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#pomakSRB Creative entrepreneurship for sustainability of CSO's

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1 #pomakSRB Creative entrepreneurship for sustainability of CSO's
Zahvalnost sanji i domaćinima Ivan Živković @ivanzivkovic #IYCKr,

2 Who am I? O meni Imaš bradu sad

3 Who are we? CSO/NGO, for 11 years, for youth with youth Mission of TOC is to diminish Youth risks (health, economic, social) and Youth risk behavior, through encouragement of creativity, growth of activism and participation of young people on local and national levels. Programs Youth Ombudsman // youth at risk Prevention HIV/ AIDS and sexual transmitted infections among vulnerable groups Peer education programs // Click real Development of local economical growth through creative industries Networking - strengthening partnerships O TOC-u Mladi ya druŠtvo bez predrasuda, Zanimljiva geo EU, vanredne situracija, Click green, internet like a tool Članica smo napor-a, koms-a Jačamo partnerstva, razvijamo ideje

4 Problem? The issue of financial sustainability is a challenge and one of the key issues faced by civil society organizations. Unstable financial situation makes it impossible for organizations to implement quality services for young people. Mi radimo dugo, primetili smo i u razgovoru sa drugima Ocd imaju problema da obezbede održivost (staff, kancelarija..), donatori se povlače, svi smo malo mađioničari

5 Precondition? People involved in CSOs on management & coordinating positions posses, because of the nature of work and requires of donors and legislators, diverse knowledge and some skills for business. By nature we are ready for new challenges and enthusiastic, presence of good entrepreneurial ideas is the basis to launch a creative socially responsible company. creativity of young people uvideli da imamo menadžerska i preduzetnička znanja, primetili kreativne mlade ljuce – sinergija ta dva

6 Idea? idea is that on original, creative and dynamic way accelerate proactive youth into civil society organizations and empower them for starting initiatives for improvement of social status and economic situations of young people in Serbia throw social entrepreneurship and creative industries. Every CSO has its own company Kreativnim i socijalnim preduzetništvom do održivosti programa Mladi u našim organizacijama misle da pare padaju s neba, treba ih osnažiti da ih traže

7 Creative industries? Some sectors:
those industries that are based on individual creativity, skill and talent with the potential to create wealth and jobs through developing intellectual property Some sectors: advertising, architecture, the art and antiques market, crafts, design, designer fashion, film, interactive leisure software, music, the performing arts, publishing, software, television and radio, festival, cultural tourism etc. Definicija, ukratko pojasniti pojam – UK definition 1998 EU ne može da se takmičiji sa industrijom kine zato se razvija ovaj sector / globalzacija` Novi koncept ekonomije - mindset, Mi smo resurs, mladi su resurs Termini> kreativna ekonomija, nova ekonomija, kreativni capital… For CSO in practice – coworking and hub

8 Social entrepreneurship?
Social enterprise is often defined as finding business and market based solutions to systemic social issues, such as social exclusion, long-term unemployment and sustainability. A social enterprise puts a higher premium on its social mission and its social returns which moderate the way it runs its business. Social enterprise is when going to work is your good deed of the day. Definicija, ukratko pojasniti pojam Obično se misli da socijalno preduzetništvo upošljava socijalno ugrožene grupe

9 Pomak 1.0 handbook “Pomak - creative entrepreneurship for sustainability of CSO's” youth activism youth guide for social entrepreneurship creative industries and freelancing crowdfunding Kraj 2014 / početak 2015 can contribute to the development but also the sustainability of youth organizations

10 Pomak 1.0 national conference on social entrepreneurship and creative industries 80 participants 15 lecturers 3 days Šta smo uradili u prošlom projektu: konferencija - govornici, priručnik, zaključci unapređenjem primenljivih znanja, korisnih veština i iskustava mladih, kao i mogućnosti mladih za umrežavanje i saradnju, razvijanje inicijtiva za poboljšanje socijalnog položaja i ekonomske situacije u Srbiji. Osnaživanjem 80 predstavnika udruženja mladih i za mlade omogućićemo veću prisutnost i mogućnost realizacije kreativnih ideja na lokalu.

11 Pomak 1.0 website Mobile app

12 Pomak conclusions Expanding fields such as creative industries and social economy, have a key role in local development and process, we must continue with creation of supportive environment and innovative programs for their sustainability and youth employability. Such initiatives rely on the creativity of young people to improve their social status and economic situation.

13 Pomak 2.0 Specific goal: Set up of mechanism for sustainability of CSOs programs, services and activities through creative social entrepreneurship that employ young people Leto 2015 – proleće 2016 Šta planiramo ovim projektom Probno, primer dobre prakse pioneers in creation of transformation mechanism

14 Pomak 2.0 Establishment of a system of sustainability for 6 CSOs and transformation in 6 creative enterprises employing a minimum of 6 young people Open call for CSOs Kick-off training Study trips Mentoring Organization strategy and business plan & visits Formal establishment Konkrus završen u petak // Mi + 5 – teško prijave ili smo lenji ili u strahu ili nemamo vremana za „sebe“ Firma koju osnivaju na osnovu: Potreba na lokalu, specifičnost organizacije, idealno hub/coworking Осим донација и обука почетницима у бизнису потребно је обезбедити и пословно саветовање. --- konsultanti sa iskustvom, svako svog, mentorske posete

15 Pomak 2.0 Equipped 6 spaces for creative social business based on young designers ideas with support of social responsible companies Provide a space Call for concept design by young architects Donors conference Paralelno sa transformacijom, na osnovu njihovih potreba Након што заврше стратешке и бизнис планове представници 6 ОЦД-а учесника процеса трансформације имаће прилику да на донаторској конференцији презентују своје уобличене бизнис идеје како би добили додатна средства за уређење простора или набавку других ресурса за отпочињање бизниса. Идеја која се јавила током конференције Помак је да компаније помогну у складу са својим могућностима и делатношћу којом се бави, финансијски или у роби и материјалима.

16 Instead (some kind) of a conclusion
Citat Ana Filipovska, autor dela priručnika, s Pomak-a “If we want to keep moving forwards equity and sustainability, we have no other choice than to be creative and innovative!”

17 Thank you! discussions / questions / contacts

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