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Worlds Biggest online portal

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2 Worlds Biggest online portal

3 Want to know About us? Here We Go…….

4 Sunways Nova Pvt. Limited
Sunways Nova Pvt. Limited. (ISO Certified Company) is one of the Asia is Largest & Leading Group of Company. It is promoted by a group of think-tank visionaries with hands of experience and proven track record in the arena of home-based business backed by professionals, employing, and cutting edge technology. We look forward, to partnering you in this exciting Journey that will set new standards of growth and quality in the Home Based Business.

5 We offer plans to buy plots through our company like monthly installment.
We have the lands in various sectors like city properties, CMDA, DTCP and panchayat limits,etc. We propose the lands nearby highways, houses, colleges and schools. We have the well experience group of legal advisers to manage the legalities of the projects

6 Vision

7 Sunway International Pvt. Limited
Sunway International Pvt. Limited., which started its operations in the last year, is a leading direct selling company dealing in world class Education, health and personal care products. This growth pattern in itself speaks volumes about the quality of the products, the marketing plan and the management that has been able to accomplish such a rewarding and sustainable system.

8 Our aim is to act aggressively in propagating the good values of health and achieving its benefits through the desired channels of growth, success and partnership.

9 We Also deal With….

10 Transfer from any Bank

11 Organic Products

12 Mobile And Electronics


14 Sunway Gold

15 What Type of projects we do?

16 Products


18 Real Estate


20 SPA Services

21 Sunways- Blue Clouds

22 Sunways – Go Green

23 Sunways – Go Green

24 Sunways – Go Green

25 Portfolio Members Lion.Prakash Ramdoss. MA.Mphl, Chairman and Managing Director Lion.D.Ranjith Kumar Joint Managing Director Lion. D. Selvaraj Director Lion.S.Murugan MABL, Director, Legal & Affairs Lion.Dr. STM. Sethupathy BBA,CACU,BHMS, Executive Direct & Research


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