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Lord, I Believe Acts 9:1-25.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord, I Believe Acts 9:1-25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord, I Believe Acts 9:1-25

2 Miracles In The Gospel of John
Fewer Blind man (John 9) Today’s claims Uproar

3 Overwhelming Evidence
Blind man’s examination Declared: “Lord, I believe” (v. 38) Faith not a blind leap or crutch

4 True Faith Rests on evidence Some refuse to consider
Written record (John 20:30, 31)

5 Saul The Persecutor Notable convert
Life’s ambition: Persecute Christians Agreed to Stephens death (Acts 8:1-3) Needed evidence

6 Saul The Persecutor Candidate for the Gospel
Drawing power (Romans 1:16) For everyone (Mark 16:15, 16; 1 Timothy 1:15, 16) Clear conscience (Acts 23:1; 26:9)

7 Saul The Persecutor Capable of responding Denied by Calvinism
Sin equal in God’s sight (Revelation 21:8)

8 Who Art Thou, Lord? Penetrating question (v. 4)
Many claim conversations with God Saul’s answer reflected his faith

9 Who Art Thou, Lord? Told what he must do (v. 6) Charge of legalism
“Nothing you can do” Not saved by faith only (John 12:42, 43; James 2:24)

10 Who Art Thou, Lord? Blinded (vv. 8, 9)
Another miracle by Ananias, “a certain disciple” All Christians spread the Word (Acts 8:4)

11 Who Art Thou, Lord? Taught by Ananias (vv. 10-19)
Prepared for the task (Acts 22:13-16) Quit praying, be baptized, and “wash away his sins.” Miracle produced the faith, not the other way around When was he saved?

12 Nature of True Faith Some only claim to have faith
“Spectator religion” Faith without works is dead (James 2:24) Results from Calvinism

13 Nature of True Faith Some Christians practice faith only
Content to do the minimum? (2 Corinthians 8:5) Begrudge time and money given to the Lord? Little talent required to attend, but a lot of dedication

14 Nature of True Faith Demonstrated his faith (vv. 20-25)
“Confounded” the Jews who wanted to kill him Had them in an uproar Began to teach immediately

15 Conclusion Have you believed in Jesus? Are you living as you should?

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