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Philosophical laws and categories

2 The plan: 1. Philosophical laws 2. Philosophical category

3 Dialectic (Greek dialektice - carry on a conversation, argument) - the teachings of the most general laws of nature, society and knowledge, and based on this doctrine, the universal way of thinking and acting.

4 In the history of philosophy, there were three main forms of dialectics:
 a) ancient, which was naive and spontaneous, as relied on the experience of life and the individual observations (Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle, Zeno, and others);  b) German classical, which was developed by Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel particularly deep;  c) the materialistic, the foundations of which were laid down by Marx and Engels. Whatever the historical form of dialectic may have taken, in the center of her attention was always the problem of development. In the development of the materialist dialectic - a philosophical category that expresses the process of movement, change of organic whole systems - material (primarily) and spiritual.

5 The most characteristic features of the process are:
the emergence of a qualitatively new object (or state) orientation,  irreversibility regularity unity of qualitative and quantitative changes relationship progress and regression, inconsistency, spiral shape (cyclical) deployment time.

6 The objective world and the human mind are subject to the same laws - the laws of dialectics. This means that they can not contradict each other in their results, and should be consistent with each other.

7 Under the laws of dialectics generalized reflection of objective relations and relations of things, allow to describe significant, recurring, under certain conditions the properties of phenomena and processes.

8 Philosophical laws or the laws of dialectics are different in that they are applied to objects and media of any kind, and therefore valid in any particular science. The generality and universality of the laws philosophy comes from the method of their construction - they are formulated using the philosophical categories, which are the most common singular notions of human thinking.

9 "The movement and the development of nature, society, and thought due to a split single on interpenetrating opposites and resolution of conflicts between them through the fight." Opposites - these parties, moments, objects that are both: a) are inextricably linked; b) are mutually exclusive, not only different, but in the same respect; c) interpenetrate and - under certain conditions - into each other (positive - negative, assimilation - dissimilation, the theory - practice material - ideal, etc.).

10 Unity (identity) of the specific opposite contradiction (dialectic).
Summarizes the essence of the law can be expressed by the formula: a single division on the contrary, their conflict and resolution in a new unity. Thus, the development appears as a process of emergence, growth, exacerbation and resolution of multiple conflicts, including the crucial role played by the internal contradictions of the subject or process. That they serve as a critical source, the driving force of development.

11 "The development is carried out by the accumulation of quantitative changes in the subject, which inevitably leads to a violation of his actions (steady state) and the abrupt transformation into a quality item.”

12 Quality - a philosophical category that expresses the relative stability of objects and phenomena. Quality - such internal particular subject for which he is just data, not another object and change which it turns into something else. Quality items found in their properties.

13 Property - the side of the subject, which is manifested in its ability to interact in some way with other subjects. However, the quality of the object can not be reduced to its individual properties, elements, etc. It is connected with the subject as a whole, covering it completely, and inseparable from it. Challenge of modern science is to identify qualitative certainty levels of the organization object (eg, aggregate and allotropic states of matter, cell, organism, population, species, biogeocoenosis etc.).

14 Number - a philosophical category that expresses a specific subject, whose change in respective ranges directly does not mean turning the subject into another. To quantifying the subject include: the value of its constituent elements, the amount, size, severity and intensity of development of its properties, the rate of the processes, the rate of change items and other numeric data.

15 Measure - a philosophical category that expresses an integral unity of qualitative and quantitative determination of the subject. Measure - quantitative limits of the existence of a given quality, the range within which the quantitative changes do not cause a qualitative change. This interval can be relatively broad or very narrow, sometimes turning into a point.

16 Jump - a philosophical category that expresses:
a) the interruption of continuity, continuity of quantitative changes of the former phenomenon, and not quantitative changes in general, who never cease; b) the rate of change, "speed" of the jump, the rate of its occurrence, intensity and depth of change is much higher than in the border measures, and c) the transformation into the opposite, "Saturation" contradictions and their resolution; d) the unity of being and non-being, the emergence of new and the destruction of the old.

17 The gradual accumulation of quantitative changes (extent and rate of development of the subject, the number of its elements, the order of their relations, the spatial dimensions, etc.) at a time to lead to fundamental qualitative transformation object (jump) to the emergence of a new subject, a new quality. This in turn has a reverse effect on the nature and pace of quantitative changes (for example, the conversion of one chemical element into another depending on changes in the charge of the atomic nucleus, etc.).

18 "Development is a continuous denial of opposites to each other, their mutual transformation, resulting in the progressive movement is a return back to the repeated new features of the old."

