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RDQ 11 Restorative Practices Round Table Discussion Discussion Leaders: Jessica Swain-Bradway, Midwest PBIS Network With exemplars from: Jefferson.

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Presentation on theme: "RDQ 11 Restorative Practices Round Table Discussion Discussion Leaders: Jessica Swain-Bradway, Midwest PBIS Network With exemplars from: Jefferson."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDQ 11 Restorative Practices Round Table Discussion Discussion Leaders: Jessica Swain-Bradway, Midwest PBIS Network With exemplars from: Jefferson Co. Public School District, Louisville, KY Eureka High School, Eureka CA Hudson’s Bay High School, Vancouver, WA

2 Restorative Practices Round Table Discussion
RDQ 11 Restorative Practices Round Table Discussion Panel Question and Answer discussion: Each exemplar will share a brief overview of what their school/district is doing. Please write down your questions on the notecard and we will respond to as many as we are able. Starter Activity: Sharing From Exemplars Eureka High School Jefferson County Public School District Hudson’s Bay High School

3 Agenda RP Overview Brief overview from exemplars Q&A Time

4 Overview of RP in SWPBIS

5 Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice
Restorative Practices in Schools are inspired by the philosophy and practices of restorative justice, which puts repairing harm done to relationships and people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment. 

6 To create opportunities for learning
Goals of restorative justice in schools (Gonsoulin, Schiff, and Hatheway 2013) Create a restorative and inclusive school climate rather than a punitive one Decrease suspensions, expulsions, and disciplinary referrals by holding youth accountable for their actions through repairing harm and making amends To create opportunities for learning Understanding about the impact of behavior on others (Costello, Wachtel, and Wachtel 2009)

7 Prevention & Skill Building Prevention & Skill Building
A CONTINUUM OF RESTORATIVE PRACTICES A CONTINUUM OF SWPBIS PRACTICES Intensive Intervention Return from suspension Administrative transfer or school crime diversion: Victim offender meetings Family/community group conferences Restitution Intensive Intervention Function-based support Wraparound support “Person-centered” ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% Early Intervention Restorative Conferencing to develop alternatives to suspension: Youth/peer court Peer mediation Conflict resolution training Restitution Early Intervention Check-in/ Check-out Social Skills Curricula We want to embed and align with our tiers of support Prevention & Skill Building Define and teach expectations Establish consequence system Collection and use of data Prevention & Skill Building PROACTIVE circles for: Morning meetings Social/emotional instruction Staff meetings

8 High Control & High Support Structure & Consistency
Best practices in teaching allow us to move to WITH. Model, lead, practice… Youth are more likely to make positive change when those in position of authority do things with them rather than “to” them or “for” them. Ultimately we are trying to move our climate, to the WITH.

9 An Effective Teacher… Scott, 2017
A teacher creates a set of circumstances that increase the probability of the student being successful now and in the future Intensifies best practices (instruction, environment, relationships) based on the dosage required to impact response rates We have evidence, and clear definitions/ examples of instruction and environmental components to the classroom. We can add systematic strategies for relationship building.

10 Sharing from Exemplars
Eureka High School Jefferson County Public School District Hudson’s Bay High School

11 Eureka High School Community Building Interventions
Community Building Circles Stellar Student/Stellar Staff Student of the Month Principal’s Prize Patrol Freshman Seminar (also intervention) Culturally Relevant Teaching (AVID) Expectation Stations - High School Style Teen Court/Brief Intervention Circles (Restorative) Community Service/PTSA Freshman Seminar Transition Groups Check in Check Out


13 Jefferson Co. School District
Data of Interest- Student connectedness to school, relationship skills, discipline data, academic instructional time. Aligned district offices, Rewrote their student handbook, All district SWPBIS coaches trained in RP, Added RP strategies to coach and administrative walk-throughs. Using existing data to examine impact. JSB

14 Hudson’s Bay High School
Data of interest: Impact on Substance Abuse OSS and expulsions Started with RP in the high school Examined their current policies for suspension related to substance/ alcohol abuse Old policy- 11 day automatic suspensions New policy- go home with parents today, tomorrow get an evaluation and intervention plan JSB

15 Hudson’s Bay Data

16 Notecard time Please hand in your notecards and also feel free to raise your hand and put your question in the room.

17 Resources RP in SWPBIS Brief
ISF Monograph- Template for Integrating Outside Providers in SWPBIS Technical Guide for Alignment Twitter: #rethinkdiscipline

18 Resources The Transformation of West Philadelphia High School: A story of Hope Restorative Justice in Oakland Schools, Tier 1 Community Building Circles International Institute of Restorative Practices National Association of Community and Restorative Justice:

19 References Costello, Bob, Joshua Wachtel, and Ted Wachtel. The Restorative Practices Handbook: For Teachers, Disciplinarians and Administrators. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices, Print. Costello, Bob, Joshua Wachtel, and Ted Wachtel. The Restorative Circles in Schools: Building Community and Enhancing Learning. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices, Print. Wachtel, Ted, Terry O’Connell, and Ben Wachtel. Restorative Justice Conferencing: Real Justice & The Conferencing Handbook. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices, Print. Vincent, C., Horner, R.H., & May, S. (2009). ODR Across Grade Levels: What are the patterns of office discipline referrals across grade levels. Evaluation Brief. OSEP PBIS Technical Assistance Center. Retrieved July 7th, 2017 from

20 Please Provide Feedback
Your feedback is important to us! Please take a few moments at the end of the session to complete an evaluation form for this session. Forms are available: In our mobile application by clicking the link in the session description. Online underneath the posted presentations at m_17 Via paper form from your session facilitator

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