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Swine Topics Walk through

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1 Swine Topics Walk through
Slides adapted from Dr. Alex Ramirez Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine 445 Iowa State University

It can be difficult to identify the truly sick pig Generally, the tendency on many sites is to treat pigs that do not show signs of sickness On some sites, we fail to identify and treat pigs that are sick

3 Abnormal Postures Normal: sternal or lateral recumbency Dog sitting
Pneumonia, pleuritis Head extended Respiratory distress Arched back Pain: lameness, polyserositis Favor limb Head tilt

4 General behavior Normal: curious, avoid confrontation
Will squeal when held or in pain Rarely bite BUT will if hand is placed in mouth (reflex action) Hyperkinetic: nutritional deficiencies, genetics, CNS disease Listless/lethargic/slow Systemic illness Drooping ears Reluctant or fail to move when menaced

5 Drugs and Dosage: Use of the correct drug
Use of the correct dose amount Most sites use a lower dose than required for the drug to be effective Importance of follow up treatments Correct injection site

6 Identification and Treatment

7 Normal Rectal Temperature Ranges
Weaned Pig: o F Growing Pig: o F Finishing Pig: o F

8 Normal Respiratory Rates
Weaned Pig: breaths / min Growing Pig: breaths / min Finishing Pig: breaths / min

9 How to evaluate a ROOM /BARN of pigs

10 STOP ! LOOK ! LISTEN ! EVALUATE : Environment Pig Comfort Feed Delivery Water Supply

11 How to evaluate a PEN Nursery and Finisher

12 Use a systematic approach ! Do it the same way every time !
EVALUATE : Pig Comfort Pig Health Waterer position / flow Feeder adjustment

13 Environment: Are the pigs comfortable? Are they cold (piling)? Are they hot? Are there drafts present? Think about the environment from the pig level, not yours!

14 Water supply: Are the nipples at the proper height (top of the shoulders)? Is the water flow appropriate? pints / minute (nursery) quarts / minute (finishing)

15 Water Flow

16 Measuring water flow rates:
Nursery: pints / minute (25-40 seconds to fill a pint container) Finishing: quarts / minute (finishing) (20-30 seconds to fill a pint container)

17 Nipple Height

18 Feed supply: Are the augers operating correctly?
Are the feeders adjusted properly? Is the feed in the feeder trough free of mold and manure?

19 Feeder Adjustment Good Wet Feed Excess Feed

20 The pigs CAN tell you how they feel !!
How do these pigs feel ?

21 How the pigs feel is determined by:
Not only the temperature but the combination of humidity and the air speed (drafts) with the temperature !

22 What are these pigs telling

23 Piling of piglets: Indicates that the pigs are chilled, huddling for warmth. Maybe due to low ambient temperature or radiant cooling from cold facilities.

24 either because they are the barn is too cold or drafty
They are chilled either because they are sick or the barn is too cold or drafty

25 5 Most Common Symptoms #1 CNS (strep) #2 Lameness #3 Diarrhea
#4 Pneumonia #5 Off Feed

26 Piglet is in recumbent with extensor rigidity, paddling, and nystagmus due to meningitis likely caused by Streptococcus suis septicemia.

27 # 2 LAMENESS Lameness and Swollen Joints

28 Both rear legs have swollen joints
Pigs will stand with the rear legs more under its body than normal pigs to try to take weight off of the joints that are painful.

29 Recovered infection or
Finishing Pig Not Lame with Firm, swollen joints = Recovered infection or injury No treatment !

30 Swollen hocks: Are commonly associated with lameness – common agents associated with this condition in finishing pigs are: Mycoplasma hyosynoviae, Mycoplasma hyorhinis, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Streptococcus suis

31 Can the pig compete with other pigs for food and water?
It must be pulled!

32 Diarrhea in a Nursery Pig

33 Labored Abdominal Breathing
# 4 PNEUMONIA "THUMPING" or Labored Abdominal Breathing

34 “Thumping” pigs are animals that are using more effort than normal to breath.
Pigs will use its abdominal muscles to breath! Not just the muscles of the chest.


36 Pigs generally have a full stomach.
Gaunt, flat sided looking pigs will be the first sign. More advanced cases the pig's backbone will begin to show.

37 OTHER SYMPTOMS Tail Biting Navel Sucking Greasy Pig

38 First ask…Is this a primary
TAIL BITING First ask…Is this a primary or secondary problem ?

39 Most likely a secondary problem if… It is not healthy… Loss of condition and depressed

40 It may need to be pulled to keep it from getting worse!
Most likely a primary problem if... It is healthy.. in good condition It may need to be pulled to keep it from getting worse!

41 Vices: Pigs bite to get cohorts moving away from desired resources
Vices: Pigs bite to get cohorts moving away from desired resources. Most vices are a result of a scarcity of resources such as feeder space, water, and well ventilated pen space. Difficult to stop once started in a group, requires identification and correction of risk factor. Tail-bite lesion in a finishing barn Cannibalism of tail by other pigs in the same pen


43 Possible causes of Navel Sucking:
1) Pigs that are weaned too early. 2) Improper environment causing pigs to be uncomfortable. The pig that is doing the navel sucking should be removed from the pen!

44 Navel sucking: This behavior is associated with early weaned pigs and increases in frequency as wean age drops below 12 days of age.

45 Younger pigs that suck the navels of other pigs: Usually have “muddy” stained foreheads and can be recognized and removed to eliminate injury to other pigs.

46 Physical Exam Summary Pigs are not easy to examine up close
Learn to evaluate from a distance Many clinical signs not specific to a certain disease Be aware of environment including feed and water availability Need to develop a “feel” for group health Post-mortems are often done to reach a specific diagnosis

47 Don’t forget that not everything is disease!

48 Acknowledgements I would like to recognize others for their significant contributions to this presentation: Dr. Alex Ramirez Dr. Locke Karriker MKS Productions

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