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New developments of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit

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1 New developments of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit
Takashi SASAKI (KEK) Sébastien INCERTI (IN2P3/CENBG) - on behalf of KEK & IN2P3 teams - 9-12 May 2007 KEK, Japan

2 Contents The Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit
KEK/IN2P3 collaboration activities Educational Applications Medicine, Biology and Space extensions Computing grids KEK & IN2P3 teams Budget

3 Geometry and tracking: Geant4
Geant4 : a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter Developed by an international collaboration for HEP, successor of Geant3 (20 ans) Gather more than 160 collaborators today Most recent Monte Carlo code in HEP (1998) Consist of C++ librairies Regularly updated, entirely open and free Geant4 designed for the simulation of a HEP experiment Flexible geometry and materials Physics processes modeling (electromagnetic, hadronic) Generate particles and track them inside the geometry Record physical quantities and analysis Potentialities Visualisation Interactivity Drawbacks : learning, complex, validation ~ 160 collaborators

BaBar, ILC… Brachytherapy PET Scan (GATE) Hadrontherapy Dosimetry DICOM Medical linac Planetology ISS GAIA (ESA) GLAST (NASA) Technology transfer from HEP to space, medical, bio … Cellular irradiation Nanobeam raytracing

5 Development of educational applications based on Geant4
Activity #1 Development of educational applications based on Geant4

6 Motivation Not to teach Geant4 but use Geant4 to teach Physics
Geant4 contains a large phenomenological and empirical knowledge of interactions of particles with matter complex interactions in complex geometries… Geant4 can simulate complexities encountered in the real life not only physics, but also space, medical... Geant4 distribution package contains many realistic examples and test suites to start with Not to teach Geant4 but use Geant4 to teach Physics

7 Experiences at Medical school
Visualization is the key element for observation of physical phenomena by students Trajectories and geometries Simple geometries like a water box are useful to “measure” physical quantities like the mass attenuation coefficient, etc… Simple “measurements” à la Rutherford don’t need advanced analysis tools. Intuitive “measurement” is pedagogically effective. Analysis tools will be necessary to study quantitative features

8 Courseware in a book style

9 Example of virtual lab: how to measure a mass attenuation coefficient ?
1.198 MeV gammas entering cm of water 40 events are displayed to “measure” the probability of the through gammas All EM interactions are activated

10 Example of virtual lab: a sandwich calorimeter lead/aerogel

11 Example of virtual lab: a sandwich calorimeter lead/aerogel
All em interactions are on and shawer developed and contained in the sandwitch calorimeter All EM interactions activated

12 Example of courseware: geometry
Use Geant4 to teach principles of … Tracking Vertex chamber Drift chamber TPC MWPC Calorimetry Sampling energy and position Crystals Particle Identification Cerenkov ToF dE/dX Absorbers

13 Behind : Geant4Python for Advanced Interactivity and Useability
Two user categories Content Creators (teachers) End Users (students) Geant4Py toolkit developed for Content Creators Developed by K. Murakami, now available in geant4-8.1/environments/g4py Python's powerful scripting capabilities are exploitable Modularizing, combining, and using components Material / Geometry (predefined geometry / easy geometry set-up) Physics list (EM, Hadrons) Detector response (Calorimeter / Tracker) Analysis packages (ROOT, HBOOK, AIDA, ...) Visualization GUI (Qt, Tkinter, wxPython...) / Web applications (mod-python, CherryPy) Courseware for End Users Scripting with Python is NOT required! GUI / Web applications Can be built on the Python interface

14 Geant4 Web server

15 Joint IN2P3-KEK Geant4 annual schools ?
Both KEK & IN2P3 have organized Geant4 tutorials : Tsukuba (2006), Strasbourg (2007)… IN2P3 is organizing in collaboration with other institutes (CEA, Inserm, Institut Curie, ESA,…) a Geant4 tutorial in Paris, June 4-8th, 2007 Strong demand among young physicists (> 100 participants) We plan an annual periodicity in France and why not in Japan too in the framework of the Particle Physics joint lab Japan – France ?