19 e most important category is the category of the law "denial" that expresses:
a) the destruction of the subject as a result of mainly external forces and factors, ie cessation of existence of the subject as a whole system, the end of its development (external, "zryashnoe" denial, degradation); b) self-denial as an internal point of the retention of positive content negated ("withdrawal"). In the development of both types of negation are closely related, but a decisive role in the final analysis is the internal negation.

20 Denial law - law that expresses the progressive, continuity, and the cyclical nature of its form:
"Spiral" (not "circle" or "straight line") repetition at the highest stage of some properties lower, - "Return to the old supposedly."  Thus the development is presented as a process, as it repeats the stages already passed, but repeats them in a different way, on a higher basis.

21 Category - general concepts, the reflective properties of objects and processes of reality. Philosophy also has its categorical apparatus, and because philosophy reflects the universal, then its categories reflect the properties of being in the most general terms.

22 Categories of dialectics have an objective content and are universal
Categories of dialectics have an objective content and are universal. Categories are interrelated so that one is impossible without the other, follow one another and causes one another. This feature reflects the relationship and interdependence of phenomena of reality. Categories volatile, mobile, fluid, into each other, reflecting the variability of this life, really

23 Unit (a separate, individual) - a philosophical category that expresses the relative isolation, limited research object from its counterparts on the basis of the unique quality and quantity of its certainty General (universal) - Philosophical category that expresses the principle of existence of individual things, phenomena and processes, the logical form of their relationship, I composed the whole.

24 Dialectics of individual and common is that every individual and the general exist in separate and through the individual. Individual and overall are opposites in their development mutual transition into each other, finding in this transition and change in quality of dialectical negation.

25 Part and whole - Are philosophical categories that characterize the integrity of the object and methodological orientation of his knowledge of the concept of indivisible whole with the transition to the analysis, the dismemberment of the whole into parts and then playing in the thinking of the object in the form of a concrete whole. Whole - is the subject (process, phenomenon), which includes as components of other objects (processes, events) and has the properties that are not reducible to the properties of its parts.? Part - is a subject (process development) included into another object (process, phenomenon) and protruding component of its content.

26 The essence of the phenomenon - Philosophical categories reflecting the certainty of being in the world, and his knowledge. Entity - the inner content of the object in the unity of the diversity of his existence. Phenomenon - Discovery (expression) of the object in the external forms of implementation. Essence is a stable, peaceful, necessary. The phenomenon is unstable, restless, accidentally. The essence of playing a leading role with respect to the phenomenon determines its character. Same phenomenon is subordinate depends on the nature, determined by it. The knowledge always begins with sensations from the sensory level.

27 System - Philosophical category that expresses a special unity structured elements that interact with each other on the basis of correlation The elements and structure - the philosophical category denoting the unity of the object, where the elements - these are the terms that provide a whole, engaging with each other in certain relations, and the structure - is a definite non-random method of contact elements in a single system. Cause and effect - Philosophical category denoting the nature of the conditionality of the object. Under the cause is understood phenomenon, the effect of which leads to another phenomenon - a consequence.

28 Result - is that there is generated under the influence of reason and this result changes appearing in interacting phenomena or their sides. Relationship of cause and effect is expressed in the synthetic category "causality."? Causality - a philosophical category that expresses the genetic relationship between the individual states of the types and forms of the material world in the processes of change and development.

29 Necessity and accident - the philosophical categories, expressing different levels of the object relations. If the need to demonstrate the logical nature of the link, the content of the object, then an accident - it is a type of communication, which is caused by external, transient causes.

30 Expresses the need for internal, stable, recurring, common links really determines the main direction of development.? Casually - it is such a connection between the phenomena, which has its base mainly in the external environment, and the phenomenon is not always realized in different forms. This phenomenon, which is caused by the side of reasons, it may happen or may not happen.

31 Possibility and reality- Philosophical categories that characterize the two main stages of formation and development of the object. Opportunity - is objectively present trend of development of processes and phenomena, hidden premise of the new within the old. Reality - is realized possibility. Truly separate a particular object - is it being inherent in quantity and quality, in its change and development.

32 The content and form.? Learning object as a whole, consisting of interconnected parts or systems approach as a unity of elements and structure - the basis of its allocation of new parties - the content and form. The content is usually regarded as the set of (elements) of the object, the shape - as the internal organization and structure of content. Due to the form, organizing the content, the object acquires the qualitative method.

33 Laws and phenomena Considering law as a category, we must first distinguish between the empirical and theoretical laws, which are formed at different levels of knowledge.? Law - is an inner necessity, an essential link in the object or between objects, it is also characterized by universality and relative stability.

34 Happening - used to refer to the object in its entirety, in the unity of all parties - the natural phenomena, psychic phenomena, etc. In another sense it is used to refer to the concept of its opposite - the essence to identify external "is" part of the object, in contrast to his inside, hidden from direct perception.


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