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1012哥和姐就是愛嗑書(三) 地點:元智圖書館研討室 時間:2013/05/07 書籍:Life of Pi 主講者: 蔣佳伶 參與人員:

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Presentation on theme: "1012哥和姐就是愛嗑書(三) 地點:元智圖書館研討室 時間:2013/05/07 書籍:Life of Pi 主講者: 蔣佳伶 參與人員:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1012哥和姐就是愛嗑書(三) 地點:元智圖書館研討室 時間:2013/05/07 書籍:Life of Pi 主講者: 蔣佳伶 參與人員: 趙思婷 簡偵雅 于立杰 江庭瑄 陳雅彗 曾宇襄 指導老師:楊薇雲老師

2 Life of Pi chp37~chp50 Karina

3 chapter37 *Chapter 37 opens with the sentence, "The ship sank" (2.37.1). * Pi doesn't tell us how or why yet – but he's in a lifeboat, in the wind and the rain, encouraging Richard Parker the tiger, who is in the water, to swim up to him. * Pi throws Richard Parker a lifebuoy and just then realizes he probably shouldn't invite strange tigers into his lifeboat. * Alas, Richard Parker jumps into the lifeboat, and Pi jumps overboard.

4 chapter38 *Pi moves back in time a little bit – he explains the events leading up to Chapter 37's dramatic opening. * Pi tells us the ship sails with no problems for days. (Though Ravi saw men working on the engines and said something was wrong with them.) * Pi hears an explosion during the night. He shakes Ravi to get him up, but Ravi turns looks at Pi sleepily and turns over. * Pi also decides not to wake his parents. * Once on the deck, the wind and rain don't seem that bad. But one side of the ship is listing badly, the ship is groaning, and no one's out on the deck. All of a sudden, an Indian wild ox – from the hold below – bolts past. Something is terribly wrong. * Pi finally sees some sailors up on the bridge. They make a quick decision, give Pi a lifejacket, and throw him overboard.

5 ☺wheeling and dealing :
Ex: Mr. Smith made a fortune by wheeling and dealing on the stock market. (史密斯先生在股票市場上投機取巧而發了大財。)

6 chapter39 *Pi lands on the tarpaulin covering of a lifeboat. He's unhurt but has lost the lifejacket (still has the whistle, though). * A zebra runs across the deck and jumps overboard into the lifeboat as well, missing the tarpaulin, and breaking a bench, but otherwise succeeds in lowering the lifeboat into the water.

7 chapter40 *We're back to the end of Chapter 37: Richard Parker has pulled himself up into the lifeboat and Pi is in the water. * Pi watches shark fins slice through the water. This, he thinks, is not good. * He wedges his oar in between the tarpaulin and the bow of the boat and pulls himself up. He's now on an oar above shark-infested waters. And Richard Parker is still in the boat.

8 chapter41 *Pi is making out OK: Richard Parker hasn't attacked him, the sharks haven't lunged at him yet, and the lifeboat hasn't sunk. * But Pi decides he can't hold onto the oar forever. He inches his way closer to the bow, puts his feet on the gunnel (the rim), and onto the tarpaulin. * Pi surveys the scene: the zebra is lying in the back of the boat with a broken leg. Why hasn't Richard Parker eaten it? * Pi has his answer: There's a hyena by the zebra. Pi concludes Richard Parker must have fallen overboard since a hyena and a tiger can't be friends in this small a space.

9 ☺jack-in-the-box: A toy consisting of a clownlike puppet that springs out of a box when the lid is activated.

10 chapter42 *Another animals shows floats up to the lifeboat: Orange Juice, who's on a raft of bananas, and who looks like (to Pi) the Virgin Mary bathed in a halo of light. * Pi fails to grab any of the bananas.

11 chapter43 *Pi imagines indicator boards blinking and urgent phone calls: "The Tsimtsum has sunk!" We know later he has no such luck. *It's mid-morning after the night ship sank. Orange Juice is basically in a state of shock. She's not moving. * The hyena, though, jumps over the zebra and ventures underneath the tarpaulin. It doesn't stay there long: it scampers back out and begins to run in circles around the zebra, all the while yapping. * Pi tells us a few facts he learned from his father about the hyena: vicious, deadly hunters (not cowards and carrion-eaters) who eat almost anything: their own kind, urine tainted water, excrement, etc. * The hyena vomits. It stays behind the zebra.

12 chapter44 *The hyena and zebra snap at some flies that ended up on the lifeboat. * Evening approaches. Pi gets real scared. There's barking and squealing. * The night passes.

13 chapter45 *Daybreak. Pi notices the zebra's broken leg is missing. The hyena has bitten it off. * Pi also notices that Orange Juice is seasick. He feels a little green, too. A rush of sympathy for Orange Juice. * Pi can't understand why the hyena hasn't attacked Orange Juice. * A hawksbill turtle bumps against the boat.

14 chapter46 *Pi tells us this night counts as one of his worst.
* The hyena finally tears into the zebra: blood, flesh, the whole gory mess. But the hyena only eats parts of the zebra and the zebra is still alive. * Orange Juice and the hyena have a mini-showdown: Orange Juice roars and the hyena backs off. * The animals can't understand the knocking against the boat. It's the sharks, who have been attracted by the zebra's blood. * Pi confronts the fact that his parents and Ravi have most likely died.

15 chapter47 *Daybreak. The zebra dies by noon.
* The hyena and Orange Juice go at it again: Orange Juice thumps the hyena on the head and wins Round 1. * Pi knows, however, that a female fruit-eating orang-utan doesn't stand a chance against a carnivorous male hyena. * Round 2: The hyena gets a hold of Orange Juice's throat and kills Orange Juice. This is upsetting. * Pi decides it's him or the hyena. He advances to the edge of the tarpaulin. Oh snap. Richard Parker is down there, under the tarpaulin. No wonder the hyena has stayed toward the stern of the boat. * Night falls.

16 chapter48 *In this chapter, Pi tells us how Richard Parker was named.
* A panther had been killing people in Bangladesh. A professional hunter set up a trap. * Instead of the panther, a tiger shows up. He tranquilizes the tiger. In a clerical error, the hunter's name, Richard Parker, gets attached to the tiger. * Thus we have Richard Parker the tiger.

17 chapter49 *Morning breaks. Pi lies on the tarpaulin, weak with hunger and thirst. This is day four. * Pi can't believe he failed to notice Richard Parker. But Richard Parker does explain the animals' strange behavior. * Pi decides he has no chance against Richard Parker and might as well find some food and water on the lifeboat. Don't these things come equipped with supplies? Pi decides to take stock.

18 chapter50 *Pi takes a good look at the lifeboat and gives us the facts: twenty-six feet long, eight feet wide, and three-and-a-half feet deep. * There are benches at regular intervals; the tarpaulin is unrolled past the middle bench. * In looking back, Pi realizes the details often saved him.

19 Sentences I like: * Something in me did not want to give up on life, was unwilling to let go, wanted to fight to the very end. – p.123 * Nature can put on a thrilling show. – p.128 * The darkness melted away from the sky. – p.134 * As things emerged in outline and filled with colour, hope increased until it was like a song in my heart. –p.150 * Curiosity got the best of me. –p.152 * This laughter was like a volcano of happiness erupting in me. –p.153 * The sun was beginning to pull the curtains on the day. –p.155

20 What’s the meaning? * Weary to the bone? * I felt the night in me?

21 Thank you!

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