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News from Switzerland on Soil Monitoring & Data Management

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1 News from Switzerland on Soil Monitoring & Data Management
Soil Section News from Switzerland on Soil Monitoring & Data Management Fabio Wegmann September 18, 2007

2 Agenda Brief introduction of myself
National Soil Observation Network (NABO) National Soil Pollutants Database (NABODAT)

3 Short Introduction of myself
Ph.D. in chemistry from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich On modeling of transport, behaviour and fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) I joined the soil section at the Federal Office for the Environment at the end of 2006 Main topics NABODAT EEA activities Chemical aspects of soil protection My coworkers send greetings!

4 National Soil Observation (NABO)
In operation since 1984 105 locations, different land usage Monitoring of: Nutrients: N, P, ... (soil fertility) Soil parameters: pH, OC, physical & biological parameters Pollutants: Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, F, Hg, Zn, PAH, PCB, ... Some sites are sampled each year, but most are every 5th year 4th complete sampling and analysis campaign completed soon 48 locations with additional mass flux monitoring Quality management: i.e. with round robin tests, systematic error analysis Not included here: cantonal soil observation

5 Swiss Soil Monitoring Network
- NABO-Trend: at present 105 long-term observation sites of different land use: Start of implementation 1985, sampling intervall 5 years (4th campaign), analytical programme 9 heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, Mo, Co, Hg) and F. - NABO-Flux: 48 agricultural sites with annual fluxes of deposition, agricultural inputs and crop uptake for Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb. - NABO-Status: 105 sites over Switzerland are not sufficient, additional investigations in course. - NABO-Quality: key issue for monitoring as we shall see. status soil properties: depth profile, pH, CEC, ... chemical change: 8 heavy metals and F chemical status: PAH, PCB, Dioxine biological and physical properties: field experiments to evaluate methods

6 since 1996: cattle-manure, poultry and pig manure
56 Trueb (Kt. Bern) arable mixed dairy farm since 1996: cattle-manure, poultry and pig manure

7 64 Duggingen orchads (cherry) mixed dairy / arable farm since 1996: cattle and pig manure, pesticides, gras cutting,

8 Sampling design soil depth: 0-20 cm 51 Wartau special crops:

9 More Information & Contact

10 NABODAT: Goals To harmonize soil pollutant data storage in Switzerland
To consolidate all soil pollutant information sources in Switzerland To serve as a tool to analyse and assess spatial and temporal trends on different levels To facilitate overall soil status reports (i.e. to EEA) To be the soil element of the Swiss Environmental Data Centre Parcel Canton / Region ‚Catchment‘ Municipal Comm. National

11 NABODAT: Structure & Milestones
National Soil Pollutants Database Is based on a ‘field-tested’ cantonal solution Has multi-client functionality: Closed data domains Different user types (FABO, nonFABO, .edu,...) Connection to GIS software Seperate development of ‘R modules’ to facilitate spatial assessments based on point data Begin development: early 2008 (Scheduled) begin of productive stage: early 2009

12 NABODAT: Data types & functionality

13 regional background concentrations of heavy metals in the top soil
Digital soil mapping: regional background concentrations of heavy metals in the top soil Voraussetzungen in der Schweiz gut durch hohen Harmonisierungsgrad der Daten, das Mittelland ist ein mittelfristig realistisches Ziel

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