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Application of Salvation (4)

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1 Application of Salvation (4)

2 Conviction Conviction is that state of mind brought about by a confrontation by the truth of condemnation for sin and sins in such a way that a sinner is convinced that he is lost and cannot save himself from his sins. Conviction is brought about by exposure to the Word of God.

3 Calling Calling is the operation of God that invites the sinner to believe the truth of the Gospel. The call is general in the sense that God calls all men everywhere to repent and is specific in the sense that a man must hear the Gospel in order to hear the call.

4 Regeneration Regeneration is the work of God whereby a dead spirit is made alive in Christ Jesus (born again). Regeneration is according to God’s will, by the work of the Holy Spirit, through the saving faith of the believer, and through the living Word of God.

5 The Meaning of Faith “Faith means confidence, trust, to hold something as true.” “Faith involves believing that something is true” Faith is not ‘unfocused positive feelings’ but reliance on a specific object To have faith in Christ means to rely on Christ alone to “remove the guilt of sin and grant eternal life”

6 The Necessity of Faith Salvation is through faith, not because of faith, a channel, not a cause (Eph 2.8) Faith is the necessary and only channel (Jn 5.24, 17.3)

7 Normal uses of the word ‘believe’ in the NT:
Believe in (Jn 3.16) – reliance or trust in the object Believe on (Rm 9.33, 10.11) – laying hold of the object Believe xxx (Rm 10.9) – ‘xxx’ contains the content of faith Believe ‘to God’ (Rm 4.3) – reliance in the one who promised

8 Kinds of faith (Ryrie’s distinctions)
Intellectual or historical faith – knowing facts, does not save (Mt 7.26, Ac , Jas 2.19) Miracle faith – faith to perform or receive a miracle, not saving faith (Mt , 17.20, Ac 14.9) Temporary faith – similar to intellectual faith, but perhaps more personal, yet not lasting (Lk 8.13) [I am unsure of this category] Saving faith – reliance on the truth of Gospel as revealed in the Word of God

9 The facets of faith The intellectual facet The emotional facet
The volitional facet “Although these three facets may be distinguished, they must be integrated when saving faith takes place. The person believes in Christ with all his being, not just his intellect or emotions or will.” “We conclude that the type of faith necessary for salvation involves both believing that and believing in, or assenting to facts and trusting in a person. It is vital to keep these two together.”

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