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Cubism 1908-1920.

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Presentation on theme: "Cubism 1908-1920."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cubism

2 Time Laps :D The Mexican revolution in 1910 World War 1

3 Characteristics Had distortion, overlapping, and penetration of planes. Used all elements Random lines occurred often Media was paint usually on fine object Make things seem distorted and out of proportion

4 Artists Pablo Picasso: Spain, Fine paint, “The Father of Cubism”
George Braque: France, paint on canvas helped to create cubism but is not always given credit Fernand Leyer: Oil paint, French

5 Pablo Picasso, The Guitar

6 Fernand Leger, Stain Glass Window

7 George Braque, Violin and Candle Sticks


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