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Presentation on theme: "OUR SUN."— Presentation transcript:


2 Solar telescope

3 FUSION Need very high temperatures H + H → He + energy Energy= heat
Light EM radiation

4 Compositon of the Sun 90% H & 10% He Plasma- gas stripped of electrons

5 Sun Layers

6 core Where Fusion is taking place 15 million ºC


8 Radiative Zone EM radiation is traveling through this zone
2.5 million ºC

9 CONVECTIVE ZONE Convection currents
Hot gases rise to surface, cooler gases sink= turbulance

10 Photosphere Sun’s surface Bubbling plasma Only 6,000 ºC!

11 chromosphere Sun’s atmosphere 20,000 C Source of flares/prominences

12 chromosphere

13 CORONA “Crown” See only during solar eclipses 2 million C Made of ions

14 Journey from the center of the sun

15 SUNSPOTS Cool spots on sun Caused by twisting of magnetic field?

16 Oct. 17, 2012 Main sequence star

17 How long is a sunspot cycle?

18 11 year sunspot cycle Cycle number

19 Solar prominences (filaments)
Follows magnetic force of sunspots Can last for weeks to a year harmless

20 Solar flares Violent eruption Last for minutes Can damage satellites
Can reach Earth- ohoh!

21 Coronal Mass Ejections
Produced in corona Large storms Can cause power outages, satellite damage and auroras

22 Solar wind Ions are so hot, gravity can’t hold them onto the sun
400 km/sec (1 million mph) Today: speed: km/sec


24 AURORAS (Northern lights) caused when Suns’ ions enter Earth’s atm.





29 Auroras from space

30 Solar activity

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