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Wonderful Sunday School Children!!

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1 Wonderful Sunday School Children!!

2 1. What sweeping statement did Solomon make about life
1. What sweeping statement did Solomon make about life? (Ecclesiastes 1:2)  One generation passes away, and another generation comes  The sun also rises, and the sun goes down  "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless."  All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full  The thing that has been, it is that which shall be Answer: 3

3 2. What cycles didn’t Solomon describe?
(Ecclesiastes 1:3-10, 3:15)  One generation passes away, and another generation comes  The sun also rises, and the sun goes down  Spring, then summer, then fall, then winter  All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full  The thing that has been, it is that which shall be Answer: 3

4 3. Who will be forgotten?(Ecclesiastes 1:11)
 Men of old, those who are yet to come and those that shall come after  Teachers  Parents  Great people  None of the above Answer: 1

5 4. What does worldly wisdom and knowledge
bring? (Ecclesiastes 1:18)  Sorrow & Grief  Happiness  Wealth  Health  None of the above Answer: 1

6 5. How did Solomon try to cheer himself?
(Ecclesiastes 2:3)  He tried cheering himself with wine  He tried cheering himself with wealth  He tried cheering himself with wisdom  He tried cheering himself with laughter  None of the above Answer: 1

7 6. From what did Solomon deny himself?
(Ecclesiastes 2:10)  He denied not my heart from any joy  He denied myself nothing his eyes desired  He denied not my heart from any pleasure  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 2

8 7. What conclusion did Solomon reach when
he considered all he had achieved? (Ecclesiastes 2:11)  All was vanity and vexation of spirit  He was a success  There was no profit under the sun  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1,3

9 8. Why did Solomon begin to hate the things for
which he had worked? (Ecclesiastes 2:17-23)  Because he would have to leave them to someone else who might be a fool  Because moths eat them  Because things rust  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

10 9. What is the best thing for man to do regarding
his labor?(Ecclesiastes 2:24)  To eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work  To embrace a new life  To sleep early and wake up early  To speak and laugh  None of the above Answer: 1

11 10. What has God set in the hearts of people?
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)  He has set fame in the hearts of men  He has set beauty in the hearts of men  He has set eternity in the hearts of men  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 3

12 11. In what sense is man like a beast?
(Ecclesiastes 3:18-21)  A time to be born, and a time to die  A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing  A time to sleep and a time to wake up  A time to speak and a time to keep silence  A time to weep, and a time to laugh Answer: 1

13 12. What did Solomon see taking place  He saw all the oppression
under the sun?(Ecclesiastes 4:1)  He saw all the oppression  He saw all the comforter  He saw all the power  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

14 13. Why are two better than one?
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)  If they fall, the one will lift up his fellow  If they plan, two heads are better than one  If they travel, this reduces loneliness  If they travel, this provides protection  None of the above Answer: 1

15 14. How should a person go to the house of God?
(Ecclesiastes 5:1)  Be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools  Be ready to worship  Bring a sacrifice of praise  Enter His courts with thanksgiving  None of the above Answer: 1

16 15. How did Solomon encourage us to conduct
ourselves in the house of God? (Ecclesiastes 5:2-3)  Do not be quick with your mouth  Do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God  Do be quick with your mouth  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1, 2

17 16. What should you NOT defer to pay?
(Ecclesiastes 5:4-7)  Bills  Offerings  Vows to God  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 3

18 17. What is sweet to a laborer?
(Ecclesiastes 5:12)  Food  His wages  Sleep  Water  None of the above Answer: 3

19 18. What is the " a sore evil" ? (Ecclesiastes 5:13)  The abundance of food  The abundance of wages  The abundance of insects  Wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner  None of the above Answer: 4

20 19. What is good and proper for a person to do?
(Ecclesiastes 5:18)  To eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun  To find satisfaction in his wages  To sleep well in his toilsome labor  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

21 20. What is never satisfied?(Ecclesiastes 6:7)
 His possessions  His wages  His sleep  His appetite  None of the above Answer: 4

22 21. What is better than desire?
(Ecclesiastes 6:9)  Hope  Pleasure  Promises  The sight of the eyes  None of the above Answer: 4

23 22. What did Solomon conclude about words?
(Ecclesiastes 6:11)  They don’t profit anyone  They don’t give pleasure  They don’t give hope  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

24 23. What is better than fine perfume?
(Ecclesiastes 7:1)  A good name  Fame  Knowledge  Wealth  None of the above Answer: 1

25 24. What advantage does Solomon say about
wisdom? (Ecclesiastes 7:11-12)  Wisdom gives hope to them that have it  Wisdom gives life to them that have it  Wisdom gives fame to them that have it  Wisdom gives wealth to them that have it  None of the above Answer: 2

26 25. What is more bitter than death?
(Ecclesiastes 7:26)  Bad advice  Strong drink  The woman, whose heart is snares and nets  Wine  None of the above Answer: 3

27 26. What does wisdom do for a person?
(Ecclesiastes 8:1)  It makes his face to shine  It makes the king's command obey  It makes the wise man keep away from women  It makes the wise man keep away from wine  None of the above Answer: 1

28 27. Why are the hearts of people set to do evil?
(Ecclesiastes 8:11)  Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily  Because they are tempted  Because they do not know the word of God  Because of their fallen nature  None of the above Answer: 1

29 28. What did Solomon conclude about people
who are God-fearing? (Ecclesiastes 8:12)  They are bad  They are well  They will take on the snare  Their days will be prolonged  None of the above Answer: 2

30 29. How did Solomon describe human nature?
(Ecclesiastes 9:3)  Hearts of men are full of evil  Hearts of men are full of hope  Hearts of men are full of sorrow  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

31 30. What should you do with all your might?
(Ecclesiastes 9:10)  That which you are asked to do  That which the ruler commands  What you enjoy doing  Whatever your hand finds to do  None of the above Answer: 4

32 31. What happens to all? (Ecclesiastes 9:11)
 Time & Chance  Hope  Sorrow  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

33 32. What does a little folly outweigh?
(Ecclesiastes 10:1)  Wisdom and honor  Good perfume  The sort of error  High positions  None of the above Answer: 1

34 33. What evil arising from the error of a ruler did
Solomon see?(Ecclesiastes 10:5-7)  He has seen fools are put in many high positions, while the rich occupy the low ones.  He has seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth  He has seen fools are put in many low positions  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1,2

35 34. Of what is a fool full? (Ecclesiastes 10:14)
 Food  Pride  Vanity  Words  None of the above Answer: 4

36 35. What answers all things? (Ecclesiastes 10:19)
 Knowledge  Money  Power  Wisdom  None of the above Answer: 2

37 36. Why should you cast your bread upon
the waters? (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2)  It digests better when wet  It will not return to you void  To soften it if it is dry  You shall find it after many days  None of the above Answer: 4

38 37. What advice did Solomon have for the young?
(Ecclesiastes 11:9)  Be happy, while you are young  Let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth  Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see  Know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment  All of the above Answer: 5

39 38. What should a person do in their youth?
(Ecclesiastes 12:1)  Be baptized in water  Remember his Creator  Receive the Holy Ghost  Repent  Study the Word of God Answer: 2

40 39. What did the Teacher search for?
(Ecclesiastes 12:10)  The right words  The right books  The right speeches  The right thoughts  None of the above Answer: 1

41 40. What did Solomon give as a conclusion?
(Ecclesiastes 12:13)       Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man  Love God with all your heart, soul and mind  Love your neighbor as yourself  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

42 Congratulations!! 첨성대

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