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Neolithic Revolution Ch-Ch-Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Neolithic Revolution Ch-Ch-Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neolithic Revolution Ch-Ch-Change

2 Before Neolithic Revolution
People were hunter-gatherers… Nomadic… Lived in small groups, usually family units… Used simple tools made of stone, wood & bone… Owned few possessions…

3 THEN… Over the course of time (no specific date but between 10,000 – 3,000 BCE)… In specific regions… In different parts of the world… A CHANGE began to take place as people…

4 After Neolithic Revolution
Farming began and people stopped being nomadic. Because they spent less time & energy moving and searching for food, changes came about…

5 Permanent homes were built (usually near H2O source)
Food supplies became more reliable & increased which led to… A population explosion (more babies, longer lifespan) Domestication of plants & animals which led to… Complex irrigation systems to keep bring animals & crops H2O Specialization of workers expanded More possessions, greater quality & variety Villages – then towns – then cities! Complex governments to run the new villages, towns & cities Militaries to protect the new villages, towns & cities Other new technologies developed (tools, weapons, etc.) Culture (music, art, clothing, language, etc.) developed rapidly including…. Writing is invented.

6 Because the most important aspect of the Neolithic Revolution was farming, this turning point in human history is aka the Agricultural Revolution.


8 Domestication of Animals

9 Activity Write a paragraph describing the importance of the Neolithic Revolution. Be sure to include many, if not all, of the facts mentioned in the previous slides…


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