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This is Geography CHAPTER ONE.

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Presentation on theme: "This is Geography CHAPTER ONE."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is Geography CHAPTER ONE

2 Key Issue 1: Why is Geography a Science?

3 Basic concepts to explain the “where” and “why”
Place: specific point on Earth, distinguished by a particular characteristic. Region: an area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics Scale: the relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole. Space: the physical gap or interval between two objects Connection: relationships between people and objects across the barrier of space

4 MAPS! Geography’s most important tool for thinking spatially about the distribution of features across Earth is a map. Map: a two-dimensional or flat- scale model of Earth’s surface or a portion of it. Used as a reference tool and for communication

5 Contemporary Geographic Tools
GPS: Global Positioning System. The system that determines the precise position of something on Earth. Satellites Most commonly used for navigation GIS: Geographic information system. Captures, stores, queries, and displays the geographic data. Combining information to form an image. Usually layers.

6 Interpreting Maps To make a map, a cartographer has to make 2 decisions. How much of Earth’s surface to depict on the map (map scale) How to transfer a spherical Earth to a flat map (projection)

7 Map Scale What is going to be on the map? The entire globe? A continent? A country? A city? If the map shows a smaller area, such as a street, it will show A LOT more details than a large area such as the globe. Map Scale: refers to the relationship of a feature’s size on a map to its actual size on earth.

8 Map Scale Map scale is presented in 3 ways:
Ratio: shows the numerical ratio between distances on the map and Earth’s surface. Ex: 1:1,000,000. I unit on the map represents 1 million of the same unit on the ground Written: the ratio written into words Ex: 1 centimeter equals 10 kilometers Graphic: Bar line marked to show distance on Earth’s surface Ex: looks like a ruler Large scale shows smaller areas with more details Small scale shows large areas with little detail


10 Projection Projection: the scientific method of transferring locations on Earth’s surface to a flat map 4 types of distortion can occur Shape of areas Distance between areas Relative Size of areas Direction from one place to another

11 A: Goode Homolosine, an equal area projection
A: Goode Homolosine, an equal area projection. B: Robinson, an uninterrupted projection. C: Mercator, featuring accurate shapes and directions

12 Geographic Grid Meridian: an invisible arc drawn between the North and South poles. Lines of longitude Prime Meridian: 0 degrees longitude Parallel: an invisible circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equator and at right angles to the meridians. Lines of latitude Equator: 0 degrees latitude Together, they are used to identify locations

13 Telling Time Longitude is the basis for calculating time
360 degrees/15 degrees which gives us 24 time zones, 1 for each hour of the day.

14 Telling Time Greenwich Mean Time or Universal Time: 0 Degrees or the Prime Meridian International Date Line: 180 degrees longitude

15 Key Issue 2: Why is Each Point on Earth Unique

16 Place: A Unique Location
Place names: Toponym Named after a person, religion, origins, physical environment EX: St. Louis Site: the physical character of a place Climate, water sources, soil, elevation Essential in selecting places for settlement Situation: the location of a place relative to other places. Helps find unfamiliar places by comparing it to familiar location Helps understand the importance of a place. Many locations are important because they are accessible to other places.



19 Region: A Unique Area An area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics Formal Region: (Uniform region) an area within which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristic. Language, climate, local government

20 Region: A Unique Area Functional Region: (nodal region) an area organized around a node or focal point. Region is tied to central point by communication or transportation Economic area TV station’s signal

21 Region: A Unique Area Vernacular Region: (perceptual region) an area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity. Informal sense of place rather than scientific models The South

22 Culture Regions Culture: the body of customary beliefs, material traits, and social forms that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people. What people care about Ideas, beliefs, values Language, religion, ethnicity What people take care of Material wealth Clothing, food, shelter

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