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Nagle College Subjects Selections Physics 2018

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1 Nagle College Subjects Selections Physics 2018

2 Welcome to Physics

3 Year 12 U3 Physics Course Description
 How do fields explain motion and electricity? In this unit, the topics studied are Area of study 1: How do things move without contact? Fields and interactions Effects of fields Application of field concepts

4 Area of study 2: How are fields used to move electrical energy? Generation of electricity Transmission of electricity Area of study 3: How fast can things go? Newton’s laws of motion: Linear motion in 2 dimensions, uniform circular motion (horizontal, vertical, with a ramp), projectile. Einstein’s theory of special relativity: 2 postulates, proper time, time dilation, length contraction. Relationships between force, energy and mass: impulse(ΔP), work(w = F.S), kinetic energy(Ek = ½ mv2), strain potential energy(Es = ½ kΔx2), gravitational potential energy(Ug = mgh), Eo= mc2, ET = Ek + Eo = γmc2, Ek = (γ-1)mc2.

5 Einstein’s theory of special relativity:
2 postulates, proper time, time dilation, length contraction. Relationships between force, energy and mass: impulse(ΔP = mΔv = FΔt), work(w = F.S), kinetic energy(Ek = ½ mv2), Hook’s law F = kΔx strain potential energy(Es = ½ kΔx2), gravitational potential energy(Eg = mgΔh), Eo= mc2, ET = Ek + Eo = γmc2, Ek = (γ-1)mc2.

6 Work tasks and Assessments
Assessment tasks Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom discussions on all topics covered in the unit. An example of some of the practical activities include: Electronic transducers Electricity and power Circular motion Practical Reports Topic Tests

7 Year 12 U4 Physics Course Description
How can two contradictory models explain both light and matter? In this unit, the topics studied are Area of study 1: How can waves explain the behaviour of light?

8 Properties of mechanical waves:
Different types of waves, wave properties, Doppler Effect, resonance and natural frequency of vibration, standing waves, diffraction and interference, Young’s double slits experiment, separation patterns (Δx.d=λ.L), photoelectric effect experiment (Ekm = hf-Φ) Light as a wave: EM wave, polarisation, Snell’s law.

9 Area of study 2: How are and matter similar? Behaviour of light: Diffraction angle (sinѲ = λ/ω), photoelectric effect experiment (Ekm = hf-Φ) Matter as particles or waves: de Broglie matter wave (λ = h/mv) Similarities between light and matter: Momentum of light and matter (p= h/ λ), energy of photon (ΔE = hf = hc/λ), double slits experiment and dual nature of light/matter, diffraction in single slit experiment and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, classical laws not works at very small (Nano) scales.

10 Area of study 3: Practical Investigation (Poster) Newton’s laws of motion: Linear motion in 2 dimensions, uniform circular motion (horizontal, vertical, with a ramp), projectile. Wave: Young’s double slits experiment(use microwave kit). (Δx.d=λ.L); vary d and L to check Δx. Fields: E field, B field, Gravitational field.

11 Work tasks and Assessments
Assessment tasks Work tasks include practical activities, chapter questions and classroom discussions on all topics covered in the unit. An example of some of the practical activities include: Young’s Modulus Light and waves Practical Reports Assignments Short tests EPI poster

12 Pathway for Physics Engineering Airforce Navy Army Architecture
Electrician Plumber Medical health: Radiology, Dentistry….

13 Good Luck! Have a Great Year! Contact Subject Teacher Mr. Peter Cheung

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