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Here are the main elements of our topic:

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1 Here are the main elements of our topic:
Beech Class News Our topic this half term is: Let’s Celebrate! Here are the main elements of our topic: History focus: The children will learn about the gun powder plot – when it happened historically and a little bit about what life was like at that time. Children will explore the main events of the plot and create their own story board. There will be an opportunity to discuss why people involved in the plot acted as they did and what the consequences of their actions were. Art: Artwork will support our topic work. The children will make detailed drawings of the Houses of Parliament in response to the Gunpowder Plot. They will also use a variety of art materials to make firework and Diwali pictures, as well as Christmas cards and decorations. D&T: The children will design then sew a Christmas pattern which will form the basis of a Christmas card. ICT: Children will use software packages to create some art work linked to the festivals of light we will be celebrating. They will listen to the story of Smartie the Penguin which will help them investigate e-safety. RE: Children will have the opportunity to explore creative activities relating to Advent and Diwali. The children will also explore different versions of the Christmas story. Science: The children will look at the structure of bulbs and seeds, then they will plant some and find out about the conditions needed for them to grow. They will find out about which bulbs and seeds are safe to eat. Music: “Magical Christmas Journey” - we will be learning the songs and rehearsing for this Christmas performance. PHSE Firework safety and anti-bullying

2 Literacy News Numeracy News We will be grateful for donations of:………
The children will: Read a range of traditional stories. Act out, re-tell and invent their own versions of the stories. Look at the distinctive characters from stories. Use a variety of conjunctions or joining words eg but, so, because. Learn to use full stops, capital letters, question marks and exclamation marks accurately. Use the suffixes ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ Learn to recognise nouns and verbs. Numeracy News The children will learn: To add a single digit to double digit numbers. To add three single digits. To solve addition problems. To subtract a single digit from a double digit. To solve subtraction problems. The 10, 5 and 2 times tables. To understand what ‘symmetry’ means. To name and know the properties of 3-D shapes. To estimate and measure accurately using centimetres and metres. PE – Tuesdays and Wednesdays – Gymnastics with Mrs Young (indoor PE kit needed) – travelling in different ways on the floor and across the apparatus. PLEASE HAVE WELLIES IN SCHOOL AT ALL TIMES FOR PLAYTIMES AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION WORK. You can help your child by: Ensuring they practise reading, spellings and times tables. Playing literacy and numeracy based games on We will be grateful for donations of:……… Boxes Yogurt pots kitchen roll tubes (not toilet rolls please) Mrs S Young,

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