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Ch1: Introduction to ANS Technology

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1 Ch1: Introduction to ANS Technology
Human brain: the most complex computing device that we have ever known. Conventional computers: are good in Scientific and mathematical computations Creation and manipulation of databases Word processing, Graphics, Desktop publishing, Control functions How do computers: learn, analyze, adapt, organize, comprehend, associate, recognize, plan, decide

2 。 Many problems are not suitable to be solved
by sequential machines and algorithms. Solving these problems should involve a number of processes, such as analyzing, associating, organizing, comprehending, and recognizing processes e.g., Perceptual-Organizing Problem Visual Pattern Recognition Subjective inference

3 Example 1: Perceptual-Organization Problem
25 line segments

4 Is local evidence so little use ?
26 line segments




8 Perceptual organization is well processed in
a parallel manner.

9 Example 2: Visual Pattern Recognition

10 Conventional processing:
Thresholding Noise removal Group ─ form significant regions Cluster ─ associate with objects Segment ─ locate primary areas Edge detection , Edge following Recognition Input image Thresholding Edge detection Edge following Grouping, Clustering Segmentation

11 Example 3: Subjective inference (Reasoning)

12 Parallel-processing architectures may be good tools for solving difficult-to-solve, or unsolved problems 12 12

13 1.1 Neurophysiology ◎ Three major components constructing the human
nervous system: 1. brain, 2. spinal cord, 3. periphery

14 Brain Cortex Activities: sensation, perception, cognition,
Cerebral cortex Cortex Size: 1 Thick: mm Layers: 6 Activities: sensation, perception, cognition, recognition, imagination, dream, consciousness result in functions: thinking, feeling, willing

15 Spinal Nerves

16 Periphery 16 16

17 Single-Neurons Physiology
Three types of neurons: 1. unipolar 2. bipolar 3. multipolar Terminal 末梢神經 感覺器官 Pathway 連絡神經 脊髓 Central 中樞神經

18 ○ Structure The major structure of a nerve cell include dendrites, the cell body, and a single axon. The axon is surrounded by a membrane called the myelin sheath. Nodes of Ranvier interrupt the myelin sheath periodically along the length of the axon. Synapses connect the axons of one neuron to various parts of other neurons.

19 Nerve impulses from other neurons can result in changes in the
potential of the neuron. The input potentials can be excitatory (decreasing the polarization of the cell) or inhibitory (increasing the polarization of the cell). They are summed at the axon hillock. If the summed depolarization is sufficient, an action potential is generated; it travels down the axon away from the main cell body.

20 ○ Synaptic Function

21 Signal: frequency of pulses
Learning: adjusting synaptic gaps potentials firing rates Memory: synaptic connections strength of connections Knowledge is acquired through a learning process. Acquired knowledge is stored in interneuron links (i.e., synaptic connections) in terms of strengths.

22 Nervous systems Distinguished Characteristics 。Adaptation, 。Self-organizing 。Parallel processing, 。Nonlinear function 。Associative memory

23 1.2 Artificial neural systems
-- A collection of parallel processing units connected together -- Various neural systems with different functions and characteristics result from i) Functions of neurons ii) Ways of connections iii) Flows of information

24 Characteristics: nonlinearity, non-locality, non-algorithm, dynamics, adaptivity, fault-tolerance, input-output mapping, evidential response, self-organization, Basic functions: learn, analyze, organize, comprehend, associate, recognize, plan, decide

25 ○ Example: Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
10 decimal characters 10 output units each corresponding to one character

26 Represent a character image (10 by 8) as a vector containing binary elements
。 Two different phases of network operation 1) Training phase – encoding information 2) Production phase – recalling information

27 Abilities of ANS: noise, distortion, incompletion

28 ○ McCullock-Pitts Theory (1943)
1.3 Neural Circuits . ○ McCullock-Pitts Theory (1943) -- the first theory for treating the brain as a computational organism 。 Assumptions: All-or-none (on-or-off) process Synapses excited ===> neuron active Synapses delay Synapses inhibited ===> neuron inactive Fixed interconnection

29 number of basic neural circuits
○ A complex neural circuit is composed of a number of basic neural circuits Basic Neural Circuits – characterized by convergence, divergence, feedback, excitatory and inhibitory connections

30 。 Propositional logic Statement Assertion T, F Proposition P
Predicate P(x) Quantifiers Operators , , If ….. then Propositional expression : neuron i fires at time t : not fire

31 Graphic representation of propositional expressions
(1) Excitatory: (2) Inhibitory: (3) Fire: (4) Activate: (5) Precession: Neuron 2 activates after neuron 1 fires

32 (6) Disjunction: (7) Conjunction: (8) Conjoined negation:

33 。Example : Combination of simple networks
Input nodes: Hidden nodes: Output nodes: Similarly,

34 1.4 Processing Element (PE) and Neuron

35 Types of activation function :
1. Threshold function (Heaviside function) 2. Sigmoid function Logistic function Hyperbolic function

36 1.5 Hebbian Learning ○ Learning process – Modifies the network to incorporate new information ○ Hebb’s Learn Theory -- When cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some metabolic process takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency is increased

37 Example: (Pavlov experiment)
37 37

38 ◎ Dynamic system: a system evolves over time
Example : i for a sufficiently long time reaches an equilibrium value, i.e., ii, Remove input, ◎ Learning: modification of synaptic strengths (i.e., weight values) where : learning law

39 1.6 Example Neural Models ◎ Photoperceptron The Human Eye Two kinds of
photoreceptors: rods, cones

40 Receptive field, Excitatory connection,
Inhibitory connection, Feedback

41 Each R unit inhibits the A units in the complement to its own source set.
Each R unit inhibits the other. The above aid in the establishment of a winning R unit. (competition) Application Classify patterns into categories Distinguish pattern classes

42 The following NM can differentiate patterns only if
the patterns are linearly separable. (Minsky & Papert 1969) Let : a set of inputs, Let be a corresponding set of weights

43 XOR problem (cannot be solved by a perceptron)
Output function: Activation: Question: select , and such that each pair of input values results in the proper output value.

44 This task cannot be done
Reason: Let A line in the plane

45 One solution: The hidden layer provides two lines that can separate the plane into three regions. The two regions containing (0,0) and (1,1) are associated with a network output of 0. The central region is associated with a network output of 1.

46 Homework Write the propositional expression for
(b) Construct McCulloch-Pitts networks for the following expressions 1. 2.

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