responses: Overview
Number of countries: 9 Number of country background reports: 5 Number of responses to questionnaire A: 3 Type of additional information provided: Statistics Academic articles Policy documents

3 Link to policy initiatives (EDU/EDPC/MI(2008)10)‏

4 Student level Language
Austria: extra tuition for students with insufficient command of the national language. Sweden: Education Act provides newly arrived adult immigrants with language tuition Italy: language tuition of immigrant families

5 School/Community level
First encounter UK: New Arrivals Excellence Programme (NAEP) includes support to immigrant parents to familiarise themselves with the education system Teachers Denmark: reform of teaching education and dissemination project within schools to include knowledge and awareness of teaching immigrant students. Family and community involvement Ireland: Home School Community Scheme, which links immigrant parents and school via the help of liaison officers.

6 System level Funding strategies Early Childhood Education and Care
Hungary: additional subsidies for schools with high proportions of migrant pupils whose mother tongue is not Hungarian. Early Childhood Education and Care Netherlands: targeting migrant children ‘s participation in pre-primary and early primary education

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