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6. Second Language Listening comprehension: Process and Pedagogy

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1 6. Second Language Listening comprehension: Process and Pedagogy
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2 Index Figure 1. Cognitive processes in L2 listening and their interrelationships. Listening skills and strategies Table 1. One-way listening tasks Table 2. Two-way listening tasks Figure 3. A metacognitive pedagogical sequence for listening

3 Cognitive processes in L2 listening and their interrelationships
Metacognition Representation of speech in memory UTILIZATION Parsed speech PARSING Phonetic representation Phonetic representation PERCEPTION Speech Bottom-up processing Top-down processing

4 Listening skills 1. Listen for details. -Identify specific information that is relevant to the listening goal. 2. Listen selectively. -Pay attention to particular parts of the listening text and ignore others.

5 Listening skills 3. Listen for global understanding. -Understand the overall general idea 4. Listen for main idea. -Understand the key points or propositions in a text

6 Listening skills 5. Listen and infer. -Make up for information that is missing, unclear, or ambiguous in the listening text. 6. Listen and predict. -Anticipate what is going to be said before or during listening by using clues

7 Listening strategies 1. Planning 2. Focusing attention 3. Monitoring 4. Evaluation 5. Inferencing 6. Elaboration

8 Listening strategies 7. Prediction 8. Contextualization 9. Reorfanizing 10. Using linguistic and learning resources 11. Cooperation 12. Managing emotions

9 Table 1. One- way Listening Tasks
skills Product materials Listen and restore -Listening for global understanding -listening for details An amended text in print Different types of listening texts,such as narratives and information Listen and sort -Listening for main idea A rearranged sequence of text or pictures A text that describes a sequence, a procedure, a chronological event, or items in ranked order Listen and combine

10 Table 1. One- way Listening Tasks
skills Product materials Listen and compare -Listening for main idea -Listening for details A list of similarities and differences Several short texts that have a common theme or topic Listen and match -Listening for global understanding Texts matched to themes Several short texts that have different themes ;theme cards. Note ; Teachers should prepare more theme cards than the number of texts. Listen and combine

11 Table 1. One- way Listening Tasks
skills Product materials Listen and combine -Listening for main idea, -Listening selectively A combined summary A fairly long text divided into several parts Listen and compose -Listening and predicting, -Listening and making inferences The beginning or conclusion of a text A narrative text with either the beginning or the end missing Listen and combine

12 Table 1. One- way Listening Tasks
skills Product materials Listen and evaluate -Listening for details, -Listening for main idea, -Listening and making inferences A list of items based on their relative merits Several short texts on a common theme or topic Listen and reconstruct -Listening for global understanding -Listening for main ideas -Listening for details A text that is reconstructed based on the content of the original text A short text ex. An information reports, procedures Listen and combine

13 Table 2. Two–way Listening tasks
skills Product materials Dictate and complete -Listening for details, -Listening selectively A restored and complete text Different types of listening texts(narratives and information reports) Describe and draw -Listening for main ideas -Listening for details Pictures, maps, sketches, and objects Pictures of scenery and objects, plans, and maps

14 Table 2. Two–way Listening tasks
skills Product materials Simulate and discuss -Listening for main idea -Listening for details -Listening and inferring -Listening and predicting Views and recommendations Cards with scenarios for simulations, roles or statements of a problem and an issue and the required outcome, such as a set of recommendations

15 Table 2. Two–way Listening tasks
skills Product materials Take notes and clarify -Listening for global understanding -Listening for main ideas -Listening for details -Listening and making inferences A set of notes ; a list of questions for clarifying understanding of the content Presentations by students or quest speakers

16 Figure 3. A metacognitive pedagogical sequence for listening
1. Pre-listening -planning and predicting 2. First listening -Monitoring, evaluation, and planning -First verification 3. Second listen -Monitoring, evaluation, and problem solving -second verification

17 Figure 3. A metacognitive pedagogical sequence for listening
4. Third listen -Monitoring and problem solving -Third verification 5. Evaluation & planning -Reflection -Goal-setting

18 Q & A What do you think of the most important listening skills?
What is the difference between one way listening tasks and two way listening tasks?

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