16 Activity #2 Extension of Geant4 for applications in Biology, Medicine and Space Science

17 Motivation Geant4 is a well designed software for the simulation of interactions between particles and matter Its flexibility and potentialities make Geant4 an ideal candidate for extensions towards emerging interdiciplinary fields Particle interactions in biological medium Particle therapy in medicine Space science molecule organs planets

18 Geant4 & Biology Detailed simulation of particle interactions with biological medium (DNA molecule) down to a few eV Use data from state-of-the art experimental techniques confocal imaging at the cellular scale (→ 3D phantoms) ion beam analysis of cells (→ chemical composition of organites) cellular survival rates after microbeam irradiation… Main objective : prediction of DNA damages (double strand breaks – fatal lesions -, DNA fragments…) after irrradiation of cells, taking into account realistic DNA models Initiated & in progress through the INFN-ESA-IN2P3 Geant4 DNA collaboration… but demanding task and more collaborators are needed

19 Geant4 at the cellular scale
PIXE analysis Microbeam Geant4 3D phantoms new Physics processes © Geant4 DNA © Geant4 DNA p & H charge change p ionisation

20 Geant4 & radiotherapy Provide the framework and software toolkit for simulation in radiotherapy, especially, particle therapy to be used for validation of treatment planning systems dose distribution calculation for each treatment planning new facilities and new treatment methods Validation of simulation results

21 Hadrontherapy simulation
Water Phantom Multi-Leaf Collimator Flatness Monitor Main Monitor Lead Scatter Block Collimator Ridge Filter Secondary Monitor Wobbling field HIBMC Gantry (Hyogo)

22 Visualization samples
These are images visualized a head region data in different transfer function and color map settings. 脳:brain、 p, 200 MeV

23 Validation against carbon beams (12C 290 MeV/n)
Pristine Bragg peak Spread-out Bragg peak wo/ Ridge filter w/ Ridge filter Relative dose Relative dose Depth in water (mm) Depth in water (mm) Normalization factor determined here NIRS HIMAC data

24 Geant4 & Space Sciences Several space projects already use Geant4 :
GLAST (NASA), ConeXpress (ESA), GAIA (ESA), ISS… Large community of Geant4 Space Users (ESA) inflight electronics radiation hardness for aircrafts and spacecrafts human dosimetry and radioprotection for space flights & human based missions search for traces of life in the solar system…

25 Search for traces of life
In collaboration with CNES, ESA & Bern U. Development of a biochip a miniature sampling method allowing identification of biological molecules (biomarkers) for the detection of traces of life in the solar system recognition using specific molecules (ligands) fixed on a support Geant4 needed to determine solar particle and cosmic ray fluxes before in beam irradiation (AIFIRA) for the Earth-Mars transition In situ (role of Mars’ atmosphere and soil) Optimize radioprotection New hadronic models above 10 GeV/n The biochip will be tested aboard ISS with dosimeters ExoMars

26 Deployment of Geant4 on computing grids
Activity #3 Deployment of Geant4 on computing grids

27 Motivation Medical applications of Geant4
large amount of computing power needed especially for MonteCarlo-based dose calculation in radiotherapy Systematic validation of Physics (EM, hadronic) typical situation of hadron therapy simulation : ~3days/1M Pentium-4 3.0GHz processor Gridification is a solution to boost simulation speed Open to any application field Both KEK & IN2P3 involved through LCG/gLite, EGEE, …

28 Geant4 medical applications deployed on GRID
Applications directly based on Geant4 Any type of « classical » radiotherapy setup : brachytherapy, linac, … Hadrontherapy facilities Applications based on the GATE / fGATE platforms Based on Geant4, independent collaboration Emission tomography detectors (PET, SPECT) Esay to use User Interface (no need to be a Geant4 expert)

29 Ocular brachytherapy treatment
Potentiality of GATE Adapted to ET needs Multiple types of data output Fast: M events in 1 hour - 1 day Ease-of-use Long term availability and support Modelling ET experiments Realistic sources (human/animal body or brain) ET detectors (PET, SPECT, probes.) Movement (subject, detector, breathing.) Decay and biological kinetics Detector and electronics Radiotherapy PET camera Ocular brachytherapy treatment

