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Denotation and Connotation

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Presentation on theme: "Denotation and Connotation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Denotation and Connotation

2 Denotation is the literal sense of a word, while connotation is its figurative meaning.
The word snake for example, denotes "any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes," and  it connotes “a treacherous person."...

3 What Does This Mean? Home: House: Residence: Dwelling:

4 What Does This Mean? The words home, house, residence, and dwelling all have the same basic definition, but the meaning of each word is very different.

5 What is the definition of home, house, residence, and dwelling?
What Does This Mean? What is the definition of home, house, residence, and dwelling? ……Where a person lives at any given time.

6 What Does This Mean? Even though these four words have the same DENOTATION (DICTIONARY DEFINITION) they all have different meanings, or CONNOTATIONS.

7 Home: cozy, loving, comfortable House: the actual building
What Does This Mean? CONNOTATIONS Home: cozy, loving, comfortable House: the actual building Residence: cold, no feeling Dwelling: primitive or basic surrounding

8 Denotation Denotation is the strict dictionary meaning of a word.
Denotation is the literal meaning of the word. D=Dictionary

9 Connotation Connotation is the emotional, cultural, and figurative meaning or association surrounding a word. A connotation of a word can be either positive or negative. C = Connection

10 This is the DENOTATION of the words inexpensive and cheap.
Examples If something doesn’t cost a lot, we call it either CHEAP or INEXPENSIVE. This is the DENOTATION of the words inexpensive and cheap. Which word has a positive connotation? A negative connotation?

11 This is the DENOTATION of the words firm and strict.
Examples When a teacher or parent talks tough and serious we can call that either FIRM or STRICT This is the DENOTATION of the words firm and strict. Which word has a positive connotation? A negative connotation?

12 Examples If someone is buying a car, and they can choose a USED or PRE- OWNED vehicle, which has the positive connotation?

13 Which Has the Negative Connotation?
Which newspaper does not favor the development project? a. Mall to Destroy 300 Homes b. Mall to Bring 3,000 Jobs

14 Class Activity Bird; fowl food Afraid, scairdy-cat Mutt, mongrel
Word Denotation Positive Connotation Negative Connotation Chicken Bird; fowl food Afraid, scairdy-cat Dog Mutt, mongrel Bold courageous Curious Slender scrawny, skinny Smart intelligent Pig Mysterious unique; fascinating Laugh cackle, maniacal

15 Class Activity Look steadily Gaze Stare
Denotation Positive Connotation Negative Connotation Look steadily Gaze Stare A smell sensed by olfactory nerve odor Influence one way or another Persuade Less than average build observe A young age immature Discuss with others Not having a care irresponsible

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