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Meet Mrs. Hood Welcome to 1st grade Open House! My name is Mrs. Meegan Hood & your child is now a Busy Bee in my little “hive”! I grew up in St.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet Mrs. Hood Welcome to 1st grade Open House! My name is Mrs. Meegan Hood & your child is now a Busy Bee in my little “hive”! I grew up in St."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet Mrs. Hood Welcome to 1st grade Open House! My name is Mrs. Meegan Hood & your child is now a Busy Bee in my little “hive”! I grew up in St. Charles & graduated from Francis Howell High School in I graduated from Truman State University in with a degree in Exercise Science & Cardiac Rehab. Then after a few years I decided to go back to school & graduated from UMSL with my teaching degree. I live in St. Charles with my husband, Scott, a real estate investor, our 9 ½ year old son, Julian, who is a 4th grader in Francis Howell, & our mischievous & jumpy dog, Oliver This is my 12th year at McKelvey! year as a Student Teacher in 2nd grade years teaching 2nd Grade This is my 6th year teaching 1st Grade!

2 Daily Schedule 8:50 - 9:20 Arrive, Calendar & Class Meeting
9: :20 Math Workshop 10: :20 Writer’s Workshop 11: :10 Recess & Lunch 12:15 - 1:15 Reader’s Workshop 1:15 - 2:05 Specials 2:10 - 2:30 Shared Reading 2:30 - 3:00 Science & Social Studies 3:00 - 3:15 1st Grade Earned Recess 3:15 - 3:45 Word Work & Guided Reading 3:45 - 3:55 Clean Up, Pack Up & Stack Up 3:55 - 4:05 Dismissal

3 Arrival Dismissal Students may enter the building at 8:50
School starts at 9:05 1st graders need time to settle in for the day, so it is important they are on time Dismissal School is dismissed at 4:05 Make sure to notify the teacher or office if your child will be going home a different way Please call before 2:30 to ensure we get your message

4 Newsletter, Bee-havior
& Homework page

5 New Food Policy We will no longer have food at
This year the entire Parkway School District will be following a new food policy. This is in place to protect students with food allergies. Food will still be allowed for lunch & snack. We will no longer have food at class parties or for birthday treats.

6 Homework Homework will be listed daily on the back of the weekly newsletter homework/bee-havior chart. Please check & sign this each night. Mondays & Wednesdays read from book bag & talk about book with family member see talking point to help with discussion (homework page) Word Work Homework page (turn in the next day) Tuesdays & Thursdays See talking point to help with discussion Math homework page (turn in the next day) Please help keep our classroom library full of books by ensuring that your child returns his/her “just right” book in good, clean condition before taking a new book home!

7 Reading Building Good Reading Habits
Word Detectives Use All They Know to Solve Words Learning About the World: Nonfiction Readers Get to Know Their Characters by Performing Them Readers Have Big Jobs To Do A Study of Story Elements Reading Nonfiction Cover to Cover: Nonfiction Book Clubs 

8 Reading Level Assessment
Fountas & Pinnell This test is given individually based on your child’s abilities. Right now I am testing your children to see which reading level they can successfully read. When I test, there are two parts to consider & student’s must pass both to move up a level. Accuracy Can they read the words accurately? Are they reading fluently? Comprehension Can they retell what happens in the book? Can they state the problem and how it was solved? Do they know who the characters are & what they did? Can they go beyond the text to tell me why things happened or why characters did what they did?

9 Reading Level Note This note will come home every time your child
moves up in a reading level

10 Writing Small Moments: Personal Narratives
Music In Our Hearts: Songs & Poetry Nonfiction Chapter Books Authors As Mentors: Craftsmanship & Revision From Scenes to Series: Writing Fiction Writing Like Scientists

11 Social Studies Our Community Cultural Traditions
Location! Location! Location! Producers & Consumers We All Can Be A Hero

12 Science Balance & Weighing Balance & Motion Organisms Weather

13 Math Addition & Subtraction 1 Data Place Value
Addition & Subtraction 1 Data Place Value Addition & Subtraction 2 Measurement Geometry

14 Math Pre & Post-Assessments & Benchmarks
Every unit in math has a pre-assessment to guide our instruction. Once we have completed the unit, we give a post assessment on the same material. Giving both a pre & post shows us their progress. Benchmark assessments include grade level material implemented all year. We give the benchmark 3 times – one at the beginning, one in the middle, & one at the end of the year. Teachers evaluate the data received from these assessments in order to guide our instruction towards mastery of new skills.

15 Word Work Studies show that “old school” spelling tests really don’t show what the students know. By learning patterns in words, students are able to build new words from words they already know. Word study is a problem-solving approach where students use many different strategies to make sense of unknown words. There are many ways you can support their word study learning & progress at home!

16 Accountable Words Please be looking for kindergarten and first grade word assessments to be sent home. We do not give weekly spelling tests, but we do work on 3-4 words a week. I will also spend time with your child individually to help them successfully spell their kindergarten & first grade words. Please know that I take spelling seriously & aim to help your child succeed as developmentally appropriate as possible.

17 Classroom Management Plan
Mrs. Hood’s Busy Bees Classroom Management Plan Classroom Rules Bee Respectful – Raise your hand before speaking Bee Safe – Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself Bee a Learner – Do your best work Bee Responsible – Follow all school & classroom rules Bee Attentive – Listen with your “whole body” (eyes, ears, hands, feet, brain) Consequences 1st Disruption: Quiet reminder of rules & possible consequences 2nd Disruption: Student “bee” moved to yellow - miss 5 minutes of “earned” recess 3rd Disruption: Miss ALL of “earned” recess - possible McKelvey Incident Report 4th Disruption: Student “bee” moved to red & a call home & Office Referral If a severe disruption occurs the student will be immediately sent to office & a call home made by the principal.

18 STUDENT “I have talked about this classroom management plan with my family.
I understand it & I will do my best to follow these rules.” ____________________________ PARENTS “We have discussed this classroom management plan together as a family. We understand it & will support it.” ______________________________ TEACHER “I will be fair & consistent in administering this classroom management plan. I am open to discussing any issues as a teacher/parent team.” __________________________

19 Field Trip 1st grade will be taking one field trip
to the St. Louis Zoo in the spring! Parents are very welcome! The more the merrier 

20 Star Student Each week one student will be our “Star Student” of the week. This will be a simple opportunity to let us get to know your child a lot better! Your child will fill in & decorate a poster sent home the previous week & will be asked to share a few things outloud.

21 The Bee “Impossible” According to the theory of aerodynamics, demonstrated through wind tunnel experiments, the bumblebee is unable to fly This is because the size, weight & shape of its body, in relation to total wingspan, makes flying impossible! But the bumblebee, unaware of these scientific truths, goes ahead & flies anyway. Moral: Find ways around the impossible

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