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Session 21: WCF Chapter VI - Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof, Sections 3&4.

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1 Session 21: WCF Chapter VI - Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof, Sections 3&4


3 Call God’s edicts into question. Regard God’s edicts as restrictive.
The path to iniquity: Call God’s edicts into question. Regard God’s edicts as restrictive. Question God’s goodness. Question God’s love. Imagine the real satisfaction is in the sin. Give God’s Word no authority. Imagine the sin has no consequence. Conclude, “I want that.”

4 The result of iniquity:
A violation of the greatest and first commandment: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” (Deuteronomy 6:5, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27) The basis of all iniquity: “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.” (1 John 2:16)

5 Mapping 1 John 2:16 onto Genesis 3:6:
“desires of the flesh” – “the tree was good for food” “desires of the eyes” – the tree “was a delight to the eyes” “pride of life” – the tree was “desired to make one wise”

6 Genesis 1:27,28 Genesis 2:16,17 Acts 17:26 Romans 5:12, 15-19 1 Corinthians 15:21,22,45,49 Psalm 51:5 Genesis 5:3 Job 14:4 Job 15:14

7 CHAPTER VI - Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof
3. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed; and the same death in sin, and corrupted nature, conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation.

8 “Ordinary Generation”
The act of ordinary procreation cannot communicate either righteousness or sin. Remember “communicable” from Chapter II? God commanded Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply.” (Genesis 1:27,28) Corruption does not pass from person to person or parent to child. Rather, corruption is communicated to all who become people by procreation, which refers to all but three people of the human race.

9 Corruption vs. Guilt Corruption is a mental and/or biological condition. Guilt is a legal determination. Adam communicated corruption to us. We begin life in weakness and dishonor (1 Corinthians 15:21:49). God imputes Adam’s guilt to us at our conception. Babies are not born with a “blank slate” (Psalm 51:5,6). There is no age of legal innocence. “Original sin” does not refer to Adam’s sin, but rather the sin state into which each one of us is created.

10 The “Corporate” Aspect of Our Existence
The Bible does not regard the human race as so many isolated individuals, but an organic unit created in one man – the “root” of all mankind. (The Church is regarded the same way – corporately.) “Creationists” limit this corporate unity of the human race to the physical body. Conception creates a new human body, into which God then “injects” a new human soul. “Traducianists” believe this corporate unity encompasses both body and soul. Adam’s corruption infects both body and soul (Hebrews 7:10; Genesis 46:26).

11 The Principle of Representation
The Bible teaches that Adam initially represented the entire human race. He was humankind’s “federal head.” Therefore, Adam performed his first sin on behalf of the entire human race. His guilt was imputed to all mankind. Adam’s first sin terminated his representative office. Therefore, Adam’s subsequent sins were his alone. Because He is the “second Adam,” Jesus represents the entire Church. His righteousness is imputed to all believers. A.W. Pink – “Adam and Federal Headship”

12 Controversy of the Week!

13 Does this seem fair? Is this fair?

14 Representation is appealing when we consider the flip side: I Corinthians 15:21-22; Romans 5:19.
We are saved not because we are righteous like Christ, but because we are righteous in Christ. He is our representative head. In a like manner, we are condemned not because we sinned like Adam, but because we sinned in Adam. He was our representative head.

15 “There are two men – Adam and Jesus Christ – and these two men have all other men hanging on their girdle strings.” Thomas Goodwin, 17th-Century Theologian, Preacher

16 Romans 5:6 Romans 8:7 Romans 7:18 Colossians 1:21 Genesis 6:5

17 Genesis 8:21 Romans 3:10-12 James 1:14,15 Ephesians 2:2,3 Matthew 15:19

18 CHAPTER VI - Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment thereof
4. From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions.

19 Original Sin vs. Actual Sin
We were all conceived in original sin, which establishes our guilt. However, we also actually sin during our lives. Original sin differs from actual sin. The former is a state of corruption: “total depravity;” the latter is a life of transgressions. However, the latter arises from the former. Original sin renders us “without strength.” Actual sin causes us to wage constant war against God. Don’t think we’re better than those in Sodom and Gomorrah; God is delivering on His promise not to destroy the world again until the judgment day.

20 “I find it amazing that moderns reject the notion of the doctrine of original sin when it's the only Christian doctrine that can be empirically verified.” G.K. Chesterton, English Author and Lay Theologian

21 Before a person can recognize his need of Christ’s saving work, he must first recognize his condition outside of Christ.

22 Personal Personal Focus Focus

23 How would you convey the concept of original sin to a nonbeliever or a new believer?

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