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A healthy life.

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Presentation on theme: "A healthy life."— Presentation transcript:

1 A healthy life

2 Medical chart Name: Li Yue Age: 18 Occupation: _______ Today’s date: _________ Symptoms: ____________ ________________________________________ Student headaches, tired all the time, not sleeping and eating well

3 Possible problem: _____
Proposed action : __________________________________ ______________________ stress 1. Do some tests to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong 2. Discuss ways to relax

4 What health issues do you think concern young people the most?

5 The health issues concerning young people the most
Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug taking Diet Sexual health Stress obesity AIDS and infections

6 What’s a healthy person?
A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.

7 Looking at the following pictures
Looking at the following pictures. Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?

8 shadowboxing

9 Drinking alcohol

10 physical exercise

11 Singing

12 dancing

13 overeating

14 cigarette smoking

15 Pre-reading 1.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?
2.In what ways is smoking harmful?

16 1.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?
2.In what ways is smoking harmful? …they are not well aware of the harm of smoking. … they are falsely influenced by some media such as TV series and movies. …many adults set bad examples, so they may think it is cool to smoke.

17 A waste of _______ money

18 Smoking may cause ______.

19 Smoking makes you bony.

20 Smoking is not good for ____________ smokers. secondhand
中国约十万人因吸二手烟而死. Smoking is not good for ____________ smokers. secondhand

21 Headlines: China takes measures to ban smoking in public spaces in 2011. Smoke ban 'mission impossible' Currently, without legislation, a law enforcement mechanism or financial support an overall ban is "mission impossible in nine-months time". More than 50 million adolescents in China are addicted to cigarettes.

22 Only 15% of smoke from a cigarette is taken in by the
smoker. The other 85% goes directly into the air and is known as second hand smoking. Second-hand smoke may cause the same lung damage as smoking eleven cigarettes a day. Every year in the U.K 17,000 children under five years of age are admitted to hospitals because of illnesses related to passive smoking. So Smokers should respect non-smokers, don't force people to breathe in second hand smoke. And now in some countries it is against the law to smoke in some public places.

23 Reading Advice from Grandad

24 Skim the text to find out
James’ grandfather James To give James some advice and encourage him to quit smoking Who? To whom? Purpose? 4.In what way did James’ grandpa try to persuade James to give up smoking? .He related James’ smoking to his similar experience as a teenager

25 Advice from Grandad Which of the followings are mentioned in the text?
James’ grandpa’s recent life the ways to become addicted to cigarettes different types of cigarettes harmful effects of smoking grandpa’s similar smoking experience suggestions to quit smoking Para 1 Para 3 Para 4 Para 2 attachment

26 Para1-2 Reading task T of F 1.Grandad is nearly 82 years old when he
writes the letter to his grandson. 2.Granda’s long life lies in his healthy way of living. 3.In fact most smokers find it not difficult (tough) to quit smoking. 4.Grandad was a light smoker at a young age. T T F F become addicted to cigarettes

27 Para3 Different ways to become addicted
1. physically addicted to nicotine 2. addicted through habits 3. mentally addicted habitually _________ addicted to smoking

28 Para4 2.The harmful effects of smoking:
Do terrible damage to _____________________ It is more difficult for _______________________________________ Affect ___________________________ Make smokers ______________ and the fingers _________________ Not able to run as fast __________ and not able to enjoy sport _________ your heart and lungs smoking couples to become pregnant the health of non-smokers smell terrible Turn yellow easily any more as much Para4

29 Suggestions on how to ____ smoking
quit Suggestions on how to ____ smoking Stop smoking is easy, I’ve done it thousands of times. —Mark Twain 1. Prepare yourself 2. Be determined 3. Break the habit 4. Relax 5. Get help if you need it 6. Keep trying

30 How to prepare yourself
___________ a day to quit; Don’t choose a day that is going to be ________; Make a list of all the _______ from stopping smoking Throw away your packet of cigarettes. Decide on stressful benefits Teaching is a _______ job. She has been feeling very _______since she took up the job of teaching. Under such great _____, she has been experiencing some _____-related diseases, such as headaches and sleeping difficulties. stressful Stress Stressful stressed stressed stress stress

31 How to be determined How to break the habit
Remind non-smoker _________ yourself that you are a ___________ and reread the benefits When should you remind yourself of that? Every time you feel like smoking. How to break the habit Why does the writer suggest that he do something else? To keep your mind and your hands busy.

32 Fill in the chart Suggestions Relax Steps for stopping smoking
Get help if you need it _________ to talk to your friends. _____ a stop-smoking group; Talk to a doctor or a ______ when feeling very bad. Keep trying It has been found that some people have to try many times ______ they finally stop, so don't be ______. If you feel stressed, don’t ______ ____ a cigarette. Try ______________________ and learn some _________ exercises. reach for some deep breathing relaxation Arrange Join chemist before ashamed

33 Mary has an interview tomorrow, so she plans to quit smoking today in order to get the job.
Tim makes a list of the harmful effects of smoking and put them on the wall to remind himself. John has tried to stop smoking for many times without any success, so he is ashamed to tell anyone about it. Every time Ann wants to smoke cigarettes, she eats an apple instead. Wrong! Right! Wrong! Right!

34 Laughing contest is held in California every year. This activity
is to let people release their stresses. Some people can laugh at least 4 hours .

35 Activity Here are some situations, each group chooses one to discuss , every member should give at least one idea, the reporter writes down all the ideas, then some groups will be asked to give a report. ( Use the second person. )

36 Situation 1: Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade your students to quit smoking.
Situation 2: Suppose you are a boss, how will you persuade your employees(职员) to quit smoking. Situation 3: Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking. Situation 4: Suppose your teacher is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking.

37 stressful Choose a day that is not __________ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the __________ you will get from stopping smoking. ___________ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit. ________ the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking. _________ some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy. If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some __________ exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group. If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or _________ for help. The most important thing is to keep trying. Don't feel ________ if you _________ because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking. Never give up and you will succeed. benefits Throw away Reread Develop relaxation chemist ashamed weaken


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