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Severn Estuary / Barrage

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1 Severn Estuary / Barrage

2 INTRODUCTION The Severn Estuary is a huge diverse area with fascinating natural, cultural and geographical features .You will investigate these features along with researching future plans for the estuary in the form of a Severn Barrage. You will present your thoughts on the pros and cons of these proposals. Present your findings in an interesting way for the rest of the class. Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

3 PROCESS Work in a group of four to conduct your research. Share the tasks out because you will not have time to individually complete them all. When you create your presentation remember your audience Gather together frequently to check on progress Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

4 Task One Plans for a Severn Barrage have been about for a long time. On a map of the estuary mark the locations of the first and the most recent plans. Humans have used the Severn Estuary for thousands of years. Do a presentation to show this on a timeline Much of the Severn Estuary is protected. Draw a map to display the protected areas Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

5 Task Two The Severn Estuary is famous for its wildlife give an overview of the major species that rely on the estuary. What will happen to the estuary wildlife if a barrage is built? The Severn Bore is world renowned what will happen to it when the barrage is built Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

6 Task Three The Severn Barrage will provide sustainable energy. List the main benefits of the scheme Some people would rather lagoons built. Research the benefits and pitfalls of both the barrage and lagoons. Make a group conclusion as to which one your group would support and present it to the class. Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

7 Task Four There are a number of methods to create clean sustainable energy. Research as many methods as you can and present them in a concise simple form for the rest of the class. Create a working model of one method of creating sustainable power. Remember to use appropriate vocabulary in all your work. Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

8 RESOURCES Barrage 1849 Estuary Timeline Severn Wildlife Maps
History of Severn Barrage Tidal Power Support Against Environmental issues Sustainable energy Wind power Tidal Power Severn Barrage Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

9 EVALUATION Beginning Developing Extending Task One Task Two Task Three
Map produced one location mapped correctly. Time line has some information correctly placed. Some conservation areas identified Map of barrage locations correct. Time line has most of the periods marked but not all. Most of the conservation areas are mapped but not all Map of barrage locations correct. Time line contains all major periods. All conservation areas located and mapped correctly Task Two Some of the wildlife identified but very limited eg birds only. Limited view as to consequences of barrage. Severn bore not mentioned Two categories of wildlife listed. Only one side of the Barrage argument addressed. Severn bore mentioned but no conclusions drawn Extensive list of wildlife identified in all categories. Arguments for and against the barrage identified. Consequences for the Severn Bore discussed Task Three Limited benefits mentioned. Benefits of only one method barrage/ lagoon discussed. Group not clear as to which method is the preferred method Some benefits mentioned but not a balanced debate. Both methods discussed but not in depth. Group not clear of preferred option. Wide range of benefits outlined for both methods. Balanced discussion between both methods undertaken. Clear decission as to the groups preferred method Task Four Limited identification of methods of producing sustainable energy. Model attempted but does not work Main methods of creating sustainable power identified. Presentation shows promise. Model produced and works Wide ranging examples of methods of sustainable energy presented concisely. Working model of sustainable energy creation made Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

10 Well done you are all now well read and experts in sustainable methods of producing energy.
In the future you will be able to use this knowledge to influence what might happen around the Severn Estuary. Make sure you take up that opportunity when the time comes. Good Luck! Introduction Process Task Task Task Task Resources Evaluation

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