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The Lamb Inquiry – Implications for SI Services & Schools

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Presentation on theme: "The Lamb Inquiry – Implications for SI Services & Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lamb Inquiry – Implications for SI Services & Schools
January 14th 2010 Brian Lamb, Executive Director of Advocacy & Policy, RNID 1

2 Lamb Inquiry March 2008 – December 2009 Parental confidence projects
Advisers Group and Reference group Support from: National Strategies, Capita, Institute of Education, Warwick University, KIDS 3 interim reports: SEN and disability information Quality and clarity of statements Inspection and accountability Implementation plan ‘early in the New Year’ 2 2 2

3 Innovative projects 8 projects: Wolverhampton: Team around the Child
Durham: Parent partnership, School Action Plus and provision management North Tyneside: Delegated budgets, with Sunderland Blackburn with Darwen: School Action Plus Newham School Action Plus Kent Parent partnership Portsmouth Parent partnership, LA decision-making Oxfordshire Parent partnership, School Action Plus, school funding 3

4 Challenges Low expectations Poor outcomes
Parents search for ‘someone who understands my child’s needs’ 4 4 4

5 A clearer focus on outcomes
School leadership Achievement for All Pupil and parent guarantees Early access to multi-agency teams Development of skills and expertise teaching assistants teacher skills: advanced and specialist children’s workforce Tackling bullying and exclusions 5 5 5

6 Challenges Statutorily required information not published
Inaccessible information Poor communication Not enough listening to parents Support doesn’t reach enough parents 6 6 6

7 A stronger voice for parents
A cultural change: the core offer Mainstreaming SEN information Schools’ SEN policies: simplified, parents consulted Anticipating information needs Accessible information Parent partnership services: deployment and standing with the legislation Dedicated independent helpline 7 7 7

8 Challenges Local variation
Lack of clarity about respective responsibilities: schools and LAs Limited strategic capacity and poor deployment of skills Poor statements not focused on outcomes 8 8 8

9 A more strategic local approach
Leadership of children’s services Development of SEN commissioning Published policies: SEN Information Disability equality schemes Parent engagement: strategy projects Improved statements Increased right of appeal following annual review 9 9 9

10 Challenges Variation in the system Parents left ‘policing the system’
10 10 10

11 A more accountable system
Voice of children and young people School report card Governors School improvement partners Ofsted: training for all inspectors a duty on HMCI 11 11 11

12 A more accountable system
Local authority level: Scrutiny by elected members Better information gathering by DCSF and a protocol for sharing information with Ofsted SoS powers of direction Ofsted to keep CAA process under review School and LA complaints to go to LGO Exclusions: guidance to be explicit on SEND checks training for IAPs 12 12 12

13 A more accountable system
Tribunal: Guidance and information Children and young people Exceptional funding scheme/legal aid 13 13 13

14 Challenges Professional advice Alternative models Core challenges 14

15 The national framework
Codes of conduct Evaluation of educational psychology service models Personalisation and early intervention Strengthening the DDA 15 15 15

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