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Warm-Up: Copy this chart on a sheet of loose-leaf and make a list of as many possible answers as you can. You have 15 minutes to collect your ideas. Then.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Copy this chart on a sheet of loose-leaf and make a list of as many possible answers as you can. You have 15 minutes to collect your ideas. Then."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Copy this chart on a sheet of loose-leaf and make a list of as many possible answers as you can. You have 15 minutes to collect your ideas. Then choose one column topic to write a complete paragraph on (5-7 sentences). Your paragraph must have a topic sentence. Why is it important to study geography? In what ways is geography useful in real life? Which careers might be associated with geography? How can knowledge of geography help you in other academic areas?

2 Welcome! Agenda for August 27-28
Warm-Up: Why study geography? The students will identify and analyze the five themes of geography.

3 The Field of Geography Geography: the study of Earth and its people
Two categories of geography Physical geography Human geography

4 Physical Geography: the study of natural features on the surface of Earth
Things that can be seen (landforms) and felt (weather)

5 Human Geography: study of people as they have spread across Earth
Who lives where? Why? How? Human-made features like towns, dams & roads

6 5 Themes of Geography Location Place Movement
Human-Environment Interaction Region

7 Human- Environment Interaction
Location Place Movement Human- Environment Interaction Region

8 Location: Where is it? Why is it there?
Absolute Location Exact Latitude/longitude Pearland, TX 29° N / 95° W Street address Turner is located at 4717 Bailey Road Relative Location Depends on a point of reference. Near, far, a short drive, etc. Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance. A few miles from Pearland Town Center Across from Turner High School Pearland, TX is located in southeast Texas, about 30 minutes to the south of Houston

9 Relative location: Pearland, TX is located in southeast Texas, about 30 minutes to the south of Houston

10 Absolute location: Pearland, TX 29° N / 95° W

11 Think about… When might it be important to use absolute location?
Describe a scenario where using relative location would be beneficial.

12 Place: What is it like? Physical characteristics like landforms, climate bodies of water or vegetation Human characteristics such as roads, buildings, culture & beliefs

13 Regions: How are places similar or different?
What do locations have in common? Climate Religion Language Education States or territories Borders of a nation

14 Types of Regions Formal Functional Perceptual

15 Formal Regions Are based on the related characteristics of an area (language, religion, climate) Many formal regions have natural boundaries Commonly defined by continental area and similar cultures The World Dived into roughly 7 Regions, Each with a Population of 1 Billion

16 The World is divided into roughly 11 regions
The World is divided into roughly 11 regions. Label as many as you can on your map.

17 Formal Regions

18 Functional Regions Functional regions are based on connections between places; have a “hub” or central area Ex. A city and its suburbs

19 Perceptual Regions Are based on people’s feelings and attitudes of an area Likely to change over time Can be based on stereotypes and influenced by travel, movies and reading Ex. Dixie, Aggieland, The Outback Tornado Alley

20 Human-Environment Interaction: What does the environment for the people?
We depend. We need rivers for transportation. We adapt. We wear clothing to protect us from the weather.

21 Human-Environment Interaction: What do the people do to the environment?
We modify. We use heaters and air conditioners in our homess We neglect. Humans impact the environment through oil spills, extra waste

22 Movement: How are people and places linked?
Linear, time & psychological Movement of People Cars, trains, planes, animals Movement of Products Trucks, trains, planes Movement of Information/Ideas Cell phones, computers, TV, radio, newspapers

23 Group Activity I will put you into groups and each group will be assigned one of the 5 Themes of Geography to draw on the paper provided to you. Must Include: Title of Theme Name of each student on back Brief explanation of how this picture represents the theme (on back) Each group will present their theme to the class.

24 Practice Identify the themes of geography in the following photos:
Location Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction Region

25 1

26 2

27 3

28 4

29 5

30 6

31 7

32 8

33 Practice Are the following regions formal, perceptual, or functional?







40 Welcome! Wednesday, August 24
Warm-Up: Reviewing the 5 Themes Presentation: Tools of Geography- Maps Activity: Lat & Long Skills Closure

41 A Geographer’s Tools Globes: 3-D representation of Earth
Maps: 2-D representation of selected parts of Earth’s surface Map projection: a way of drawing the earth that reduces distortion caused by going from round to flat Cartographer: a person who makes maps

42 To help describe location, geographers divide the earth into hemispheres, or halves of the Earth

43 Latitude & Longitude: grid system of imaginary lines
Lines that run north to south Sometimes called meridians Pole to pole, half circles Longitude goes over the Earth Latitude Lines that run east to west Sometimes called parallels Latitude goes around the Earth

44 Geographers use latitude and longitude to describe _______ location.

45 How do we know if it’s N or S? E or W?

46 Important Lines of Latitude and Longitude
Equator 0⁰ latitude Prime meridian 0⁰ longitude Greenwich, England International Date Line 180⁰ longitude

47 Lat & Long Skills Mark the Equator in RED.
Mark & label the Prime Meridian in PURPLE. Mark the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn in ORANGE. Mark the International Date Line in GREEN. Mark the Arctic and Antarctic circle in BLUE Label the 7 continents.

48 Cities Around the World Circle the cities at:
47°N, 71°W 38°S, 145°E 41°N, 29°E 19°N, 73°E 23°S, 43°W

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