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Let’s moved forward and make someone’s day!

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s moved forward and make someone’s day!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s moved forward and make someone’s day!
CCM Team Building Proposal

2 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Issues: Lack of Communication Lack of Trust Lack of Teamwork

3 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Objectives: To align them to their shared purpose, goals and targets To establish a positive team culture, the beliefs, values and norms of behavior Improving Communication Making the workplace more enjoyable Improving team productivity

4 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Workshop title: “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!” Workshop Description: This workshop will resolve and strengthen the communication, trust and team work of all members through lecture and team activities.

5 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Methodology: Lectures - Resolving Conflicts and strengthening team work. ( Note: c/o speaker ) Group Exercises – Games

6 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Activities – Indoor Duration Activity Content 30 – 45 minutes Drop the ball • Purpose: Cooperation and healthy competition • Participants: minimum of 5 per group • Materials needed: Golf balls, straws, tape The Mine Field • Purpose: The idea behind this exercise is to improve team members’ trust, their relationship, and to communicate in a more effective way. • Participants: Team members are paired into teams of two • Materials Needed: You will need an open space such as an empty room or hallway in which you will distribute ‘mines’ that are placed haphazardly around the area. The ‘mine’s can be cones, balls, bottles etc. 30 minutes Human Knot • Purpose: This game will rely heavily on teamwork and communication. • Participants: Recommended group size includes a wide range of 8-20 people. • Materials Needed: No materials needed 2 ½ Pool Party • To unwind

7 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Activities – Indoor Drop the ball Instructions: Each small group receives 12 straws and 18 inches of masking tape. They get ten minutes to build a container that will catch a golf ball dropped from about ten feet. Each group selects a ‘ball dropper’ — that person stands on a chair, holds a golf ball at eye level. That group places its container on the floor under where it thinks the ball will land. Each group gets three attempts. The group that gets a ball to go in and stay in its container wins. Desired outcome: Teams can use their experiences in the game to overcome work problems and relational issues.

8 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Activities – Indoor The Mine Field Instructions: Team members are paired into teams of two. One team member will be blindfolded and the other can see and talk, but is not allowed to enter the field or touch their partner. The challenge is for the blind-folded person to walk from one side of the field to the other, avoiding the mines by listening to the verbal instructions of their partners. (Optional: Have more than 1 pair walking through the mine simultaneously, so the difficulty of focusing and listening to the right instructions increases)

9 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Activities – Indoor Human Knot Instructions: Instruct the participants to stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder. Tell everyone to put their right hand in the air and grab the hand of someone standing across the circle from them. Now tell everyone to put their left hand in the air and grab the hand of a different person. Someone needs to check that everyone is holding the hands of two different people and that no one is holding the hand of someone who’s standing directly next to them. The objective of the game is to untangle everyone without letting go of their hands. If the chain is broken, participants will have to start over. Note: sometimes >1 circle will form.

10 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Activities – Outdoor Duration Activity Content 2 hours Amazing Race • Divide group into 2 to 3 ( 10 people ) • To win the race each group will need cooperation and strategy to pass each challenge on every stop over until they get to the finish line. • Debrief and group discussion ( c/o facilitator) 2 ½ hours Pool Party • To unwind

11 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Learning Outcomes: Improvement on CCM employees productivity Decrease attrition rate of CCM employees

12 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Schedule Origin Date Time Contingency No. of participants Philippines Saturday 1st week of the month of March 2015 9:00 – 18:00 Spike & ME 32 North America & ASPAC 2nd week of the month of March 2015 Spike & EU 30 Middle East 1st week of the month of April 2015 Spike , ASPAC, NAM & EU 28 Europe / Shipping Cart / FB / 2nd week of the month of April Spike, CMOS, Phil, ASPAC & NAM 21 Spike/ CMOS / Outbound 1st week of the month of May Phil, NAM, EU Note: Once schedule is approved, we will coordinate with Workforce to identify the agents for each batch as well as those who will function as contingency.

13 “Let’s MOVE forward and make someone’s day!”
Note: Please see the attached files for reference to the Team Building Packages and Menu from Gratchi's. Gratchi's is also LBC’s venue on the last Team Building activity that was held. This is also referred by Corp Training Team.

14 Thank you!

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