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Welcome to Miss Casselli’s First Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Miss Casselli’s First Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Miss Casselli’s First Grade
TO DO: Solve your child’s puzzle 2. Take a selfie 3. Write a note to your child on the 2nd page **The picture frame is for you! 

2 Agenda 7:00-7:20- Meet your teacher *Move to Dining Room*
7:20-7:40- Reading at Home 7:40-8:00- First Grade 411

3 About Me Born & raised in Doylestown, PA Family, Traveling & Friends
3rd year in Central Bucks 2 years in 3rd grade ESY Summer Program Penn State University Pre-K-4, minor in Special Education

4 Paw Pack Binder Reading & Math Resources Xtra Math Information Folder
-Homework Menu -Homework Papers -Math Home Link -Reading Log

5 Homework Menu Your job as parents: Communicate HW problems & struggles
Check that homework is done Set up an appropriate place to do homework Encourage independent reading

6 Teacher Website

7 Xtra Math

8 Xtra Math Importance: *Helps learn basic facts
*Fact Fluency is an indicator on Progress Report

9 Everyday Math Practice and review XtraMath Small Group Setting
Repeated exposure to skills XtraMath Small Group Setting Based on pretest results

10 Writer’s Workshop Daily writing mini-lessons
Journal Writing/weekend report Words Their Way Handwriting Mentor Sentences 5-Star I started each sentence with a capital letter YES NO I spelled first grade words and word wall words right. YES NO I used finger spaces between words YES NO I ended each sentence with punctuation YES NO My sentences make sense YES NO Did I write 5 STAR sentences?

11 Birthday wishes Create a picture slideshow or poster to share with the class* Wear slippers for the day Guest reader! Clearances? Enjoy a birthday dance from your class – Just Dance Bring in something that you are proud of and share it with the class Pick a classroom spirit day in your honor! *Must be teacher-approved (prior class favorite) Bring a stuffed animal to school Any other ideas – me!

12 Volunteers Needed Reminders Grade specific volunteers
Clerical help Class specific volunteers Checking Journals Reading with students Working with small groups @CBSCasselli- Check it out! Water catchers Wednesday Folders Label all personal items Winter clothes Box Tops Wishlist & Newsletter- Coming soon! Thing we collect- Tennis balls & paper towels

13 Contact Information Best way to contact me! Please give me 24 hours to respond Dismissal Changes -Handwritten Notes -Call Titus Main Office

14 Our Schedule 7:00-7:20- Meet your teacher *Move to Dining Room*
7:20-7:40-Reading at Home 7:40-8:00- First Grade 411

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