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The Hobbit Warm ups.

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1 The Hobbit Warm ups

2 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit today
What is Bilbo baggins and how is he different from a human? Give three adjectives to describe how Bilbo feels when the dwarves are at his home. “Their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair …on the tops.” is an example of what type of figurative language?

3 What is Bilbo baggins and how is he different from a human
What is Bilbo baggins and how is he different from a human? Short, hairy and leathery soled feet Give three adjectives to describe how Bilbo feels when the dwarves are at his home-flummoxed(flustered/anxious), tired, annoyed “Their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair …on the tops.” is an example of what type of figurative language? Imagery

4 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit today
Give three adjectives to describe the dwarves. From Bilbo baggins’s behavior, describe how hobbits usually act. In the Quote “I can make you a nice breakfast before you go”, What part of speech are the underlined words? What part of speech is each of the following words “perfectly round door”?

5 Give three adjectives to describe the dwarves( short but taller than hobbits, greedy, adventurous)
From Bilbo baggins’s behavior, describe how hobbits usually act- polite but can get annoyed, not adventurous, like to be at home, enjoy eating/hungry often) In the Quote “I can make you a nice breakfast before you go”, What part of speech are the underlined words? Personal Pronouns What part of speech is each of the following words “perfectly round door”? (adverb, adjective, common noun)

6 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit today
Tolkien uses many unfamiliar words: define the following as well as you can from how they are used in the hobbit: Fender flummoxed Name two major differences between the book’s plot and that of the animated version.

7 Tolkien uses many unfamiliar words: define the following as well as you can from how they are used in the hobbit: Fender- a low frame bordering a fireplace to contain burning materials. flummoxed- bewildered or perplexed. Name two major differences between the book’s plot and that of the animated version. Bilbo chooses to go on the journey without Gandalf rushing him Gandalf makes the sun come up to kill the trolls instead of keeping them arguing until the sun rises on its own

8 Fifteen birds in five fir trees
Fifteen birds in five fir trees. The underlined words are an example of what type of sound device / figurative language

9 Fifteen birds in five fir trees
Fifteen birds in five fir trees. The underlined words are an example of what type of sound device / figurative language – Alliteration (beginning same letter/sound)

10 “there were no wolves living near Mr
“there were no wolves living near Mr. Baggins’ hole at home, but he knew that noise.” Is this sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex? “Then Gandalf climbed to the top of the trees.” Is this sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound- complex? What part of speech is “Gandalf” and “Trees”?

11 “there were no wolves living near Mr
“there were no wolves living near Mr. Baggins’ hole at home, but he knew that noise.” Is this sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex?- compound (because there are two independent clauses joined by a conjunction) “Then Gandalf climbed to the top of the trees.” Is this sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex? (Simple because there is only 1 independent clause) What part of speech is “Gandalf” and “Trees”? (both are nouns- Gandalf is a person and trees are things)

12 And where are you making? The faggots are reeking,
“O! What are you seeking And where are you making? The faggots are reeking, The bannocks are baking! O! tril-lil-lil-lolly The valley is jolly, Ha! ha!” What is the rhyme scheme of lines 1-4? Is this an example of internal, forced, or end rhyme?

13 And where are you making? The faggots are reeking,
“O! What are you seeking And where are you making? The faggots are reeking, The bannocks are baking! O! tril-lil-lil-lolly The valley is jolly, Ha! ha!” What is the rhyme scheme of lines 1-4? ABAB because the last word of Line 1(A) rhymes with Line 3 (A), last word of line two (B)rhymes with line 4 (B) Is this an example of internal, forced, or end rhyme? END RHYME (Lines 1-4) Forced Rhyme (Lines 5-6)

14 List at least 5 creatures Bilbo and the dwarves have encountered and explain what happened during their interaction.

15 Trolls- Tried to kill them
Elves- Gave them food and shelter Goblins- kidnapped and tried to kill them Gollium- tried to kill him (Bilbo only) Wargs- tried to kill them Beorn (skin-changer)- Gave them food and shelter Spiders- tried to kill them

16 “But they did not quite lose their wits” Label the parts of speech.
Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit “But they did not quite lose their wits” Label the parts of speech.

