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Lepanto, 1571: The Battle that Saved Western Civilization

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1 Lepanto, 1571: The Battle that Saved Western Civilization
Lepanto – Clash of civilizations between the Islamic Ottoman Empire and the European Habsburg Empire and the Roman Catholic Church

2 Clash of Civilizations
Latter half of the 16th century, the mufti of the Ottoman sultan proclaimed jihad Pope Pius V understood the tremendous importance of resisting the aggressive expansion of the Turks The real battle being fought was spiritual, clash of creeds was at hand At stake were the very existence of the Christian West – Western Civilizaton

3 1571 After 1517 the unity of Christendom was shattered and in the aftermath of the Protestant revolt, Islam saw its opportunity Ottoman Empire, the seat of Islamic power, looked to control the Mediterranean. Corsairs raided from North Africa- interdicting trade – threat of attack to costal Italy

4 1571 Sultan’s massive fleet anchored the eastern Mediterranean
Islamic armies ranged along he coast of Africa, middle and Near East and pressed against the Adriatic Muslim armies threatened the Habsburg Empire through the Balkans

5 1571 The Ottoman Turks yearned to bring all Europe within the dar al-Islam, the “House of Submission” – Submissive to sharia law Europe, as the land of the infidels, was the dar al-Harb, the “House of War” Europe was divided against itself. Protestants diverted Catholic armies and even cheered on the jihad who they saw as fellow enemies of the Pope in Rome and the Spanish Crowne

6 Habsburg Empire In 1568, emperor Maximilian, of ther Austrian half of the Habsburg Empire, had agreed to a peace treaty with the Truks – foolish naïve King Philip II of Spain, great pillar of the Habsburg Empire – Spain had ranged into the New World and were carving out a vast empire, its extent virtually beyond imagining Spain was well equipped to defeat the Mussulmen – ‘that was old hat’

7 The Holy League Europe Divided – violent Teutonic Protestants, France willing to cut deals with the Mohammadans- King Charles IX, QE undeclared war with Spain establishing a cult around herself and a church subordinate to her will Sad result of French realpolitik and English apostasy was that the sons of Richard Coeur-de-Lion sat this one out

8 The Holy League Pope Pius V, had he spiritual and temporal authority the presence of a future saint to assemble a Holy League – fighting force that included knights and free men at arms, professional solider and sailors from Italy Germany and Spain, Malta, Naples, Sicily and the Papal states Spanish infantry, Italian navy

9 Muslim Onslaught Sultan Selim II declared a jihad against the Christians on Cyprus 70,000 Turkish shock troops, praetorian guard the Janissaries 20,000 people murdered, 1,000 women and children sold as slaves Defenders of Famagusta, slaughtered - infamy

10 Don Juan Takes to the Sea
Pope chose Don Juan as commander in chief Admiral Giovanni Andrea Doria Grand Coalition leadership outstanding Don Garcia de Toledo Outstanding Spanish and Italian military and naval leaders at all levels of command Professional troops, volunteers, experience disciplined

11 Forces Turks ships of which 208 were galleys the rest being smaller craft. 77,000 men, 34,000 soldiers including 10,000 Janissaries 13,000 sailors and 37,000 oarsmen all of them slaves many Christian slaves Holy League – 206 galleys along with 40,000 sailors and oarsmen, 28,000 soldiers including 10,000 Spanish regular infantry of excellent quality

12 Forces Venetian and other Italian oarsmen were mainly free citizens and were able to bear arms adding to the fighting power of their ships Christians had numerical superiority in guns and cannon aboard their ships 1,815 to the Turks 750. Superior quality of Spanish infantry, embarked with new arquebusier and musketeer forces while Turks use composite bowmen

13 Our Lady of the Rosary Blessings of the Pope and the papal banner
Ministration of the Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans and Capuchins The prayers of the faithful and the rosaries Andrea Doria kept copy of the ‘miraculous’ image of Our Lady of Guadalupe – given to him by King Philip of Spain in his ship – prayed all night on eve of battle

14 Deployment for battle The battle was met, the galleasses drawing first blood, splintering Turkish decks and Turkish men. Ottomans sail around them the goal to grapple with the Catholic ships and turn the battle into a floating melee of Muslim scimitars bows and muskets against Catholic swards pikes and arquebuese

15 The battle When the ships closes, grappling the fighting was hand to hand – Ottomans ships tried to turn the left flank of the Christian battle line but were pinned to Scropha Point and trapped. Christian slaves revolted on the Turkish ships – the center of the line erupted and the left was closed – battle of maneuver envelopment by the Catholic fleet

16 Victory The Ottoman Turks were defeated decisively
Not only was the battle lost for the Turk but so were – 210 ships including 170 galleys – 33,000 men killed and wounded – 12,000 Christian slaves liberated. – Lost a generation of experienced Ottoman sailors and bowmen The threat of Ottoman Turks dominating the Mediterranean was finished

17 Domino Gloria Catholic losses were 7,500 dead 22,000 wounded
Don Juan had his portion of captured booty given to the Catholic wounded Imperial Ottoman banner went to the Pope Imperial Battle Banner went the King Philip

18 Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Pope Pius V, who had commanded the faithful to pray the rosary for victory was convinced that it was prayer that had turned the tide. The Battle of Lepanto became the feast day of Our Lady of Victory, later of Our Lady of the Rosary

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