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NIHR Research Training Opportunities

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Presentation on theme: "NIHR Research Training Opportunities"— Presentation transcript:

1 NIHR Research Training Opportunities
Rebecca Savage Senior Programme Manager Trainees Coordinating Centre

2 National Institute for Health Research
Established 2006 as a vehicle for implementing Government’s strategy for applied health research £1b annual spend Vision: To improve the health and wealth of the nation through research

3 NIHR Remit People and patient based applied health research
Research capacity to improve health/healthcare Patients, samples or data from patients, people who are not patients, populations, health technology assessment and health services research Clearly demonstrate the potential to have an impact on the needs of patients and the public within 5 years of its completion No basic research or work involving animals and/or animal tissue NIHR is also prepared to support research into medical education

4 Medical Education Research
‘The NIHR is also prepared to support high quality research into 'medical education' (defined broadly as education for healthcare providers).  Whilst this area of research need not fulfil the criterion of having 'potential for benefiting patients and the public within 5 years of its completion', it is expected that the research will have the potential to have practical application.’



7 NIHR Fellowships Programme
Salary Full tuition fees (for PhD) Research costs Full training and development Awards 3 years full time (part-time options of 75% or 60%) or up to 5 years for SRF Can be based at HEI or NHS Trust Annual competition for all levels Next launch – October 2016

8 Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (NIHR PDF)
NIHR Fellowships Doctoral Research Fellowship (NIHR DRF) Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (NIHR PDF) Doctoral Training Award 3 Years Full Time Applicant: Some previous research experience Some outputs from research Evidence of commitment to research career Early Post Doctoral Fellowship 3 years Full Time Eligibility: ≤3 yrs WTE post-doc research experience Applicant: PhD submitted by 20th January 2016 and awarded by 29th April 2016. Outputs from research Evidence of commitment to research career Research experience from award of PhD to application 8

9 Senior Research Fellowship (NIHR SRF)
NIHR Fellowships Career Development Fellowship (NIHR CDF) Senior Research Fellowship (NIHR SRF) Later Post-Doctoral Fellowship 3 Years Full Time Eligibility: ≤ 7/8 yrs WTE post-doc research experience Applicant: PhD/MD and postdoctoral experience Significant output from research Evidence of increasing independence Experience of developing research skills of others Most Senior NIHR Fellowship 5 years ( Chair) Applicant: Significant postdoctoral experience Outstanding publication record Independence Leadership potential Record of research capacity development Add – usually more senior people already have another NIHR fellowship 9

10 NIHR Fellowships Transitional Research Fellowship (NIHR TRF)
Postdoctoral award (≤ 5 yrs WTE Post Doctorate) 18 months to 2 years FT or PT Applicant: PhD/MD and maybe postdoctoral experience Individuals from any scientific discipline wanting to contribute to improving health or healthcare e.g. basic scientists moving to applied health research Individuals who have had their research careers interrupted e.g. career break, who can identify clear training needs Proposed research must be within the NIHR remit

11 NIHR Fellowships Doctoral Research Post Doctoral Career Development
Senior Research Transitional Research Total Round 3 (Awarded 2010) 158 32 59 7 35 4 10 1 - 262 44 Round 4 (Awarded 2011) 155 28 82 16 58 11 19 2 314 57 Round 5 (Awarded 2012) 217 34 105 41 6 382 Round 6 (Awarded 2013) 185 30 86 15 5 3 337 54 Round 7 (Awarded 2014) 99 55 18 367 Round 8 (Awarded 2015) 162 33 96 61 8 335

12 NIHR Fellowships – application numbers

13 NIHR Fellowships – success rates


15 Assessment Process Eligibility and fit with remit TCC Shortlisting
Lead reviewers Whole Panel meeting Peer review (post doc levels) Relevant expert reviewers Interview

16 Interview Panels between members + NIHR/HEE/DH staff and observers 5 minute presentation 2 lead interviewers 1st focusses on research project 2nd focusses on training plan, supervision, career Open questions from whole Panel Public Panel members Focus on PPI Practice, Practice, Practice!!

17 Pre-application Know the process and the remit: Know your audience:
Look at the website Read the guidance Contact the NIHR TCC with any queries Know your audience: Look up previous award holders, panel members, topics Start early: Identify supervisors and collaborators Speak to the Research Design Service Consider all options

18 Application Person Trajectory Career outputs
Project or programme of research Scientific quality and sound methodology Appropriate scale and scope Relevance of the Question Literature Review Impact of Findings Fit with Remit Involvement of patients and the public

19 Application Training Meets needs of candidate and project
Host environment (institution, supervisor, mentor) RAE/REF rating Track record in relevant field Time and commitment Take Advice from: Supervisors / mentors Collaborators Methodologist (s) Finance Lead Patients

20 Application Do not miss the deadline!! Approvals and sign off
Are the relevant people available Don’t be last minute and… Do not miss the deadline!! (Check your spelling)

21 Interview Practice Mock interviews are usually the worst Presentation
Not too many slides Don’t go over time Behaviour It is OK to be nervous Confident but not over confident Don’t get defensive Admit what you don’t know and be happy to take advice Relax and be yourself

22 Interview The project Know it inside and out
Has anything altered since submission? Know the methods and identify the expertise Think through alternatives Training and Development Identify your training needs How will the training support your project and future career intentions The future you Be clear where you want to be What is does this fellowship mean to your career

23 NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre Leeds Innovation Centre
103 Clarendon Road Leeds LS2 9DF Tel: Fax: @NIHR_trainees

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