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Cultural Change.

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1 Cultural Change

2 9/28 Geo Engage- Work with ONE PARTNER and grab a white computer paper. Grab 4 colors/markers from the drawers. Write culture in the middle in a circle. Draw 4 circles around it (connecting to the middle circle by lines/arrows) In the 4 circles, write some categories/characteristics that make up culture. Branching off from each circle, give 3 examples of each category

3 Elements of Culture Language Religion Social Groups Government Economy
Others?* Culture Regions... include most of these categories ^

4 Other stuff… Music Dance Customs/Traditions

5 Elements of Culture - American Culture?

6 Culture Regions Various countries that share traits: Economic type
Form of gov’t Social groups History Religion

7 BUT… Why would someone’s culture ever change?

8 cultural/spatial diffusion- spread of culture
Cultural Change changes w/in cultures (internal changes) New ideas/inventions Changes forced from other factors (external changes) Trade, migration, war cultural/spatial diffusion- spread of culture ***Language



11 2 events that changed the culture of the world...
Agricultural Revolution Neolithic Revolution

12 1)Agricultural Revolution
The first humans were Hunters and Gatherers(nomadic)*** Did not know how to grow crops until Ag. Revolution. Didn't have to chase food anymore... leads to?

13 2) Neolithic Revolution
Transition from nomads* to permanent settlements Farming & permanent homes (villages- small) Where (next to landform)?* This culturally diffused***

14 Twitter Assignment- 1- Summarize (3 bullet points each) the Agricultural Revolution and Neolithic Revolution. 2- create your own twitter handle and outline the page like twitter Write 3 tweets as someone who lived before the Agricultural Revolution Write 3 tweets as someone who lived during the transition after the Agricultural Revolution through the Neolithic Revolution

15 2) Civilizations- 1 minute
What happens when you form villages? What would you do next to advance from tiny villages?

16 2) Civilizations By 3500 B.C., the farming villages then shifted into civilizations… Highly organized cities Advanced farming, trade, government, art & science innovations But how did this way of life spread?...

17 Culture Hearths Early centers of civilization
Ideas & practices spread out from these first as nomads passed thru Where were the most influential culture hearths?


19 What did those 5 places have in common?
Culture Hearths What did those 5 places have in common? Fertile land from river valleys/water sources Made canals/ditches to irrigate land Allowed people to grow surplus crops…

20 Closing Time On the back of you mind map from today:
Draw a comic strip, meme, or Instagram pictures of each stage of advancement. Agricultural Revolution, Neolithic Revolution, Modern Day society Provide a one sentence description of what is going on in each of the 3 pictures.

21 9/23 Geo Engage What are the elements of culture?
What are the main 5 things that can change a place’s culture? Explain the Agricultural & the Neolithic Revolutions. Write your favorite musical artist

22 3) Specialization Surplus food = fewer people to farm = new jobs
Metalworking & shipbuilding  more trade > More trade led to more cities Need more government Harvest plans/control, plan projects, armies develop Started writing systems  share info.

23 Cultural Contacts Migration of ppl Why ppl migrate? Cultural diffusion
By CHOICE- better education, jobs, $ By RELUCTANCE- harsh govn’t, wars, persecution, famines By FORCE- slavery, exiled Cultural diffusion

24 4) Industrial Revolution
1700s, after centuries of cultural diffusion, countries industrialize Machines/factories  economy boost Faster/cheaper production Less cost Ppl moved from farms to cities (urbanization)

25 5) Information Revolution
At the end of 1900s: computers brought a turning point *** What else spreads information/communication?*

26 Closing Time Draw a comic strip, meme, or Instagram pictures of each stage of advancement. Agricultural Revolution, Neolithic Revolution, Modern Day society *** ADD Industrial Revolution & Informational Revolution*** Provide a one sentence description of what is going on in each of the 5 pictures

27 #1- Write a one sentence summary about each revolution #2- Rank the order of significance on the culture of the world (most impactful to least impactful- Agricultural, Neolithic, Industrial, Informational). #3- Write a sentence for each revolution explaining why you put it in that position. #4- Find someone to compare lists with.Decide with your partner which revolution was most impactful.


29 Population “Pyramids”- what is going on in each of the 4 pictures
Population “Pyramids”- what is going on in each of the 4 pictures? Which of the 4 is the most developed country? Least developed?

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