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Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS)

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1 Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS)
Required: Optional based on other project funding:

2 Now have support through August 2016 for a total of 20 years of follow up in Virtual Cohort and 16 years for VACS 8

3 VACS Cohort and Substudies
Virtual Cohort pos 47,805 neg 99,061 VC/Queri pos neg 70000 VACS 9 pos neg 3962 Exhale pos neg 170 DNA pos neg 900 CVD pos neg117 Biomarkers pos neg 800 Virtual Cohort(VC) comprised of national data. Elements include demographics, diagnostic and procedure codes, labs, pharmacy, vital signs… VACS9 is the 9 site consented patient study with richer data. Includes surveys, adjudicated outcomes for cancer, mi, liver disease, site downloaded data VC limited to patients in 2003 or later. Includes adjudicated MI from IHD Queri Includes Ddimer, IL6, sCD14 3 VACS sites only. Includes GXT, CT and echo data

4 Virtual Cohort (VC) SUBJECTS: 52,981 HIV infected; 110,349 uninfected
All individuals with HIV diagnoses Age, race/ethnicity, region 2:1 matched controls Last updated: September 2015 Next update: Currently in progress SITES: All VA sites BASELINE: 1998 (19 years of follow up) HIV infected veterans at initiation of HIV care Controls selected and followed in same calendar year

5 VACS 9 BASELINE: 2002 (15 years)
CURRENT DATA SOURCES (all VC sources plus) All VA Electronic medical records including text fields Sentinel event records (MI) requested outside VA DNA and tissue bank (subset of 2,300 patients) Self completed surveys (health behaviors, quality of life, symptoms, outside utilization, etc.) every months SUBJECTS: 4,230 HIV infected; 4,446 uninfected Group matched: age, race/ethnicity, and site Last updated October 16, 2015 SITES: Atlanta1, Bronx1, Houston1, Los Angeles1, New York1, Baltimore2†, Washington DC2, Pittsburgh3†, Dallas4, Nashville5 ** present, present, present, present, present † = No longer actively enrolling BASELINE: 2002 (15 years)

6 National VACS/COMpAAAS Project Team 2016

7 COMpAAAS Amy Justice, MD, PhD Consortium PD Steering Committee
Executive Committee Amy Justice, MD, PhD David Fiellin, MD Cynthia Brandt, MD, MPH Janet Tate, ScD, MPH Matthew Freiberg, MD, MSc Vincent Lo Re, MD, MSCE Alcohol and Behavioral Intervention Core David Fiellin, MD, Director Operations Research Core Scott Braithwaite, MD, MSc, Director Cores (supported by other grants): Directors Cancer Disease: K Sigel, MD & L Park, PhD, MPH Cardiovascular Disease: M Freiberg, MD, MSc Health Services Research: E Wang, MD & K McGinnis, DrPH, MS Liver Disease: V Lo Re, MD, MSCE & J Tate, ScD, MPH Pulmonary Disease: K Crothers, MD Translational Research: M Freiberg, MD, MSc & C Rinaldo, PhD Site PIs: Atlanta: Vincent Marconi, MD Bronx: Sheldon Brown, MD Brooklyn/Manhattan: Mike Simberkoff, MD Dallas: Roger Bedimo, MD Houston: Maria Rodriguez-Barradas, MD Los Angeles: Matthew Goetz, MD Nashville: Todd Hulgan, MD, MPH Washington, DC: Cynthia Gibert, MD Workgroups: Directors Antiviral Therapy: E Cartwright, MD & C Rentsch, MPH Endocrine and Bone Disease: B Gulanski, MD & J Womack, PhD, APRN Kidney Disease: F P Wilson, MD Mental Health: J Goulet, PhD Opioids: W Becker, MD & J Edelman, MD Physical Function and Disability: KA Oursler, MD & K Akgun, MD Polypharmacy: A Justice, MD, PhD & J Edelman, MD Statins: R Bedimo, MD & J Tate, ScD, MPH Uniform Services: B Agan, MD, FACP & V Marconi, MD VACS Index: A Justice, MD, PhD & J Tate, ScD, MPH Resource for Informatics and Biostatistics Core Cynthia Brandt, MD, MPH, Co-Director Janet Tate, ScD, MPH, Co-Director Administrative Core Angela Consorte, Director Amy Justice, MD, PhD Consortium PD Steering Committee Kendall Bryant, PhD, Director Christopher Kahler, PhD Stephen Maisto, PhD Patrick O’Connor, MD, MPH David Rimland, MD Jeffrey Samet, MD, PhD Constance Weisner, DrPH, MSW