17 But - Conjunction they- pronoun did- verb not -adverb quite -adverb lose -verb their - pronoun wits- noun

18 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit
“..they saw that the great mountains had marched down very near to them.” What type of figurative language is represented in the passage above? “…when, ding-dong-a-ling-dang, his bell rang again.”

19 “..they saw that the great mountains had marched down very near to them.” What type of figurative language is represented in the passage above? personification “…when, ding-dong-a-ling-dang, his bell rang again.” What type of figurative language is represented in the passage above? Onomatopoeia

20 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit
In what point of view is the hobbit told? First person, second person, third person? What type of writing is the hobbit written in? Narrative, Informational, argumentative?

21 In what point of view is the hobbit told
In what point of view is the hobbit told? First person, second person, third person? Third person omniscient What type of writing is the hobbit written in? Narrative, Informational, argumentative? narrative

22 Summarize what you read yesterday
Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit Summarize what you read yesterday

23 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit
“Hail! Thorin,” he said as he entered. Label the parts of speech. “He did not expect a chorus of volunteers, so he was not disappointed.” Which word in the sentence above is a conjunction?

24 Hail!- Interjection Thorin- noun He- pronoun Said- verb As- Conjunction Entered- Verb “He did not expect a chorus of volunteers, so he was not disappointed.” Which word in the sentence above is a conjunction? SO

25 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit
Which quote is a metaphor and which quote is a simile? “he was looking out of his pale lamp like eyes for blind fish…” “Fifteen birds in five fir trees, their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze! what funny little birds, they had no wings! Oh what shall we do with the funny little things? Roast 'em alive, or stew them in a pot; fry them, boil them and eat them hot?”

26 Which quote is a metaphor and which quote is a simile?
“he was looking out of his pale lamp like eyes for blind fish…” Simile “Fifteen birds in five fir trees, their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze! what funny little birds, they had no wings! Oh what shall we do with the funny little things? Roast 'em alive, or stew them in a pot; fry them, boil them and eat them hot?” metaphor

27 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit
What was Tolkien’s purpose in writing the hobbit? To persuade, inform, or entertain? How do we know?

28 What was Tolkien’s purpose in writing the hobbit
What was Tolkien’s purpose in writing the hobbit? To persuade, inform, or entertain? To entertain How do we know? It is a fictional story. It does not inform us about a specific topic, nor does it try to persuade us of anything.

29 Write down the following questions in your notebook and answer them as we read the Hobbit
Pick one of the following topics from The Hobbit: Heroism loyalty good vs. evil 2) How does the author feel about this topic? Write “the author feels….” 3) Remove “the author feels” and edit your sentence so it stands on its own as your theme

30 Quick Writes

31 Quick write: Come in and begin writing on the following prompt
Imagine that you have to leave home without notice. Write a short narrative telling the story. Where / Why are you going? What will you take with you? Who will be going with you? etc.

32 Quick write: Come in and begin writing on the following prompt
Bilbo must, from the very first chapter, confront his own fears. Write a narrative of a time when you needed courage to do something. How did you overcome your fear? Or if nothing comes to mind, tell about something that you would like to do that would require overcoming your fears.

33 Quick write: Come in and begin writing on the following prompt
The dwarves tell of the home they lost in the song “The Misty Mountains cold”. Describe your home either in a poem or a descriptive paragraph.

34 Quick write revision Choose one of your quick writes from this week, revise it for a grade. Turn in your quick write rough drafts, and the revision of the one you want me to grade.

35 Quick write: Come in and begin writing on the following prompt
Tell about a time that you or someone you know got lost.

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