30 Overview Concatenation Anonymisation G4 / GATE Database Binary file:
Copy the medical image from the SE to the CE Storage Element Computing Submission of jdls to the CEs Site1 Retrieving of ROOT output files from CEs Storage Element Computing Site2 Scanner slices: DICOM format Storage Element Computing User interface Site3 Concatenation Anonymisation Database Image: text file Storage Element Computing Site4 Binary file: Image.raw Size 19M

31 Easier GRID access needed
Development of web portals as an easy way to access GRID resources managing GRID jobs across firewalls intra-networks of universities/hospitals are closed under firewalls in most cases users applications are served as Web applications ex. : fixed application in hadrontherapy simulation changing different parameter sets Provides a secure (certificates) and efficient way of distributed analysis (job management) Potentially, a toolkit for constructing GRID web applications (php…) Activity on both Japan and French sides Necessity of grid inter-operability

32 Monte Carlo simulations & jobs
Image visualization Image anonymization Monte Carlo simulations & jobs Internet connexion Genius Working station Starting of the installation at Centre Jean Perrin Metadata management Results visualization


34 Computing time gains on grid
Radiotherapy Local CPU 260 h with 3GHz processor GRID 10 h for 50 divisions GAIN = 26 Single Photon Emission Tomo. 907 days with 3GHz processor 3 days 1813 submissions, 24h/job GAIN = 800

35 KEK & IN2P3 teams 12 collaborators (researchers + engineers)
Members of the Geant4 or GATE collaborations Name Affiliation Takashi Sasaki KEK Sébastien Incerti IN2P3 - CENBG Katsuya Amako Vincent Breton IN2P3 – LPC Clermont Koichi Murakami Lydia Maigne Go Iwai Michel Maire IN2P3 – LAPP Hajime Yoshida Naruto Jean Jacquemier Tsukasa Aso TNCMT Marc Verderi IN2P3 - LLR

36 Budget French Teams Japanese Teams Budget Plan Item Q. Euro
Supported by k Yen Nb of travels 5 5×2500 IN2P3 8 8×200 KEK Workshop 1 5000 350 Other:computer 2 2×2000 Total 21500 € 1950 kYen

37 Thank you for your attention !

38 Backup slides

39 Motivation, objectives
Why Geant4 ? Good for virtual lab Accumulation of examples in the various fields HEP, Space, Medical etc. Advanced interactivity Which level ? High-school, University, Professionals Which Learning style ? Lab works, Hands-on, projects, distant learning How can we create course materials ? Toolkits Usability Already in use in Japan, could be exported to France

40 Example of courseware: exercices
Thin target experiment simple box target, mono-energetic beam histogram outgoing angle, energy, multiplicity change energy, models, cross sections & observe results Model tester build a stand-alone application which invokes one hadronic model at a time histogram final state information Test beam experiment hadronic calorimeter look at collected energy resolution look at e/pi

41 Visualization Samples
These images are samples in different transfer function and color map settings. Blue region is a dose map region. If you pick a point in the dose map region, the dose value is displayed.

42 A life marker chip Y Y Y Definition
→ A miniature method allowing identification of biological molecules (biomarkers) for the detection of traces of life in the solar system → Recognition using specific molecules (ligands) fixed on a support Principle Y Y Y Ligands fixed on the support Chemical link antibodies Support + Ligands in solution « Spotting » of microdroplets Spots: Vdroplet: pL droplet : µm ~ 600 spots / cm2 ! Biochip l = 25 mm L = 75 mm H = 1mm

43 Web portal principle Genius Registration and management
of medical images Genius Registration and replication anonym medical images One logical file name corresponding to multiple physical images Automatic adding and suppression of images Jobs submissions and management Internet connexion User secured authentication Splitting of simulations Automatic files creation submitted to the grid Jobs submission Jobs management Automatic data retrieving (spectrum, isodoses…) Working station Starting of the installation at Centre Jean Perrin

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