8 Acknowledgements Consortium PI : AC Justice*
Scientific Collaborator (NIAAA): K Bryant Affiliated PIs: S Braithwaite, C Brandt*, K Crothers*, R Dubrow, DA Fiellin*, M Freiberg*, V LoRe*, K Kraemer, Janet Tate* Participating VA Medical Centers: Atlanta (V Marconi*), Bronx (S Brown, Y Ponomarenko), Dallas (R Bedimo*), Houston (M Rodriguez-Barradas, N Masozera), Los Angeles (M Goetz), Manhattan-Brooklyn (M Simberkoff, D Blumenthal, H Leaf, J Leung), Nashville (T Holgan, H Murff), and Washington DC (C Gibert, R Peck) Core and Workgroup Chairs: B Agan, K Akgun, W Becker, E Cartwright, J Edelman, J Goulet, B Gulanski, K McGinnis, KA Oursler, L Park, C Rentsch, C Rinaldo, K Sigel, E Wang, F P Wilson, J Womack Staff: H Bathulapalli, T Bohan, J Ciarleglio, A Consorte, L Erickson, C Frank, K Gordon, J Huston, F Kidwai-Khan, G Koerbel, F Levin, S Loch, S Shahrir, M Skanderson Major Collaborators: VA Public Health Strategic Healthcare Group, VA Pharmacy Benefits Management, Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center (MAVERIC), Yale Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (CIRA), Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP), Laboratory for Biochemistry Research at the University of Vermont, ART-CC, NA-ACCORD, HIV-Causal Cross Cohort Collaborators: Richard Moore (NA-ACCORD), Jonathan Sterne (ART-CC), Brian Agan (DoD), Miguel Hernan (HIV-Causal) Major Funding by: National Institutes of Health: AHRQ (R01-HS018372), NIAAA (U24-AA020794, U01-AA020790, U01-AA020795, U01-AA020799, U24-AA022001, U24 AA022007, R01-AA023733, R01AA022886, U10 AA completed), NHLBI (R01-HL125032, RO1-HL126555, R01-HL completed, R01-HL completed) , NIAID (U01-A ), NIDA (R01-DA04071-A1, R01DA completed, R03DA completed) , NCI (R01 CA173754, R01 CA206465) and the Veterans Health Administration Office of Research and Development (i01 BX003341, 1 I50 HX001234, VA IRR Merit Award), Office of Rural Health, and Office of Academic Affiliations (Medical Informatics Fellowship) *Indicates individual is also the Chair of a Core or Workgroup

9 Acknowledgements Continued
Other Notable Funding: Career Development Awards: National Institutes of Health: NIDA (1K12DA A1, 8UL1TR000142) COMpAAAS/Veterans Aging Cohort Study, a CHAART Cooperative Agreement, supported by the National Institutes of Health: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U24-AA020794, U01-AA020790, U01-AA020795, U01-AA020799; U10 AA completed) and in kind by the US Department of Veterans Affairs.  In addition to grant support from NIAAA, we gratefully acknowledge the scientific contributions of Dr. Kendall Bryant, our scientific collaborator. QR Codes QR Code for VACS QR Code for VACS QR Code for VACS Homepage INDEX CALCULATOR INDEX CALCULATOR- MOBILE APP

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