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X-ray telescope: D. Greenwald, R. Kotthaus, G. Lutz

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Presentation on theme: "X-ray telescope: D. Greenwald, R. Kotthaus, G. Lutz"— Presentation transcript:

1 X-ray telescope: D. Greenwald, R. Kotthaus, G. Lutz
CAST (CERN Axion Solar Telescope) Search for Solar Axions The CAST Collaboration Athens, CERN, Chicago, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Moscow (INR), Munich (MPE-MPP), Pisa, Saclay, South Carolina, Thessaloniki, Zagreb, Zaragoza X-ray telescope: D. Greenwald, R. Kotthaus, G. Lutz Axion and solar physics: G. Raffelt, P. Serpico

2 Motivation to search for the AXION
solve the „Strong CP Problem“ („Peccei-Quinn“ Axion) find a DARK MATTER candidate („invisible“ Axion)

3 The „invisible“ Axion CAST „hot“ „cold“ DM 2005, ... 2003, 2004
Bradley et al.: Rev. Mod. Phys. 75 (2003) Hannestad, Mirizzi, Raffelt: J. Cosm. Astropart. Physics Vol. 07 (2005) „hot“ „cold“ DM 2005, ... 2003, 2004 CAST

4 Ng ~ gag4 Solar axions axions X ray „HELIOSCOPE“
SOLAR AXION PRODUCTION Ng ~ gag4 axions Transverse magnetic field (B) X ray detector AXION PHOTON CONVERSION L „HELIOSCOPE“

5 Solar axion production
Thermal photon-nucleus interaction in the Sun core (T~15.6x106K) g + Ze a+ Ze g a Ze axion energy Raffelt, Serpico (2005) solar radius Solar axion differential flux on Earth for gagg = GeV-1

6 Energy-momentum conservation: Axion-photon conversion probability:
Axion detection Axion – photon conversion in a transverse magnetic field B ( ampl. ~ E.B ) a + magnet g + magnet a g Energy-momentum conservation: magnet (q = momentum transfer to magnet) (mg: effective photon mass in dispersive medium) Axion-photon conversion probability: (B = magnetic field component transverse to axion momentum) CAST phase I: ma< O (10-2eV) qL << 1

7 CAST Helioscope Axion sensitivity enhanced by > 103
LHC prototype dipole magnet B = 9.0 Tesla L = 9.26 m Wolter I X-ray mirror (ABRIXAS) X-ray Telescope Axion sensitivity enhanced by > 103 pn-CCD (XMM-Newton)

8 X-ray mirror focus, pn-CCD

9 Telescope alignment signal/background improvement: x 200 Laser spot
X-ray beam defines axion signal area 1 cm 3 cm signal/background improvement: x 200 signal and background simultaneously reference to monitor stability of focus

10 pn-CCD background 2004 background energy spectrum axion search region
(1 – 7 keV): (7.69 +_ 0.07) x 10-5 events cm-2 sec-1 keV-1 axion region M. Kuster et al.: SPIE 2005, physics/ R.K. et al.: NSS-MIC 2005, astro-ph/


12 The „invisible“ Axion gag < GeV-1 (95% CL) Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005)

13 CCD photon counts in solar axion search region

14 The „invisible“ Axion He (phaseII) vacuum (phase I) gag < GeV-1 (95% CL) Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005)

15 Extending a-g coherence to higher ma values
Fill the magnetic channels with Helium gas mg > 0 coherence: qL <<1 Ne: number of electrons/cm3 r: gas density (g/cm3) eV < 0.2x10-3 g/cm3 (He4 vapour pressure at 1.8°K) mg ~ 0.26 eV

16 Start Phase II: Nov. 23, 2005

17 CAST Phase II: He cold windows

18 Thermo-acoustical He Pressure Oscillations

19 ma=0.14 eV

20 2005/6 ~ 170 pressure settings 4He (0 – 14mbar)
Vacuum Phase I Phase II 4He He 2005/6 ~ 170 pressure settings 4He (0 – 14mbar) 2006/7 ~ 700 for 3He (14-60 mbar) Phase II:

21 H. Davoudiasl and P. Huber, hep-ph/0509293
1 m2 ma< 10-4 eV gag ~ GeV-1

22 H. Davoudiasl and P. Huber, hep-ph/0509293
1 m2 ma< 10-4 eV gag ~ GeV-1

23 PVLAS CAST prospects

24 rotation of linear polarization:
PVLAS Experiment (Zavattini et al., hep-ex/ ) rotation of linear polarization: (3.9 +_ 0.5) rad/pass Letter of Intent to CERN: L. Duvillaret et al., CERN-SPSC Plan at DESY: TTF (X-FEL) into string of HERA dipole magnets

25 “Shining light through walls”
K. van Bibber et al., 1987 A. Ringwald, 2003 P. Pugnat et al., 2005 LoI: CERN-SPSC R. Rabadan, A. Ringwald and C. Sigurdson, 2005 TTF (XFEL) + HERA magnets a x x

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