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Jesus’ Miracles: No Ordinary Man

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1 Jesus’ Miracles: No Ordinary Man

2 Memory Verse Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are ___________ with God.” Mark 10:27 POSSIBLE

3 No Ordinary Man Jesus’ ministry was marked by proclaiming the ________, combined with healings and miracles. GOSPEL

4 No Ordinary Man Jesus’ miracles culminate in Him conquering ________ through the resurrection and the miracle of salvation received by all who believe. DEATH

5 No Ordinary Man Ingredients of a Miracle:
Miracles are not ______________ by us! ______ can affect whether a miracle happens, but miracles also happen in the absence of it. ________ changes things! Miracles are always dependent upon God’s _____ and for His glory. God also has a greater end in mind than the miracle itself -- ____________ CONTROLLED FAITH PRAYER WILL SALVATION

6 No Ordinary Man Jesus conveys _____________ for the supernatural to His disciples and ultimately to believers today as well. AUTHORITY

7 No Ordinary Man ‘And these signs will accompany those who believe’.
Mark 16:17

8 No Ordinary Man Some people are specifically gifted for miracles and healing. And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:28

9 MAIN POINT MIRACLES help confirm Jesus as Savior and Lord, and the greatest miracle is His overcoming death and granting us salvation!

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