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Basic model (of Europeisation)

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Presentation on theme: "Basic model (of Europeisation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partial enforcement of EU rules: The case of home slaughter of pigs and sheep

2 Basic model (of Europeisation)
EU rules - Content? - Attitudes towards? METHOD(S): - Legal documents analysis - Survey Ratification - Which rules, when? - Resistance, why? METHOD(S): - Legal documents analysis - Expert interviews - Media content analysis Legal implementation - Subordinate legislation? - Legal collisions? - Bueraucratic capacity? METHOD(S): - Expert interviews - Legal documents analysis - Media content analysis Behavioral change - Practices ‚before and after‘? - Impact of F&IF constraints - Impact of resources, values…? - Gaps and ways of closing them? METHOD(S): - Interviews; farmers&costumers - Survey - Expert interviews - Secondary data analysis

3 The INFORM theoretical model
GAPS: rules VS constraints constraints VS practices formal constraints VS informal constraints constraints VS resources EU rules VS values and norms

4 Method 1: Legal documents analysis
Research questions/goals: Content of EU regulations on HS Level of harmonization in each country (including subordinate legislation) Legal sanctions for specific rules. Possible legal collisions Specific formal rule Albania BiH Croatia Macedonia Slovenia Meat from home-slaughtered animals can only be consumed within the ownner‘s husehold; it is not allowed to be sold or given as a gift. YES* YES Pigs, sheep and goats shall only be killed after properly conducted stunning. Killing and related operations shall only be carried out by persons with the appropriate level of competence. NO Specified risk materials from slaughtered animals should be handed over to the concessionaire, and that the owner of the animals must keep certificates confirming this handover. * allowed for religious reasons.

5 Method 2: Survey /Not in CRO and SLO/ Research questions/goals:
Attitudes towards adopting EU legislation in general Attitudes towards adopting EU legislation in the area of HS The cultural embeddedness and meaning of HS Relevant practices in the area of HS

6 Method 2: Survey With the EU integration of our country, European Union rules are being adopted. How would you rate the impact of those rules on our society? Very negative Predominantly negative Neutral / can’t say Predominantly positive Very positive STATEMENTS ON EU RULES With the EU integration of our country, European Union rules are being adopted. How would you rate the impact of those rules on our society? Compliance with the EU rules is the best option for our country. Many EU rules are not beneficial for the welfare of the citizens of our country. Many EU rules create more confusion than order in our country. The EU brings benefits only to the wealthy and powerful. The integration into the EU (would) represent(s) a threat to our national and cultural identity. The integration into the EU (would) represent(s) a threat to our economy. To what extent would you say that you feel these changes in your everyday life? Not at all Just a little Somewhat Quite a lot Very much STATEMENTS ON (EFFECT OF) RULES REGARDING HOME SLAUGHTER According to the new EU standards that have been recently implemented in our country it is forbidden to sell or donate the meat from animals slaughtered at home and stunning of animals is obligatory. To what extent do you agree that… These rules are good for our country. These rules are being strictly respected by the people in our country. These rules harm our tradition and good practices. The EU should not interfere with issues like home slaughter of animals. 3. If next week there is a referendum for membership of our country to the EU, how would you vote ? For Against Don`t know I won’t vote STATEMENTS ON PRACTICES …Please tell us how widespread it is in our society, according to your opinion. 0 means it does not occur at all, 10 means it occurs all the time… To receive meat of home slaughtered animals from relatives or friends. To buy meat of home slaughtered animals from small farmers.

7 Method 3: Media content analysis
Research questions/goals: /all related to the enforcement belt/ Identify and describe public reactions/debates regarding the harmonization with the EU rules (veto groups, their arguments…) Describe the cultural embeddedness and meaning of HS

8 Method 4: Secondary data analysis and literature review
Research questions/goals: Describe the cultural embeddedness and meaning of HS (= social norms) If possible, describe changes in attitudes and practices related to HS (effects of europeisation)

9 Method 5: Expert interviews
Sample: Two ‚experts‘ per country (competent authority, other relevant expert(s)) Research questions/goals: The process and characteristics of the process and extent of harmonization with the EU rules (timeline, major events, arguments pro-contra, veto groups, possible colisions…) Describe ways of and success in enforcing the adopted legislation (= enforcement belt on the formal side) Describe the cultural embeddedness and meaning of HS (social norms) Describe changes in attitudes and practices related to HS (effects of europeisation)

10 Method 6: Interviews with farmers and their costumers
Central method! Sample: 7 farmers practicing HS in each country 7 regular ‚customers‘ of HS meat each country Research questions/goals: Describe the cultural embeddedness and meaning of HS Describe relevant (informal) social norms (general vs. ‚practical network-based‘) Describe (changes in) attitudes and practices related to HS (selling/donating meat, stunning…) Describe economic and social effects of HS meat exchanges Describe the understanding of the relevant legislation (interpretation and perception of potential sanctions) Describe attitudes towards the EU-driven rules in the area of HS and in general

Clear answers to all research questions (combining relevant methods) Identification of gaps according to the INFORM model rules VS constraints constraints VS practices formal constraints VS informal constraints constraints VS resources EU rules VS values and norms Identification of typical ways of ‚tactical maneuvering‘ of farmers, their ‚customers‘ and officials. Identification of potentials for reducing the gaps

12 POLICY RELEVANCE HS is an area of ‚cultural clash‘ within the process of europeisation: Culturally rooted & functional practices vs. EU sanitary requirements Small scale local production vs. large scale production by corporations Rural development vs. urbanization  High symbolic importance and impact on general stance towards the EU There is probably also substantial tension between high adoption costs and weak economic capacities of the farming cluster. We can expect substantial gaps, especially Between adopted rules and social norms Between adopted rules and their enforcement Between adopted rules and practices Many of these gaps might be unnecessary, potentially leading to unnecessary negative impact on image of the EU as a whole and also to increased anomie. Basic idea: When local players’ preferences are configured in such a way that the new rules are preferable to the status quo, the old and new rules would align and there would be institutionalization. (Dimitrova, 2010: 18)  We will try to find and suggest such configuration for each country specifically.

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