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Utilizing the Student Teacher for Positive Student Outcomes

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing the Student Teacher for Positive Student Outcomes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing the Student Teacher for Positive Student Outcomes
Herman Badillo Bilingual Academy Hannah Tanalski Hannah Twardowski Special Education Teacher Buffalo State Student Teacher

2 Background Third year with the class 4 teachers 21 students
6 special education 4 ENL ½ benchmark readers ½ intensive readers

3 Setting Up The Experience

4 Expectations Welcome letter & expectations sheet Outline of schedule
Daily tasks Week by week teaching responsibilities Indicate any MUSTS *SHE IS MY CO-TEACHER ed introduction letter Constant communication Talked about my assignments Balance of college and placement





9 OBSERVATIONS Didn’t teach week 1-2 Supported/ corrected students
Observed classroom management Structure of each subject Identified & learned student strengths and weaknesses Benefits to Observing Pacing Interacting with students Familiarity with lesson plan formats Materials used and created for each subject

10 Science & Social Studies
Started teaching first Most comfortable Short periods Co-planned every lesson Helped prepare lessons Co-taught together Independent Teaching During grade level meetings More beneficial & useful in classroom Students receive the planned instruction Keep the pacing of the material.

11 ELA Observed small groups Co-plan every lesson Prepare own materials
Taught last group Rotated to teach each topic Co-plan every lesson Prepare own materials Now takes small groups Gained a better understanding of students Pacing and structure of each center Cloze reading Vocabulary & spelling Designing grammar activities Differentiation & scaffolding of questions

12 MATH Observed & supported small groups Now takes small groups
Became familiar with modules Observed different strategies Re-taught and corrected students Now takes small groups

13 Preparing the Intervention
Differentiation Suggested areas of need for the students Tested students for baseline data Taught small groups Phonics Reading fluency Comprehension Grammar Writing Instruction was focused on fluency using game based learning Fry’s High Frequency sight words Word Cards 10 sight words total for each unit 2 each lesson Students’ progress was recorded each lesson

14 Instruction Independent Reading for 10 minutes
2 small groups for 15 minutes each Reading fluency Comprehension skills & strategies Phonics “rules” based on spelling patterns Writing based on a text Phonics & Sight Word Instruction Explicit teaching of sight words Word building Word steps Roll & write Oh no! Sight word game

15 Phonics Blends

16 Sight Words Instruction

17 Sight Word Sentences

18 Independent Reading with a Purpose!

19 Independent Reading with a Purpose!

20 Tracking Data Sight Words DIBELS (fluency, accuracy, retelling)
Independent Reading Level Assessments Informal assessments (observations, classwork)

21 Independent Reading Level Progress Chart

22 Student Assessment Recording Sheet

23 The Outcome Sight word fluency increased Words per minute increased
Reading accuracy increased Independent reading levels advanced

24 Focus Student

25 DIBELS Assessment Results
Name Date Fluency Accuracy Student A 9/ 13/16 10/14/16 11/16/16 19 30 43 66% 81% 90% Student B 9/13/16 10/28/16 11/17/16 36 33 58 48 77% 87% 91% 84% Student C 16 23 35 26 76% 70% Student D 9/14/16 62 88% 79% 98%

26 Suggestions for Mentor Teachers
Outline expectations in the beginning Give them a starting point with resources Communicate any concerns Utilize for enrichment or remediation Communicate Be patient Closely guide Provide student background Explain curriculum & pacing Be organized

27 Suggestions for Student Teachers
Open communication Provide input & suggestions Be timely in preparing Seek information from mentor teachers Be organized & prepared Be flexible Reflect Ask questions & clarify Observe always & often

28 Resources  Florida Center for Reading Research
for Educators tab Student Center Activities Essential Reading Strategies for the Struggling Reader: Activities for An Accelerated Reading Program. (2001).Austin, TX: University of Texas System.

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